Considerate Tamae Iwasaki

in #considerate8 years ago


Considerate Tamae Iwasaki

     A Short Story
by Scorpio

Tamae Iwasaki looked at the peculiar knife in her hands and felt fuzzy. She walked over to the window and reflected on her dirty  surroundings. She had always loved noisy ExeterSeltjarnarnes with its  vague, violet volcanoes. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to  feel fuzzy. Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the  figure of Yumemi Miyabara. Yumemi was a snooty carer with dirty toenails and hairy abs. Tamae gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a  considerate, controlling, cocoa drinker with short toenails and fluffy  abs. Her friends saw her as a graceful, gloopy god. Once, she had even  saved a snotty blind person that was stuck in a drain.But not  even a considerate person who had once saved a snotty blind person that  was stuck in a drain, was prepared for what Yumemi had in store today. The drizzle rained like eating mice, making Tamae fuzzy.  As Tamae stepped outside and Yumemi came closer, she could see the old-fashioned glint in her eye. "Look Tamae," growled Yumemi, with a cold-blooded glare that  reminded Tamae of snooty bears. "I hate you and I want a resolution. You  owe me 2510 gold pieces." Tamae looked back, even more fuzzy and still fingering the peculiar knife. "Yumemi, I am your mother," she replied. They looked at each other with surprised feelings, like two homely,  hissing humming birds gyrating at a very generous carol service, which  had jazz music playing in the background and two modest uncles eating to  the beat. Tamae studied Yumemi's  dirty toenails and hairy abs. Eventually,  she took a deep breath. "I'm afraid I declared myself bankrupt,"  explained Tamae. "You will never get your money." "No!" objected Yumemi. "You lie!" "I do not!" retorted Tamae. "Now get your dirty toenails out of here before I hit you with this peculiar knife." Yumemi looked cross, her wallet raw like a high-pitched, harsh hawk. Tamae could actually hear Yumemi's wallet shatter into 2510 pieces. Then the snooty carer hurried away into the distance.Not even a mug of cocoa would calm Tamae's nerves tonight. THE END