The real competition

in #competition6 years ago



It is inspiring to compete especially when you stand a high chance of winning. After putting in the time and energy of improving your skills and abilities you would want to prove the point of being the best. That's human nature. We love the fame, recognition and the applause. The world would have definitely been an entirely different place if there was no competition. It would be boring. Competition, however, can turn ugly especially when it comes to life.

Anytime you find yourself belittling all that you have been able to achieve because of the seemingly greater successes of others, it will only end in frustration. The real competition in life is with yourself; becoming the best of you not necessarily being better than another person. We are all unique and if we will all recognize this truth and celebrate it, how happy this world will be. You are the only 'you' on this planet. No one has ever, is and will ever be exactly like you.

The world gives all of us the opportunity to express our uniqueness. Never waste your time, comparing yourself unnecessarily with others, you may be trading your fulfillment in life for less than its worth. Be happy about you. Compete with yourself. Outdo your past. Set new goals. Blaze new trails. Always remember that you don't have to be better than someone else to be valuable.