RE: Flat Earth vs Globe
Lunar libration shows clearly that the moon is a sphere. This next bit is common knowledge :Galileo discovered from the movement of sunspots that the Sun rotates on its own axis, and each revolution takes about an earth month. However, because the Sun is fluid not solid, it spins faster at its equator (27 days) than at the poles (35 days).
This is observable, many have observed this, me too. You made the claim that the facts are better explained by your theory but you clearly dismissed my observations with that veiled sorry, have still not addressed ANYTHING I have said, and you conclude that YOU have seen to much evidence to the contrary.
First, please post HERE, all contrary evidence, or your claim is SHIT.
Next, please explain how you came to the conclusion that all of what I had to say was easily dismissable by saying your theory offers a better explanation, when I did just that, I offered the observations of how the sun, the earth and moon works, simplistic but still managed to take the effort to explain the basic concept, but you think it's a pretty high expectation of me to demand what the theory actually says because it's in the comments.
You have claimed that we cannot observe the celestial bodies A and B as spheres but mere CIRCLES, you sir are a laugh.