What do you need to buy a computer
Role: Computer is an electric device that uses many things for our living. Because people need a lot of people because this device can be adapted to a person, so people need a computer.
What is on the computer: - A common computer that is mentioned below
What's on the computer: - A computer that has been mentioned is common
- A monitor
source - A motherboard
source - A power supply
source - A hard drive
source - A DVD
source - A CPO Casin
source - A kibot
source - A mouse
source - A sound box
If you do the things mentioned above, you can run such a computer.
What can be done by computer: What can we do with computer, with computer, we can help with internet, Facebook, YouTube, video calls, and more. Any kind of marketing, car ticket, Nayatin can be bought on the internet on many of the necessities. I can sit at home and do my work at home and see and hear all kinds of news, video or audio, and I can do many things.