Be a Creator

in #compumatrix7 years ago

You are the CREATOR of your life! You can choose whatever experience you would like. It does take time to change, but you can do it! The process looks like this:

  1. Plant a good seed. Write what you want to create instead of what you are currently experiencing.
  2. Allow the seed to germinate and push through the soil. There will be a time of stepping into blind faith as you push through the dark soil up toward the light. This period feels like resistance and opposition, but you are developing and strengthening roots to sustain the beautiful plant you are creating. Follow promptings even when they don't make sense. You will learn from all promptings.
  3. Growth. As your seed breaks through the soil into a sprout, you will feel increased resolve and light from the sun. As you continue to grow, weeds will come and try to block your progress. Don't let them! Pull them out one by one. When you feel the darkness start to consume you, push toward the light and remove the weeds (patterns, beliefs, stories, etc.). Be patient. This process takes time as you experience momentous growth.
  4. Maturity and Harvest time! When you continue through the process stay true to your new belief (seed) the plant will reach full maturity and the fruit will be ready to harvest. The fruit is your gift and blessing to others around you. You get to share!

Today, choose an area of your life that you want to create something new. Write down what you want as positive statements as if it has already happened.
You ARE the creator of your life. What will you create?you_are_the_creator_of_your_own_destiny_by_kruxyk-d7i713b.jpg


Thanks so much for the prompt. Like you I believe that we are the creators of our own life. But I don't always begin my day by actually writing down what I am about to create in my day ~ As if it is already created.

I read an article recently here on Steemit talking about the difference between typing an affirmation out and physically writing it out. And then the added advantage that writing it in script gives as well, as it's a right-brained function.

So I've just written in flowing script in pastel and then coloured it in as well:

I have lots of time and space. ~Ally.

Its so amazing the unlimited things we can create in our lives! We can literally do whatever we set our minds to!

So true. Important then for us to find time during our day to stop everything and ponder: What am I doing right now that will add to the beauty and intelligence and love in my future. 🦋