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RE: Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie - The Truth About Our Monetary Systems : Greed, Theft And Misery!

in #conspiracy8 years ago

I admit when I started reading this I was a little concerned it was going toward Zeitgeist territory. But it was actually a very entertaining read and did a good job explaining things in simple terms for even someone like me who doesn't know an awful lot about such things. And it came with a good book recommendation, which I always love. So, if for nothing else, thank you for that. I'll be getting my own copy. Great post. Keep up the great work! Followed


Thank you so much! It was my intention to try to express these concepts in a simple manner! I appreciate your feedback! Keep reading my brotha! UPvoted and followed! 😃

I look forward to future installments. Will you be talking about the gold standard at all? It is my understanding that at one point we were only creating curreny that we could back with gold. And then at one point the us government ordered all citizens to surrender their gold in exchange for government backed notes... effectively giving the people something inherently worthless for something tangible and valuable. Is there any truth to that? If so, seems pretty shady and like something they should be teaching in schools.

True! It deserves a post and should totally be taught at school! UPvoted! =)
