in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

You know that feeling when you really want to be looking at pedophile documentaries or learning some new satanic rituals, but you keep finding out more and more people are trannies, and you have to check out their brow ridges and shoulder widths.

Or in the case of "Michelle" Obama you just end up staring at his frigging package poking out of his dress.

Sometimes I do Steemit posts because I feel like I know something, but this is not one of those times and I haven't got a clue.

As a conspiracy researcher since 98, I have this lust for more information, and more cover ups - like a starving ant I'm always crawling about in the dirt.

My aim was to expose conspiracies, and by doing so I used to believe I was fighting against them. I thought I was helping to impede the progress of the new world order, and slow the zionists down a bit.

But lately, I'm thinking what if the plan is not really to turn us all into satan worshipping pedophiles or libtard trannies, (although that would be great) but to make us obsess about this deranged shit night and day.

Maybe it's just because I'm following a bunch of freaks, but my timeline has become a very sick place lately. And if we are constantly thinking about this stuff, we are being fucked up by it.

Yes cryptos are getting spanked and we are all losing thousands of dollars, and maybe we are all freaking out a bit.

But I'm starting to think that the agenda of turning us all into total perverts is not so much about actually getting us to do all that sick shit, but just getting us to THINK ABOUT IT.

There are quite a few people I refer to as "shills" - a prime example is Alex Jonestein. And what is his purpose? - to wind people up mainly, by mixing a bit of truth in with a sack of bullshit and then endlessly yell about it. But there are a truckload of other less obvious shills, and Steemit is crawling with them...

So am I behaving like one myself? I really don't know, but I do seem to wind people up, and I often go on about negative stuff. And this may well be more of the same pattern in action right now.

But bugger it (as pedophiles like to say), here it is: I'm getting very suspicious about quite a few popular steemit accounts that are endlessly going on about whatever is flavour of the month - and this month it's pedophile flavour.

They are not doing doing these posts for the money, because despite putting hundreds of hours into producing this stuff, they are only being paid a few cents.

What they seem to be creating is a cult of followers, who unquestioningly believe whatever conspiracy they are promoting. And NO - Bitcoin isn't about to "go to the moon" - it went up a shitload last year, but you weren't told about that before it happened were you? - if you are being told that repeatedly now, that is a good sign that it's all over.

There are a whole bunch of topics I'd like to call bollocks on here, and several accounts I'd like to name, but I had my testicles removed so I can't. And right now what I'd like to see is more open discussion rather than another cat fight, so it's probably best I just make a sweeping generalization.

Everything you are being repeatedly told is bullshit. And yes I do mean here on Steemit too, not just on the tell-lie-vision or fakebook. Did you have to seek out the information, or are you being constantly told it?

For eight years America was ruled (supposedly) by two gay guys - a Kenyan called Barry and a cross dressing football player called Michael. And guess what - pretty much nobody said a word for the whole eight years.

I'm not saying that Hollywood isn't full of pedos, or that there aren't dozens of trans celebs (Justine Beiber anyone?), but why are we being told so much about this stuff now? What if the real reason is not really to expose it, but to fuck with our heads?

I don't know the answer to this, and I've got a bunch of really sick youtub videos to watch now, but if I'm stressed out that everything is controlled by satan worshipping pedos, am I helping to stop the fuckers, or am I helping them with the plan?


YES...A lot of shit is aimed to distract and zombify. But at the same time, there is always some type of real fact or truth within the mix somewhere. This is what the authorities meant by cyber warfare?...just another part of the plan in social programming of society? Who knows how deep the BS goes really!

Yeah - there is so much mind programming going on, I sometimes wonder if us researchers are doing much better than all the zombies!

I do think we are, but sometimes we are being played on some of these things...

Well, in the words of David Icke, its the totalitarian tiptoe.
The sickest of perverts would love the rest of us to accept them and join the depravity.
So they move the goal post a little at a time.

The problem with Pedogate is that such a thing was impossible to imagine. Although so many pieces aligned. So much shit was brought to light. Still, most people want to deny that it is happening.

And so, the correct way to handle it is to see it, verify it, and then say no to it.

However, we are in the problem of, although the evidence is right there. (twin towers falling at free fall speeds...) most people can't see what is right in front of their eyes. So, the information has to continue to be shouted.

Those who were first to be shouting are thinking to themselves, we should be moving on from this...
But, it is really hard to move on when there are no solutions being offered, and no direction being heralded.

And, there you go.

What do you think about David Icke?

He says so much true stuff but then trashes his cred by spouting on about lizards - sort of like a flat earther...

The problem with the lizards is he is not wrong.
But he is taking things for physical that are not.

One of the things that used to be in UK museums was paintings of all the kings/queens. And it was very evident that all of these people were cone-heads.

You know, like the stuff they find in egyptian pharoes.

But really, the royals keep a blood line as pure as possible to keep children who will be ... in synch with these (what you would call) spiritual entities. They are beings that, for lack of a better word, project themselves into our space. And these ruling elites get all kinds of, you know, like economics news before economics is a thing.

The biggest reveal would be that the elite practice astrology and other cycles. And then they tell all the sheep that astrology is just made up woo-woo.

So, basically, this group has made a pact with demons (aliens) to gain power and money. But they gave up their humanity becoming unhinged psychopaths to get it. They can't invent anything new. Change terrifies them.

Have the paintings been removed now?

Same for zionists too?

The people that brought this too my attention said that the museums were very different today than when they were kids.

Yes, the paintings are gone.

I like to use the term elite, or T.H.E.Y. because the group is not a publicly known group. They have their claws in everything. Even some of their children are not part of the group. You could call them the 13 families. (and they seem to be identified by color, because they are really... original >_>)

T.H.E.Y. promote evil and destruction in all they do.
Such as with feminism... giving women rights, good. Giving women rights without the accompanying responsibilities = society destroying.

It never fails to crack me up...

All this perverted crap the media feeds us and the left wing colleges instill in the young impressionable minds are done to dumb the masses down. To make these dumb bastards easy to sway. "1984: Working overtime. ..good is bad... right is wrong...BLACK IS WHITE.


And it's doing the job!

There are no Democracies since Ancient Greece. We have a Republic with a 2 tier justice system. One for the rich and well connected and the other for everyone else. :-(

Not even sure I would call it a republic. It's more of a plutocracy/oligarchy.

It's still a republic when the people voted for Trump over Hillary the anointed one.

By the "people" do you mean the delegates to the electoral college? Or are you referring to Mr. Joe Six-Pack and Mrs. Sally Soccer Mom who are standing in bond and surety to their corporate citizen-ships? Because the slave master is not chosen by the bonded debtors, he or she is chosen by their own rank and file.

So the delegates Don't vote the way the people want. Spell out what you mean I'm a simple guy who likes to cut through the Crap.

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC is not a country, it is a corporation. Not only is it a corporation, but it is a foreign corporation in respect to the 50 states that make up the union.
Washington D.C. is a separate entity from the states and was created by the Jesuits and Masonic brotherhood. It is one of three city-states that comprise the Babylonian mystery religion, the other two being City of London and Vatican City. The common, everyday people have absolutely no say so in how these incorporated entities are ran. Their purpose is to transfer, leech, or siphon away all of our time, currency, and energy so that the public remains distracted, heavily indebted, and exhausted.
At the end of the day, the majority of people are too distracted or busy to look inside the machine and see how it works. People in America know the least about the things that effect them the most; the "law", occult history and symbology, and the English language that is used. So when you write "Spell out what you mean", that is exactly what is going on.

I don't think chimp "beat" killary - they are both puppets and there never was an election - it was more like a fixed game...

I definitely think you're onto something here, that at least part of the agenda is to direct the focus of creative beings at something that is destructive. Though it's far from the only negative thing that's come of the relentless barrage of gender confusion- there's a whole generation of kids who are struggling to find their place in this world and jumping on the bandwagon just to feel part of the club, or included in a group.

I've always held the mindset 'to each their own', but that was always assuming that people knew who they were and what they wanted (and that 'their own' didn't include harming anyone)

Honestly, I am more concerned about identity and gender politics that have made their way into our everyday lives. Gender is increasingly being outlawed, as transgender, fluid, non-binary or whatever push their agenda of eliminating gender and normalising criminal acts like rape and paedophilia.

And don't get me started on the persecution of being born a straight white male. If you are a white male and you're straight, you are labelled a sick perverted monster who is contributing to the downfall of society and committing mass shootings, abusing women and other things associated with straight white men.

If you really want to be sickened, look up the TedX talk from some woman who was trying to argue that being a paedophile is no different than being gay or transgender, that it's just the way some people are and we should accept it.

This world is going down the toilet.

Jeepers I don't look at TED X talks - those libtards are worse than youtub...

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I've got a bunch of really sick youtub videos to watch now,

Polluting The Morphogenic Field of HUMANITY & SOCIETY on a MASS SCALE!

Anyway I have a BUNCH of Crypto Videos to watch- Bitcoin is NOT DEAD YET.

This is going to get interesting!

I know when I did a post saying Bitcoin was going to go up at the start of 2017, nobody gave a toss!

And after I sold all mine and I did a post saying Bitcoin was going to go down at the end of 2017, nobody gave a toss then either...

But bugger it (as pedophiles like to say),

....or people from the north of England, where it used all the time, and I can assure you we are not all pedo's!

We say it in NZ too, but I can't type it on my phone, it's immediately changed to "bigger". And usually I can tap the wrong word and reselect what I actually typed, but not on this one.

I'd hate to have a phone telling me I can - and can't - write!

Yes, I was somewhat incensed. But I found I can get around it by changing it to butter, then changing that. I shouldn't have to though! It's part of our kiwi vernacular. You might not have seen this.

People question with the Obama's due to the Islamic Barry and Michael Tranny whether there is either a male or female circumcision issue.

.....its not clear cut

I mean, imagine if we weren't distracted 24/7 and actually started getting rid of the deep state - the establishment would be fucked. So please, tell me more about Bieber being transgender!

how to get.png

The more you look, the more"he" turns into Justine...