Dust Sweeper – Turn ‘Dust’ Votes Into Profit

in #community6 years ago (edited)


Hello all! I’d like to endorse a fantastic initiative called @dustsweeper and it’s creators @davemccoy and Steem Witness @danielsaori, to all of my diehard screaming fans out there (all 337of you while writing this, half of them probably fake). Please also consider voting @danielsaori as a witness just like me! I recommend that anyone stumbling upon this post, go and check out his profile to see for yourself at how many great community minded projects he is involved in on steemit, that benefits us all.

But before I begin with the hard sell, please allow me to share a couple of completely irrelevant stories about my childhood. Why? Well why not…

When I was a tiny movable object, I realised from early on that my father was a tyrranical dictator. He was constantly on our backs to help with his home ‘projects’. His favourite hobby was to smash the door down at 7am on the weekends, and say “It’s midday, why are you still sleeping? We have things to do!!!” Yep, that is called Greek dad ‘time’ folks, where somehow their clock is completely out of sync with reality. Those ‘things’ were moving used bricks from one corner of the yard to the other every week for about the first 12 years of my life, because we just had nothing better to do! Funnily enough every time those bricks moved, they constantly got in the way of the next project he had for us. It was a neverending cycle.

So finally one sunny morning, he told us to move the bricks to a completely different and new location. He told us “Today, a bricklayer is on his way to build us a new fence”. My brother and I had smiles from ear to ear. We thought FInallllyyyyyy it’s over!!! So we asked him him why are we building a new fence, when there’s nothing wrong with the one we already have.

He said “We need to make room for the new bricks that are being delivered tomorrow”. WTF…. 😠 😣 😡

MORAL OF THE STORY…Dusty bricks have value, so use them to build a fence.



Now onto my dear mother….She had a duster at her diposal within arms length at all times.. Why? It was a damn conspiracy! Everywhere she looked there was dust. If she could have surgery to attach a duster to her hip permanently, she would have done it, guaranteed! So one day of course, I asked my mother “Why are you so obsessed with dust?” She smiled and said, “Without dust, there would be no new life”.

So the other day, I told her about steemit for the first time, and about the @dustsweeper idea, and she got all excited with the very mentionng of the word dust, of course. She was so into the idea, that I ceated a steemit account for her called mummysweeper, so she can see it in action first hand. @mummysweeper loves it!

MORAL OF THE STORY….To regenerate life, you must first sweep away the old dust.


So there you have it…’Old stuff’ can be recycled and re-used for many purposes, and you may even profit from it! Which is where we come full circle and back to the original point of this post:- @dustsweeper!

designed by @charisma777

Here is a very brief explanation of how it works and how it can help everyone, but in particular newbiews and minnows. @dustsweeper finds any upvotes attributed to your account up to 6 days old that are considered ‘dust’ (below the thresholed that is considered for payout) and sweeps them with an upvote, to turn that same 'dust' into a profitable vote. How cool is that!

Here is the original post, where you can find an in depth explanation of how it all works from the official account of @dustsweeper itself.

I have personally committed myself to this initiative by becoming a life supporter. I will support it until I kick the dust!

Until the day you kick the dust, they will sweep your dust (but don't worry they won't clean you up).




As always, have a great day and PEACE



am using this it works perfectly. :) its nice to get the dust out less frustration
good to get more user aware of this to. feels this should be common knowledge.

Thanks mate have enjoyed reading your post upvote and resteemd

This is absolutely hilarious @palikari123 :) .... I love it and sure that @danielsaori will too :) ... I am excited to meet your mom @mummysweeper :) ... this won't win any curies, but if I had a vote it would ;)

Son of Zeus knows he won’t be getting any curie support. He has the healthy support of a whale some days. Plus, real life politics is a no no with curie and that’s his interest.

this was funny huh? I loved it.. I loved how he could weave his childhood visions into a post about a dust bot :P lol

What do you think of this bot sweeper?

hahaha... that bot works like tons of bots around here lol

Yeah, this is the coder who made that bot.

@palikari123 haha... you have almost as good of a mind as @beeyou lol :P

Thanks @davemccoy:) Glad you enjoyed it, and it was a lot of fun writing this for your project. Very easy to write something positive when I can see first hand how amazing it really is...working like a charm the old dust bot! Not gonna change my writing style to win awards, it's just me, or beeyou? 😁😎

Just beeyou, that works. 🙂 I have to loop back around to read this, you know reading anything more than a one-liner meme or giphy exacerbates what brain cells I have left.

Oh silly B 💙💚🤣 you're funny!! So good to bump into you! Have you seen this info about dead witnesses i thought of you when i saw it. It's so simple to use! I try my best and still had 2 dead witness that i had voted in!! Mommamia 🌱🍋💚

Hi @davemccoy!! What a cool thing you started up here with dust sweeper! I need ta jump on this train! Very enjoyable post @palikari123 🌸🍓🌸 nice of you to share such an enjoyable story!! TY

omgosh @yogajill, you have surpassed anything ever with this color-filled comment :) ... I love it :) ... And yes @palikari123 did an incredible job on the post and I can't wait to meet @mummysweeper :P

Thanks for the compliment and glad you like @dustsweeper too Jill!

Hi @yogajill, happy to see you here! That is so sweet how you always think of me when you come across a witness post. I haven’t seen that post, but will make some time to stop by and read. To be honest, real life is so busy that I haven’t been on Steemit much lately. I can’t wait until life gets less busy so I can come back and enjoy the convos on here.

I'm looking forward to your honest review @beeyou lloll

Finally made my way back. Mummysweeper would be proud how you’re making dust great again. I’m surprised you didn’t grow up to be a bricklayer given all that childhood experience with bricks. Or perhaps you are one but just enjoy the world of politics too. 😉

This post reminds me of your Greek Easter writing style. Fun & entertaining, not at all tainted with the sarcastic humor we all seem to develop after some time on this lovely platform.

Tanks for coming back with your review.....To get over the trauma I listen to this song.

Ok, I just found out Pink Floyd is not my style. 😜

That's ok, I forgive you 😂🚁✈🚀

And thank you for coming back to read & comment. I hope even a few people found out about dustsweeper and how cool it really is!

do you mean irratates? exfoliates? hibernates? (I think those giphy's are getting to you)

Haha, yeah, any one of those terms will do. My mind is useless most days.

lol... funny @beeyou... @headchange said you were quite funny, I told her that depends on the day ;)

ok I heard Gina call. Now I got Floyd and a scarecrow. Did you guys know if you scroll down a bit he syncs up real nice.
Yep @beeyou is truly funny corrupted but funny.

hahaha... yes... Gina is lots of fun in the beginning... but just wait... you will find that she can be a bitch!

And are you saying that @palikari123 and @doomsdaychassis corrupted our sweet sweet @beeyou?

Lol @headchange. I just told @palikari123 that pink floyd is not for me. Somehow, the song is fitting with the scarecrow..

I am sooo not corrrupted..well, if I am, blame the troublemaker guys.

lol... she said it below already! Forever in search of curie, I think me and you will go down as the last 2 without one!

I literally have it in my signature that I 100% will never get a curie vote :)

@doomsdaychassis .... lol... I should add that in mine too ;)

We csn be the never get curied gang and go around robbing trains and whales. Lol.

lol.... yes, they can write stories about us in the future (and get curied) lol

Oh well, there's other ways for me to earn lol...they sound a bit snobbish anyway hahahaha

I'm with you on this one, 100% don't care! ;)

Add me onto that list. I’m happy to be a member of our small party.

no no no, you will make it... I have a hunch that you will find a way to make that butter turn into a cash machine with those great posts ;)

I love dust sweeper but I love that brick story even more. That kind of thing is only so funny because of the grain of truth. People like that do exist and I know where there is a pile of bricks to prove it. 😏

lol, thanks...stories from our own life experiences, can truly be hilarious in hindsight:)

My dad also had a pile of rocks we moved from one side of the yard to the other every time we said we were bored or had nothing to do. It sucked. We lived in Arkansas where the old saying is for every rock you pick up 2 more grow back. It is true. lol.

Hehe, basically the same story with a slight twist. You sound like you had a rocky childhood:)