RE: Catholic Church now says, Children "consented" to sexual abuse
Not only an underage victim of sexual abuse obviously did not give his/her consentment to the priest to sexxually assault they're body, they were raped because this assholes become degenerate due to the fact they are not able to have sex like a normal person would... the church should consider changing this kind of thing! Also this is a BIG PROBLEM IN CHILE AND OTHER SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES AS PEOPLE ARE EXTREMELY FUCKING RELIGIOUS HERE, JUST LOOK UP KARADIMA PRIEST OF CHILE AND NO WONDER, IT IS HARD TO DIGEST THAT THE CHURCH THAT IS SUPPOSED TO "GUIDE PEOPLE SPIRITUALLY" IS HIDING, CONDONING AND PROTECTING PEDOPHILES, ANYWAYS I ALWAYS KNEW THIS NOT ONLY RELIGION IS A SOCIAL CONTROL TACTIC BUT A BUSINESS. THIS KIND OF SHIT IS THE ONE THAT SHOULD BE APPEARING ON THE NEWS, NOT JUSTIN BIEBER CONCERTS OR STUPID SENSELESS STUFF LIKE THAT....