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RE: Some of the most well known conspiracy theories in the United States PART 1

in #conspiracy7 years ago

The object that hit the pentagon on 9/11 was NOT flight 77 or a commercial aircraft of any kind as the official story would like to have us all believe, In fact truth be told it was a retired US NAVY A3-Skywarrior which was converted to a drone using something called the Flight Termination System, a drone control+detonation safeguard technology used in unmanned live fly military wargames, drone technology which directly ties to the then Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim, the very man who was in charge of the $2.3 trillion announced missing from the pentagon budget the day prior to the attacks (announced by Donald Rumseld on Sept 10, 2001, primary records destroyed in Pentagon that day, offsite backup records held on a secure server in WTC7 were also destroyed that day), the same man with direct ties to a company that back in 1993 got the top secret blueprints for both WTC 1 and WTC 2 towers in the aftermath of the 93 WTC bombing as part of the aftermath investigation, the same man who was also part of a consortium of companies that convert commercial aircraft into tankers which were then sold overseas, and the same man who was a co-author of the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century" which was released 1 year to the day prior to 9/11 (Sept 11, 2000) which stated that a "New Pearl Harbor" style attack would be required to persuade the American public into going along with the wanted PNAC agenda (which called for a massive increase in defense spending and the fighting of several major theater wars in order to re-establish American military dominance).

Anyways this drone US NAVY A3-Skywarrior was launched from the USS George Washington US NAVY Carrier that morning which was positioned just off the East Coast, south of Miami, Florida near the entrance to the Gulf Of Mexico (and in case you care, the backup plan if anything went wrong was to blame that element of the attack on a Cuban cruise missile which is the reason for this specific launch position of the carrier) which was there that morning running a "wargame scenario", more specifically NORAD Amalgam Virgo 01 (combined joint-training for unconventional threats), which was an exercise designed to test a (said-to-be) mock drone/missile attack against tall buildings as well as the capitol (and even depicted Bin Laden on the cover of the exercise document), an exercise which originally ran on June 1-2 2001 but was initiated for a 2nd time on 9/11 though the dynamic aerial threat assessment exercise NORAD Vigilant Guardian, which used previously ran and soon to be scheduled NORAD drills (such as Amalgam Virgo 01) to build its annual exercise template which would then be use to accurately test regional aerial defense capabilities along the East Coast using a series of (said-to-be) mock multi-prone aerial threats that would take place over a ~2 hour period (8am-10am), ending with an element of the attack which would directly impact the capitol which in the aftermath would cause a "simulated" break in the standard chain of command.

This final exercise element and its ensuing and scheduled break in standard chain of command was specifically designed to activate Vigilant Guardians sister exercise USSTRATCOM Global Guardian (which had prep starting at 6am with the actual exercise scheduled to start at 10am) which is an annual Continuity of Government Armageddon response exercise which was designed to then take over command and control of the nation in the aftermath of the final (said-to-be) mock attack on the capitol.

Anyways circling back to the Pentagon, after the A3-skywarrior was launched off the East Coast, it went inland west using the cover of a drone aircraft responding to the (said-to-be) Flight 93 hijacking, but part way there it changed course, went North, turned back East and then mirrored the (said-to-be) flight 77 flight path (which up to that point was only a false radar signature which was being added to radar screens via an element of Vigilant Guardian, artificial flight paths which were already added to FAA computers hours prior to the attacks taking place (6am-8am) by a company called PTECH which was prepping the FAA/Pentagon systems for the crossover from Vigilant Guardian to Global Guardian). Once in position the official wargames were called off and the drone A3-Skywarrior continued its path towards the Pentagon as if it were flight 77, passing over the building and then doing a descending corkscrew dive towards the West face of wedge 1 of the pentagon. Just prior to impact with the exterior wall the A3 was remotely detonated using the FTS safeguard which was triggered via proxy trigger when it got within 10 meters of impact (which was done to help minimize large pieces of identifiable debris near the impact zone as much as possible), a proxy trigger which was synchronized to also set off series of multiple simultaneous explosions inside the pentagon, explosions which were planted inside the exterior walls on the bottom floor of the west face of wedge 1 as well as the internal walls of the Office of Naval Intelligence further inside the building (where parts of the operation were ran from btw, as well as WTC7, which is why both needed to be destroyed as part of the black op to help destroy all traces of any sensitive evidence used in the operation) explosives which were planted as part of the multi-month long "bomb mitigation" renovations done by a company called AMEC (who planted the explosives INSIDE the target area walls instead of Kevlar reinforcement), "bomb mitigation" renovations which go figure just so happened to be finished the day prior to the 9/11 attacks (finished on Sept 10, 2001).

To further sell the wanted official story to nearby onlookers, another decoy visual element was overlapped with the A3 approach & internal explosions, which was a near-miss flyover of a commercial 737 (DELTA) that was simulating an emergency landing due to smoke on-board the aircraft (Part of the exercise MASCAL, aka the Pentagon Mass Casualty Project), a decoy plane which took a slightly different flight path then the A3 did (it hooked in from the NW VS the West), was traveling a fair amount slower then the A3 (~345MPH VS~550MPH), was flying a fair bit higher then the A3 (flying several hundred feet off the ground VS~5 feet), and flew just over the West face of wedge 2 (slightly north of the official impact zone) passing just over the building and then landing on runway 15 of Reagan National Airport which is on the opposite side of the Pentagon on that exact angle it was traveling.

As an added note, almost a year prior to 9/11, on October 25, 2000 the pentagon held a MASCAL (Pentagon Mass Casualty Project) tabletop planning exercise which brainstormed potential mass casualty threats to the pentagon, and with this hypothesized 3 plausible mass casualty threats that could take place at the pentagon, scenario #1 being a truck bomb against the outer walls of the West side of the building (which the planted interior explosives fulfilled), scenario #2 being a drone/missile strike (which the A3-Skywarrior fulfilled) and scenario #3 being a commercial aircraft crash during failed emergency landing (which the decoy 737 fulfilled). As part of this tabletop planning the Pentagon called in several former employees who specialized in each aspect of the scenario to help them refine each aspect, and one of these guys was currently an American Airlines pilot, who go figure, 1 year later on 9/11 is said to of been flying of all things... Flight 77, the very aircraft we are told impacted the Pentagon that day. Anyways the actual MASCAL exercise was originally scheduled to take place exactly 1 year after the tabletop planning session (Oct 25, 2001), and was originally to be coupled as the initiator for Global Guardian to be used as the trigger for the switch-over to Continuity of Government protocols after the "simulated capitol attack" took place. Well just prior to 9/11, the run date for Global Guardian (the exercise MASCAL was originally to be coupled too) was abruptly changed to instead start on the morning of September 11, and with this the run date of the live element of project MASCAL was also changed to match this date.

Anyways I could literally go on for 1000+ pages, and I intentionally avoided any mention of the WTC elements of that days attacks (as again this post would go on forever if I did) but for anyone who cares to do some digging into the WTC aspects I recommend you research the NORAD exercise called "Amalgam Virgo 02-1 Red Spins" (as well as FEMA Tripod II which was code-named operation "treason" and was to simulate a major terrorist attack in NYC on Sept 12, 2001 with part of the theme being building fires and collapses, as well as a few other exercises I won't go into right now) as those are the meat and potatoes of the WTC elements (flight 11 and 175 aspects). As a quick summery, AV 02-1 Red Spins was the #1 scenario (of over 40) of the 2nd phase of the Amalgam Virgo exercise series (an exercise which had the theme of 2x near-simultaneous commercial aircraft hijackings (DELTA) and attempted suicide attacks using those aircraft against major monuments and infrastructure), an exercise which was also originally scheduled to run on Oct 25, 2001 (but was ran on the morning of 9/11 as one of Vigilant Guardians dynamic aerial threat scenarios), an exercise which was classified until just a few years ago but was released fairly recently as part of the Amalgam Virgo 02 FIOA document dump (227 AV 02 documents), yet even after being publicly released in that document dump to this day it still remain basically fully classified (specifically stating "9/11 Classified Information" over almost the entire document). As a final sidenote of the 227 Amalgam Virgo documents that were released, scenario #1 Red Spins is the only one that remained classified upon release.

Anyways, hopefully this wakes some people up to some of the real story of what happened that day. I will continue to do more 9/11 posts whenever I have the time so make sure to follow me for more. Maybe some day we will see justice, but for that we must stay educated on the topic and demand answers. NEVER FORGET...


Excellent man. I absolutely believe the government did this. I think just about everyone does now!