The Benefits of Walking Backwards


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We are now tapping back into the ancient, long-forgotten wisdom of our Ancestors.

The Lemurians, Atlanteans, and - some even say - the Egyptians had the capacity to navigate backwards​ precisely because they had eyes in the back of their heads.

But we have lost touch with​ this potential. Why?

Societal mores, ego-censorship, interference of AI, and so forth. Until now:

We have now reawakened to the greatness of our once-hidden potential.

Our wise ancestors could indeed ambulate in retrograde, and they did this for several important reasons:

1. It stills the mind. You'll notice that when you retro walk the chattering monkey dissolves ...

2. It deactivates the reptilian part of the brain. This is the typically overactive fear-based​ part of the brain whose only use is for your own protection and survival 0.000000000000000000001% of the time. Once you deactivate this area, you'll come to entrust yourself to the wisdom of the body, which is the microcosm of the universe itself.

As above, so below

3. It uninhibits thinking and doing. Our ancestors required absolute freedom of thought and action in order to create the multidimensional realities now accessible to us.

4. It is Consciousness-Expanding. Walking backwards opens us up to new levels of experience and new ways of experiencing reality.


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5. It eliminates social angst. Say sayonara to fear and worries about what others think! The more you do this in public, your own fear of being watched and judged will be replaced by a magical ripple effect. People will begin to notice the beatific smile on your face and think to themselves 'Hey, maybe I'm missing out,' and they will join along, too. The more people walk backwards, the higher the vibration of the planet will rise.

This exercise is all about trust and freedom. Remember what Morpheus says:

'You've got to let it all go. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free. Your. Mind.'

In all, you'll find that this practice just frees up a lot of crap, makes you a better person,


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You yourself may discover even more reasons as you walk the walk, so keep me posted and let me know how you get on!

Be free, have fun, have faith
