
in #consistency6 years ago

I finished the book "The Source" by Dr Tara Swart and immediately started reading it over again. It is a book about defining and living your dreams. When we read a book, while traveling on a plane or in a hotel we only grasp a certain amount of it, our attention is scattered and our environment is competing for our attention. Being at home now, i can relax and delve a little deeper into it and do the exercises that she teaches in it.
After coming back from traveling there is a certain feeling of looking at things in a new light. Facing realities at home and settling back into our home life takes a few days to adjust. Our habits of our home life come back and how we relate to the people in our lives is open to starting on a fresh path. Being consistent on our life path and defining what we truly want is what "The Source " is about.
Writing in journal each day is something i have done for years, in the book she advocates getting your thoughts down on paper and by listing your dreams and goals. Visualization of what your ideal life would be like is a bit of work, we need to ask deep questions and be honest with ourselves. Yesterday, i did my blog about what music i want to get into and by setting up a practice plan, reading my journal from my traveling, i now have to put into action what i planned. So today i sat down with my "Rockabilly" book by Fred Sokolow and started learning some songs. There is effort in learning new things that requires you to create new habits. Consistency, is 9/10ths of being a musician, talent is that remaining 1 tenth thing that we build over time. So by taking time to re-read "The Source" and by digging into my Rockabilly book i am following through with my goals. Which is being, Consistent!