The 17 Steps Towards Agenda 2030

The 17 Steps Towards Agenda 2030
by Charlie Robinson

Nothing exemplifies the globalists’ desire to control society like the playbook for the United Nations called “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, and it is nothing short of a full-scale assault on humanity from every direction.

The plan of Agenda 2030, in conjunction with the United Nations, is to essentially create two different species of humans, sort of like having many worker bees and a queen bee, or the old feudal society of serfs and kings. The worker class gets fed the nutritionally deficient GMO food, they drink the fluoride-laden polluted water, they live in the Agenda 2030-proposed 300 square foot micro houses, and they are packed into extremely high-density cities where tensions run high and deodorant runs low.

• Chemtrails to poison the world from above
• Fracking to destroy the water table below
• GMO foods to compromise nutrition and destroy health
• Laced vaccines to destroy the immune system

Yes, this sounds insane, but all four of these things are currently happening. This isn’t some obscure prediction for our future Earth where something like this could happen if we don’t take care of things today.

No, this is now. This is happening right now.

When we look out towards the future to see what the controllers have in store for us, we find the 17 goals for the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and sustainable development.

  1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

This is so preposterous that it is hard to know where to start. The United Nations specializes in keeping the world IN poverty through their policies. This statement could be true in the sense that the UN could get rid of 3 billion people that are stuck in poverty by killing them, so that is technically ending poverty for lots of people. Their other option would be to end poverty through the IMF and World Bank because those institutions always do such a good job helping the poor (sarcasm font).

  1. End hunger, achieve food security and promote sustainable agriculture.
    This one is easy. They want to push GMO’s on the rest of the world. If you are starving, you’ll eat a GMO tomato and deal with the third arm growing out of your back next week, if you even live that long.

  2. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for everyone.
    Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines! Oh, and GMO’s too. Watch out for that extra arm again.

  3. Ensure quality education.
    Can we define the word “quality” please? If we are talking about the moronic Common Core curriculum then we’ll pass. We know that 4 x 3 is 12, and no amount of “education” is ever going to convince us that there is partial credit for proving the answer is 11.

  4. Achieve gender equality for all women.
    A million bucks says this portion of Agenda 2030 was written by a man.

  5. Ensure sustainable management of water for all.
    You will have to buy water in 2030, and it won’t be cheap. Look on the bright side, they will throw in the Fluoride at no charge because the government cares about your teeth. Don’t worry, you’ll be too stupid from your ingestion of Fluoride to figure out that it lowers your IQ.

  6. Ensure access for all to affordable and sustainable and energy.
    Here comes the Smart Grid so that they can spy on you through your thermostat and shut your heat off if you speak out against the government.

  7. Promote sustainable economic growth and productive employment.
    The Trans-Pacific Partnership is going to rig the game in such a way that small to medium-sized businesses don’t stand a chance. Corporations are now more powerful than nation states, and according to Mitt Romney, they are also people.

  8. Invest in upgrading the infrastructure and sustainable industrialization.
    Oh sure it sounds good to say that we need to upgrade the infrastructure, but there is no profit in that. The only way that the upgrades will be made is in conjunction with new toll roads, or the privatization of current public roads, bridges, and waterways.

  9. Reduce inequality.
    Increase inequality.

  10. Make cities safe, resilient and sustainable.
    They are coming for your guns people!

  11. Ensure sustainable consumption.
    Impose forced austerity on the masses.

  12. Take urgent action to combat climate change.
    It is important to differentiate between climate change and pollution. We are treating our home like a toilet, and we are polluting this beautiful planet in exchange for money. What an embarrassment.

Climate change, however, has nothing to do with pollution. It is a scam designed to usher in a carbon tax, with the tax money going to those politicians and multinational corporations that are in control. It has absolutely nothing to do with science, and everything to do with an enormous transfer of wealth through a fake tax dressed up as a savior for the planet. The Club of Rome planned for all of this in their 1971 document and detailed exactly how they would do it.

  1. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans.
    You might want to steer clear of the ocean around Fukushima. Forever.

  2. Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.
    More environmental restrictions, more controlling of resources, and a consolidation of mineral rights into the hands of fewer people.

  3. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.
    Translation: More UN “peacekeeping” missions, and the removal of the 2nd Amendment in the USA.

  4. Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
    Translation: Remove national sovereignty worldwide.

If your spouse treated you the way your country does, you’d be in divorce court, and you’d have a stack of restraining orders against them.

This world is inverted. People that pretend to be good sometimes turn out to be bad. Food described as healthy will actually kill you. Medicine meant to heal you actually makes you sicker. The world can be a confusing place, and if the United Nations has it their way, you will live in a box the size of a prison cell, with unhealthy food sold to you as “Organic” and your kids will be lab rats injected with over 100 different chemical cocktails all in the name of health and immunity.

As bad as all of this is, the worst part is that most people just don’t want to know about all of this. If they stay ignorant, then they believe they are somehow absolved of any guilt.

Charlie Robinson is the author of The Octopus of Global Control, now available on Amazon.