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RE: Glass Half Empty Or Half Full?

in #community6 years ago

I think all our cups runneth over, more than we know or care to admit at times, @fitnfun. Thank you for sharing the Psalm. :)

And I think the story behind that is, regardless of what is going on in our lives, even when things are not looking so great, there is goodness, there is mercy, and there is hope. So, what are we going to do with the hand that we're dealt? Aside from any blessings the Lord sees fit to bestow upon us (and it's so often more than we realize), we too need to be doing things to get us to the good times and through the bad times.


Aside from any blessings the Lord sees fit to bestow upon us (and it's so often more than we realize)

I think it is always more than we realize.

I have had poor health and a lot of near death experiences. I think every day I get to open my eyes and strive again is a blessing I do not take for granted.

Also - some times those "bad times" are "good times" in disguise :)

I'm glad I saw this post and it gives me a lot to think about.