RE: Gun Control: Stop turning a blind eye... questions are your friend!
You are so right, still I can't resist of throwing in my two cents...
I believe the main reason the "Gun-Control" agenda is not being pushed harder and handled rather lax is that once 5G rolls out and more and more people are getting a chip it will not be much of a problem anymore.
Dissidents will be surveilled 24/7 and if needed, taken out remotely.
Just the idea that an upright Citizen could possibly defend himself with a rifle against government is ludicrous anyways.
Look at these punks. Your former friendly neighborhood officer is dressed like Batman, Police departments own tanks and killer robots.
A gun might come in handy if you want to protect your property against looters or criminals, but as a means to protect Americans from a Rogue Government...think again...
It's all a big Charade 🙂
You have a great point. Yes typical guns will not protect us from a Rogue Government, but they will protect us from what happens when that Government takes food away and your neighbor thinks it is a good idea to come to your house to see what you have to eat (as an example).
5G is scary. There are people that are so programmed, they already have 5G running through their homes. Them same people look at people like me as if I am the crazy one because I don't want 5G! It is nothing more than a means to control the population, but that is "crazy" talk. How dare I take the time to look at the fact that they admit they have not done any testing on what 5G will actually do to us (even though we already know that it will kill us).
I like that you used the word punks... In my opinion the next generation is a bunch of wimps and have NO fight in them at all. They accept everything that has been told to them. Want a really good laugh, think about today's society trying to make it back in the 80's or earlier! Today's generation would not last a minute back in the day!
Actually, they did testing. Plenty of it. There is military research dating back to the 1970's about the harmful effect of microwaves to humans.
5G is even more dangerous because of it's wavelength, potency and coverage. There will be no place where you are not exposed. If my information is correct, they are also massively overpowered.
I have the feeling that the Gun agenda is nothing but a divide and conquer strategy.
Look at the F@$ing weapons they have.
Gun possession could also be a great excuse to "shoot on sight", no questions asked if they establish Martial Law. Guns are no threat to the Cabal.
And by the way, most upright gun owners are already so brain washed by Q Anon and their ilk that they probably salute the troops in the streets, thinking Trump and the military is coming to their rescue...
Maybe your right but there is a reason they are so intent on taking the guns and I think its this. I think they might have a time of it..
Hi @nightwind, unfortunately the picture is too small for me to read.
Would you be so kind and explain? Thank you, followed 🙂
Hello @herrleeb
To enlarge pic right click and select (View Image)
The you can (CTRL and forward wheel on your mouse) to enlarge
It is a chart comparing the public arms in the separate states to the total arms of countries.
Alabama has as many firearms as the whole country of Spain 4,244,406
Florida has as many firearms as the whole country of Mexico 16,695,563
Michigan has as many firearms as the whole country of Turkey 8,776,672
Texas has as many firearms as the whole country of Germany 22,329,258
California has as many firearms as the whole country of China 33,081,513
And the list goes on as you can see there are very few countries that allow their people to protect themselves in this manner. Last look over 300 million arms in the peoples hands and yes they include with FFL licenses machine guns and any surplus military items you can think of. But the shear # of weapons a GOV military would be hard pressed to take on 100 million citizens armed in a urban environment.
That was the point of it, to be able to keep the GOV in check in case they got out of control after all we pay their salary right? They work for us right?
Followed 8 }
Thank you, looks like I am getting old 🙂
And by the way, I totally agree with you.