Duality of Consciousness Qualities (Yin/Yang, Left/Right, Masculine/Feminine)

The Two Basic Ways Consciousness Breaks Down and Manifests

There are 2 seemingly opposite qualities, however they are not opposites, they are really unified and dance with each other. They are embraced. They form the quality of the whole of consciousness. There is an internal feminine manifestation and an external masculine manifestation of consciousness.

Different spiritual systems have given these different names. In Daoism it is called Yin and Yang. Yin is the internal feminine, passive, intuitive, compassionate, submissive, associated with the right brain. In Kabbalah you have the Paths of Severity and Mercy, Mercy being feminine. Yang is the more dominant, analytical, logical side, the male left brain hemisphere. In Freemasonry there is the Pillar of Jachin (Masculine) and the Pillar of Boaz (Feminine).

Yin consciousness is lunar, associated with the moon symbolically. It is a feminine energy because it is indwelling. This is an internal aspect of our consciousness, of our makeup. It’s intuitive, a passive element. It is not very active. It is associated with the night. This quality of consciousness is directly related to our emotions. Our emotions are the internal quality of consciousness within us. The Yang consciousness, the male energy, the masculine form of consciousness is solar. It an active quality. It is logical and analytical. It is dominant, aggressive. This energy is all about our actions in the world. How we make our consciousness manifest to others through our actions. As the saying goes: “You will know them by their actions.”

We have to strive to bring these two qualities into balance and unison with each other within ourselves. We have to become beings that as we feel so we take action. Our actions are not in contradiction or opposition with how we really feel inside. If someone feels something is wrong, not morally justifiable, and they do it anyways, for whatever justification, they are in opposition with themselves. Justifications and excuses do not hold any water at the end of the day. All they are, are justifications and excuses. If we continue to take actions that we believe are not morally justified, that we know deep down inside we should not be doing, then we are in a state of internal opposition with ourselves, with our own consciousness. That is largely why we are experiencing the negative painful situation we are experiencing in the world today. We have to strive to make these two qualities into one within us. There are many different methodologies for doing that. Practical grassroots solutions for affecting real change in our lives, to be discussed later.

There is a solution for every problem out there. There is a formula for problem solving. We are striving to find in the solution to this problem. That you can know all you want about the problem, you can learn all you want about the chains you are held in, but ultimately if you’re not looking for the way out of those chains, what is the difference how much you know about chains? It is a first step, you do need to understand how the problems manifest, but we ultimately have to strive for solutions. The way we get down to that problem solving is by finding enough information about the ultimate nature, the core nature of the problem. We do not know enough about ourselves, we do not know enough about human consciousness and the way it works. That is a manipulators dream scenario. If you have a person or group of people who do not really understand how they work, they do not really understand how their mind works, they do not understand how their emotional makeup works, then you are in a position to completely manipulate and control their behavior because you know more about the makeup and how they work than they do.

Source is Mark Passio podcasts, that I transcribed years ago, and shared online at the time.