The Disappearance of Natural Immunity: The Latest COVID1984 Vaccine 'Science' & Push for Mandatory Vaccination

in #conspiracy3 years ago

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"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive." – CS Lewis

A week ago, the CDC finally updated its mask guidelines for the 'vaccinated' to reflect the alleged efficacy of the experimental COVID 'vaccines', saying that the 'fully vaccinated' "can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing," except where government mandates or private business policies still apply. Many in the establishment right, such as KY Senator Rand Paul and Fox News talk show host Tucker Carlson, have long argued that if the 'vaccine' is truly effective, then there is no reason to demand that the fully vaccinated continue wearing a mask, and this is a good point indeed, although it ignores the exceedingly flawed nature of the entire mainstream narrative underlying all of these ever-changing measures. Even just the fact that the CDC took over four months to update their guidelines to align with the 'science' saying the 'vaccine' works is testament to the truly non-scientific nature of this entire technocratic Covid1984 agenda, and the absurdity that ensues.

And while many are understandably relieved and some truly ecstatic about this step back towards 'normalcy', this move has some really big far-reaching implications that all those who cherish freedom (and truth) will no doubt find absolutely disturbing. First, the guidelines were not truly updated to reflect the science as is being claimed, because the 'science' declared the 'vaccines' extremely effective all the way back when the FDA authorized the first injections for emergency use last December, but rather as a motivational reward meant to encourage 'vaccine' uptake in response to the increasingly widespread 'vaccine hesitancy'. Indeed, even the CDC update still recommends masks for the vaccinated, the media messaging is clearly still pushing masking among the vaccinated, and the headline of a Forbes piece published immediately following the update questions whether it is still "too early to say fully vaccinated don't need face masks."

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The message is clear: those who are sick of the masks and the tyrannical insanity are now 'allowed' to take them off if they just stick out their arm and take the jab, while those who are firmly in the Covid Cult are encouraged to continue the ritualistic muzzling so as not to encourage premature mask-free behavior among the non-vaccinated.

That the CDC update was primarily issued as a means to pressure the otherwise unwilling members of society to take the experimental injection in direct response to a sharp drop in rate of vaccination across the country can be clearly seen in the above-mentioned Forbes piece, which openly states that a main reason for the change in guidelines is to combat 'vaccine hesitancy' among those who are on the fence. Although some folks are in the "never gonna get it crowd," some of the "vaccine hesitant" folks "may just need a little more incentive" than "over 200 free Crispy Creme doughnuts," Bruce Lee explains. "So perhaps the ability to drop other precautions could provide more incentive."

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As the likes of Bill Gates and his merry band of 'vaccine'-pushing technocrats has already been saying for months now, things will never go back to normal until people get vaccinated, and now the social engineers are publicly revealing their plan to hold all those who refuse to subject themselves to one of the unapproved experimental injections hostage. Get the jab, or wear a mask for the rest of your life, is the clear message accompanying the new CDC guidelines. "The new rule is simple," Biden announced last Thursday: "get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do."

Natural immunity in the millions of Americans who have previously fallen ill and recovered from the so-called virus is strangely now absent from the equation. Why naturally acquired immunity is suddenly irrelevant is blatantly obvious for anyone who simply looks at the reasoning behind its mysterious disappearance from the equation. The medical establishment and modern virology has recognized naturally acquired immunity in people who have been exposed to an infectious disease as a viable defense against viruses for over a century, and even in the first days of the 'vaccine' rollout just a few months ago, the 'experts' were still speaking about 'herd immunity' being reached with a combination of newly vaccinated people and previously sick ones who have developed immunity. But now natural immunity is suddenly entirely irrelevant as a factor when it comes to the 'return to normal'. Only those who get the experimental injection will be 'allowed' to return to normal, only those who take the jab will be accepted back into the new technocratic Covid1984 society, and natural immunity is suddenly no longer recognized.

Israel's 'green pass' digital vaccine passport program, hailed as 'the model for the world', didn't accept naturally acquired immunity as condition for receiving the passport to re-entering normal life in society, demonstrating that the so-called 'immunity passports' along with the entire push for vaccination in fact have nothing to do with immunity and everything to do with getting experimental injections into as many arms as possible, whether those be people who are already immune to the 'virus' or not. This reality could not be more obvious in the US as the return to [the new] normal officially begins, not only seen in the president's extreme stance, but also in the college vaccination mandates that are now being implemented by some 170 universities or more.

At least 2.4 million college students now face a vaccine mandate, as a condition to return to school next fall, an Epoch Times investigation found, and interestingly, the Epoch Times "review of notices from 130 universities shows schools don't accept acquired immunity as exemption from mandate."

The outlet's investigation into the reasoning behind such seemingly non-scientific approach to the mandates reveals the absurdity of the latest 'vaccine' 'science' responsible for the disappearance of natural immunity from the equation. Unsurprisingly, most of the schools contacted were unable or unwilling to provide more information on why they were refusing to issue exemptions for those with acquired immunity, however, "The few that responded pointed to guidance by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which advises people to still be vaccinated because “experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

Interestingly, the 'experts' also openly admit they do not yet know how long you are protected from 'Covid19' after getting vaccinated, however the manufacturers of both mRNA injections (Pfizer and Moderna) are already developing booster shots because the alleged protections drops with time. And yet they are not advising people to stick with the natural immunity that they already have, despite the 'vaccine' potentially offering an even shorter duration of 'protection', with overwhelming evidence also suggesting an increased risk of severe illness and death following injection, not to mention the risk of all sorts of adverse events.

The other reason not to recognize natural immunity, we are told, is because of a rare chance of reinfection in those who have recovered. “Even if members of our university community have already recovered from COVID-19, it is possible—although rare—that they could again be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19," Daniel Telles, assistant director of media relations at the University of San Diego, told The Epoch Times in an email. So all students, even those with naturally acquired immunity, will be required to get the unapproved experimental injections, despite the widely recognized phenomenon, although rare, of 'breakthrough cases' - cases of the fully vaccinated falling ill with 'Covid19'. So here again we can see that the very reason given to ignore natural immunity in favor of the 'vaccine', also applies equally to the 'vaccine' itself, according to the mainstream official establishment narrative, but in none of these cases is the same argument being made against the 'vaccine', despite the subject of debate not being whether to risk illness in order to acquire natural immunity but rather whether to recognize the protection of natural immunity that is already acquired!

Clearly the refusal to recognize natural immunity has nothing to do with the potential downfalls of it, for these exact same potential downfalls apply equally to the 'vaccines' that are being virulently pushed on absolutely everyone, even those who are already immune. This is insanity, and there is really only one possible logical reason behind such insane reasoning: the 'vaccines' make a lot of big pharma executives an immense profit and global vaccination with this particular experimental injections is for some reason(s) a key component to a pre-planned [technocratic] agenda.

Even more mind-boggling is a CDC statement explaining the logic, referenced by Fort Lewis College, "one of the few schools that spoke on the record about their approach to students with infection-conferred immunity," which said that "the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19 far outweighs any benefits of natural immunity." If you can make sense of that statement, please let me know, because as written it really does seem to be quite an unintelligible jumble of nonsense. After racking my brain for several minutes I concluded it was not written to make sense, but rather to be used by those pushing the 'vaccine' on those who blindly trust whatever the CDC and Dr. Fauci says.

The nonsensical statement comes from the CDC page, "Answering Patients Questions About COVID-19 Vaccine and Vaccination," in the "Natural immunity versus vaccine immunity" section, and the context doesn't make this unintelligible mess of a statement any more intelligible.

Getting COVID-19 may offer some natural protection, known as immunity. Current evidence suggests that reinfection with the virus that causes COVID-19 is uncommon in the 90 days after initial infection. However, experts don’t know for sure how long this protection lasts, and the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19 far outweighs any benefits of natural immunity.

Interestingly, in this very same document the CDC also clearly states that: "Because some people with COVID-19 can have very mild symptoms, some may see natural infection as preferable to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Some people may be concerned that getting a COVID-19 vaccine could make them sicker if they do get COVID-19." And they are talking about those who haven't had natural infection yet, which becomes far more 'preferable' as a means of acquiring immunity when the immunity is already acquired!

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According to an NIH-funded study led by Dr. Anthony Fauci and published in late March, the immune system cells in people with acquired immunity “could recognize virtually all mutations in the variants studied” and “should offer protection against emerging variants," and the vast majority of doctors agree that natural immunity offers at least as good, if not far better protection against the 'virus' than the 'vaccine' ever will. That's why until recently, even the vaccine-pushers were saying that 'herd immunity' would be reached with a combination of naturally acquired and vaccine-induced immunity.

“Naturally acquired immunity is superior to anything this vaccine could deliver. So, any students who have been through infection and COVID-19 should be exempt from vaccination,” H.C. Tenenbaum, professor of laboratory medicine and pathobiology at the University of Toronto, told The Epoch Times.

You can read the rest of the quotes saying much the same in different words at the Epoch Times piece here, but suffice it to say, the new 'vaccine' 'science' that discounts natural immunity as irrelevant for the sole purpose of getting more experimental shots in arms is not accepted by the medical community at large.

For now, the updated CDC guidelines have prompted some states and many businesses to begin removing mask requirements, at least for those who are vaccinated, and for not most are not checking for proof of vaccination. But that will soon change, as many employers, schools, and airlines all begin both mandating the 'vaccines' and requiring proof of vaccination for service, with no exemptions being offered for those who have acquired immunity. Digital vaccine passports will follow, and if enough of us do not resist this madness, it won't be long before de-facto mandatory vaccination has arrived, with all of those refusing the injection pushed further and further to the outskirts of society until the day they can no longer function in society at all - immune or not - without taking the injection and having the Covid1984 digital 'papers' in order. Already the 'experts' over at CNN are bemoaning the failure of the new CDC guidelines to tie mask-free life with proof of vaccination, describing the newly instituted guidelines as a deeply flawed 'honor system' giving those dirty non-vaccinated anti-maskers license to go around mask-free without getting the jab (as if they weren't already doing exactly that...)

At the very same time, absurdly extravagant rewards are being offered to bribe the otherwise 'vaccine hesitant' to join the human experiment and take their unapproved experimental injections, as Derick Broze recently documented so well.

From doughnuts to burgers, and from lotteries to massive payouts, the bribes and the pressure continues to mount as the establishment reaches new levels of desperation in its insane bid to get the new jabs into the arms of every man, woman, and child living on this earth in the face of extreme hesitancy among a majority of the population.

The rejection of natural immunity and new CDC guidelines are clearly just the latest pieces of Covid1984 'vaccine' propaganda on the long, slow march towards mandatory vaccination, as we inch ever closer to that dystopian technocratic future of total medical tyranny by the day. All those who still can't see the writing on the wall at this point must simply be blind.