Get Paid To Confess #4! Crypto Confessions Upvoted & Best Confession Wins 5SBD Prize!

in #community7 years ago

Get Paid To Confess #4!

Every confession get's an upvote! The best confession wins 5 SBD!

You must upvote & resteem this post!

source unknown

New year, new Rektoning! How 💯💯💯Rekt are you? 2018 has begun and you already lost half your portfolio, your parents kicked you and your mining rig out of their basement, your girlfriend/boyfreind left you for an $TRX shill, you still think XRP is a crypto and your normie freinds could care less. Luckily for you Satoshi wants to hear your confessions and even pay you for them!

Welcome to "Get Paid To Confess"


Let's have some fun! Tell us your crypto confessions and every confession will receive a forgiving upvote for the next 6 days. The better your confession, the better the vote. The winning submission taking home the 5SBD prize!

You must upvote & resteem this post!

We confess we borrowed this idea from Catoshi Catamoto AT Cryptonoobie on Twitter, a good guy to follow.

Congratulations to @empato365 for showing us who he truly is. That was an honest confession! He won the 5 SBD!

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I once helped develop a BTC incubator in NYC... now the founder has started an off branch of what I helped develop.... Due to my stupidity I stopped helping and now he is worth billions and I never got anything. :(

I also knocked my tower off a desk and fried my hard drive... my BTC wallet is forever gone with my BTC encased in a grave of doom... :(

Have Shillbert on the phone, says he's never heard of you, will give you a hot tip on ETC though.

We all make stupid mistakes. Say 3 satoshis, write down your privates keys! and all is forgiven.

my confession is universal. I am tired of waiting for the cryptomarkets to bounce back. Everytime it seems like it's ready to bounce back i get "syke not really". That has happened twice already. I'm hoping a third time a going to be a charm.

Satoshis is currently on vacation so you will have to say 3 satoshis and forgive yourself. Hopefull he'll be back next week, but the weather is pretty bad in the North Pole this time of year so don't count on it.

The prayer worked, the market is bouncing back after more positive news. Thanks Satoshi 😊

I told people I was worth over $100 on Steemit, I lied. I didn't want to people to think I've been wasting my time on Steemit.

(covers face)

You lied for a good reason. Unfortunately for you, Satoshi is on vacation in the North Pole so you will have to say 3 Satoshis and forgive yourself.

3 satoshis!!


I believe that could happen but the issue with that is it will make it quite hard for newbies don't you think so?

hi @leggy23 I don't quite understand your comment. Mind paraphrasing it?

My confession is about how I played myself. 😢
I knew I had sense at some point but when it came to time to use it, all common sense fled. I should have known better than to purchase crypto when it was rising. Cryptos in question... Xrp and etn. Now I'm paying for it 300fold. When it was low, I was biding my time. When it started rising, I made move to buy. The process got delayed by reasons that were not my fault 😠and I ended up buying at the peak price. Well guess what happened.

Price dropped.... Like a bombshell😒😒😒down down down. Then there was the crypto correction. It's a testimony that I'm still alive or maybe I'm just resilient but lesson learned.

Never again will I buy when it's rising. I'd rather not gamble my self away😢😢😢

You sir are not cut out for investing. Return to you job as a Walmart greeter, say 1 Satoshi and all is forgiven.

1 satoshi😢

I'm sorry, Satoshi, but I don't believe in the future of bitcoin. Today I traded SBD to Steem, fearing that SBD will be equal to 1$

Paranoid delusions will get you 💯REKT. Say 3 satoshis, we will fax your confession to him in the North Pole and let him decide whether or not to forgive a bitcoin blasphemer!

I fear that it will reach $1 too that's why I have my rewards at 100% SP.

While sbd price is more $1, use 50% reward

Not for me. I use 100% if SBD is cheaper than Steem.

Thanks @steemitbc for the last round.
_I confess that I invited my friends to upvote my last confession so that I can win the 5SBD

Son of a #@%*^! Honesty will only get you so far in life...

Satoshi just called from the North Pole and said you must say 3 Satoshis, solve world hunger, beg Elton John not to retire, tell us the answer to life, the universe, everything, and If you say 42 I'm gonna personally come over there and give you a noogie, and all is forgiven.

You are always honest anyway

You still deserve another win for the honesty

Here is my confession. I confess that i am almost a month old on Steemit and yet to have full grasp of its operation. Getting frustrated. Its paining me ouch

Might want to start with a profile pic... Say 1 Satoshi and we will carrier pigeon your confession up to Satoshi in the North Pole pleading for your forgiveness.

Be patient and consistent. Challenge yourself to learn one or 2 things about this platform everyday and before you know it, our will be a pro.

Oh yes. I have being doing that and it has being fun and helpful

I confess that I know nothing about crypto! I pretend that I do.

In my defense, Im working hard to learn and I joined Steemit because I figured this was the best place to learn about it. Confession number two, I really do know a little bit about crypto. I just dont fully understand it.


over and out

Oh no, Steemit is the place to learn about Steemit. If you want to learn about crypto you'll need to look at Medium, Twitter and youtube. @tracemayer and @notsofast are two good guys to follow and learn from. Follow the people they follow an you will be a pro in no time!

Say 1 Satoshi, beware of scammers and all is forgiven.

You're a smart one. That was a test and you passed. Congratulations! Thank you for the advice, I'll definitely check them out!


that time I dumped a bunch of steem and bought xrp - then it mooned and i made a fuck-ton and then bought double the steem back ;)

Strange because Steem and XRP mooned at the same time which would render each trade equal.... Better say 3 Satoshis and hope he is in a forgiving mood when he get's back from the North Pole.

Not the recent moon - the moon before this when xrp was 8 cents and mooned up to 42 - last april or may I think.

Ahhhh the flash crash moon period. Ok. Elon is sending the Falcon Heavy up. We'll ask him to drop your confession off in the North Pole, or include it with the flame thrower package so Satoshi can answer.

I must confess i was the one who made Alvaro Morata in Chelsea miss all 3 goals against Arsenal

Let me guess, you were making rude gestures at him with a hod dog? Say 1 Satoshi, always buy organic, grass fed hot dogs and all is forgiven.