🤗 See ya later, alligator 🐊

in #community5 years ago

Sitting here

... reminiscing over the past almost 3 years, laughing... thinking "Come on, writer!!! Write! Tell a story that does these years justice. Share memories that will get everyone laughing. Express thanks. Send love. Say goodbye."

But... I can't. 🤯 No post can do it justice.

We live in a time where we think moments need to be captured on our cameras, posted online, or evaluated by others - in order to matter. Have you ever been witnessing some amazing spectacle, and your phone dies?! Gah! No more ability to record it! After a few frustrating seconds, you're forced to just soak it in and memorize each detail with your grey matter. 🧐 You will never be able to show anyone else in the world what you're seeing - you can only enjoy it for you, and marinate in it.

So, I guess exactly what these years meant to me - will have to stay inside my head. All I can say is..

Thank you for impacting my life.

I had a list of Steemian names, and I was going to write words to honor each of you, and then I thought... They already know 💞 I've told them all along the way.

Because I am stubborn 😎

and usually find a way around the system - especially when it's being forced on me, I've decided to keep the best part of steemit and toss the garbage.

So while I won't be publishing posts (not really that big of a deal)- I will be commenting on the posts of the community that I have fallen in love with.

While I won't be giving upvotes (and taking half back for myself on the stupidest, greediest plan ever new proposal), I will be giving 100% of my appreciation as tips from @tipu. (YAY @cardboard - Thank you for giving us the option of dropping tips from our tip jar!!! hehehe Who knew it would change my Steem experience from the FIRST day I got one until now and continuing! )

Why tips? Because I think supporting the community is the best way to support steem. (and make no mistake about it - I still love the concept of steem, I just hate the greed that has overshadowed the potential.) Truly supporting someone should be about supporting THEM - not what you can earn off of them.

One final thought? Find a newbie you connect with. Take them under your wing, and TRULY support them. Then, teach them how to do the same thing. It might not matter to all of steemit, but it will matter to that one.

Precious necklace from my precious daughter


And in the end...
... the love we make, is great than the love, we take!

yes indeed sir! though - i sure am taking a lot of love with me!

Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday

Hi bluefinstudios the SHADE tokens are on the way.
Thanks for sharing SHADE
To view or Trade SHADE visit steem-engine.com

This was a beautiful thought. You've been heard.

by the ones that matter to me :) yes thanks

Aww, I'm sorry to see you go. I keep thinking that the community-minded Steemians could make a big difference if we didn't get burned out by the out-for-themselves ones. Do reconsider! <3

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oh... believe me hehehehe its been talking and talking and asking them to compromise and reconsider their position.... but the disrespect to content creators has been real, saddening, and clear. (if you read any of my posts from last week - or even @shadowspub's today... you'll see it too)
i was a true believer. they've snuffed that out from me and I have accepted it and am ready to grow elsewhere.

but thank you for your concern! (and the concern for the platform!) wishing you the best !!! (and maybe you'll still see me flitting around, dropping comments and encouragement for people hehehe)

Love you lady - keep in touch!!! xxx

Oh yes... Am3gas 4 life.lolol

Was just talking to your sister hehehe we are still dreeming of the am3gas get together... I know it will happen... I just don't know how yet. Hehehe

My Dear @dreemsteem,

Thank you for the lovely visit this morning. <3

As I suspect it is largely my fault that you were ever here to make Steemit great, I guess it is my responsibility to help usher you out...

It's been real. It's been good. It's been really good... :D

I wish you all the best with Spunkee Monkee and of course with life, the universe, and everything.

As I said to you this morning, I hope to persuade you to build the future of the Monkees on BEOS, that new and amazing and wonderful blockchain bridging the BTS and EOS worlds.


Created by @stan and his wonderful and generous partners, I am convinced that BEOS is the place to be, and that (rather than re-invent the wheel) you will be able to build an amazing Monkee Universe there.

I know you're stubborn...

But I just might be the irresistible force to your immovable object... ;)

Much love,

- @creatr

Wiping a few tears away, here. You're such a lovely soul and an inspiration, @dreemsteem. People look up to you, learn from you, enjoy your presence. I hope you say a little something from time to time so your beautiful voice is not snuffed out.

Truly supporting someone should be about supporting THEM - not what you can earn off of them.

It's true. As I've said, I'm hoping that people who don't know how to blog and live in fear of writing anything from the heart take hope in this new model, and that there is an upside to the HF changes. I hope we see some benefits, and that it's not just a pay cut for content producers, but a nice pay raise for those who support and nurture new Steemians. Maybe I just look at life through rose-colored glasses, or maybe I don't understand the full impact (which is quite likely). I plan to adjust to the change. It has always been about blogging, connecting and supporting community for me. I don't see that changing.

So I'll still see you on Discord, right? Sending you love and hugs.

I still can't really believe it that you left. Even when you told us and were quite clear about it, I guess I didn't want to believe... And now it's here: you've left us.
Out of all people, I kinda thought you'd be one of those to stick around with me here...
I understand though...don't have to agree about the why's and what's exactly, but I understand nevertheless. You're one heck of a woman, and I really hope we get to stay in touch. Or else I'll just have to drop in on your doorstep on one of our worldschool journeys...
I LOVE you lady, the one and only @dreemsteem.

I'll make sure that I'll read this post later, found it in #PYPT channel

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Such a shame to see one of my fav steemIt users leave. We’re all put our heart and passion into every post even if they not perfect I guess it’s the effort what counts. Such a shame these so called whitnesses are so greedy and no longer care for the smal users. We all supported them but now they don’t care about us. Money talks I guess it’s a huge loss to see you go and honestly if good people like yourself keep going then maybe time has come... 😢

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hehehehe ummm i have too much fun with that :) guess where i still will be? PYPT hehehe so - you get your butt in there and we can still giggle together! and.... planning a meetup next year with @enginewitty. (right Witty??? am i officially on Witty Committee?? hahahaha) and you should totally come!!!! dont say no. don't say you'll think about it.

say yes. yes is the best :)

Gotham is chaos without you 😉. And Oof I must come down to the pypt I had WiFi issues today but next week I’ll be there 😜. And Oof a meet-up but I live in the small island of England (I mean erm Gotham). But Yano I’m just a poor boy nobody loves me 🤣 ok I’ll stop rambling now lol

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that is so weird... i could have sworn there were clear directions to say YES.


look.... its a year away! and you can use the dreemie savings fund hahahaha (ask @bluefinstudios about it - its all the rage, don't ya know)

and... its like 6 hours for you to fly to the east coast. and guess what... also 6 hours for me!

so - meet in the middle

just say yes. :)

you can do it Batman!!! GOTHAM NEEDS YOU. lol

Oof clearly the bat 🦇 doesn’t follow the rules 😜 I’m a bad bat 😜. Oof omg you really like to beg. Lady I hate flying 1 it’s boring in the sky 2 got damn servers turbulence doesn’t sound good either and 3 doesn’t America have that weird Bermuda Triangle thing 🤣 lol I have 100s more excuses like I’m poor I’m this I’m that but I’ll stop so you don’t have to read a lot 🤣. I have a year to save okay let’s see rob a bank 🤣. If I did go I’d be the youngest there too 😬

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1.you love flying

  1. I will send you something fun to make it not boring in the sky
  2. Turbulence is fun! Like a rollercoaster!! Hehee
  3. You will fly far away from the Bermuda Triangle
  4. Start saving now Batman!!!
  5. Young people are so fun!!!

Omg dreem you listed all the stuff I hate doing 🤣 oh great what you sending me ayyyyy??? 🤣. I’ve only experienced some turbulence that wasn’t too bad I guess but had me login on edge 😜. Idk where the triangle is I thought it was near Florida 😂 I will start saving but where does the money come from I need a job I need cash I need a life 🤣 ngl your such a goodbegger 😂 to get me to come 🤦‍♂️

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Begging is my specialty... Lololol... But I only beg for things I reeeeeeeally want

So.. ☺️

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