The 2018 Midterms Will Be Rigged [NEW REDACTED TONIGHT FULL EPISODE]

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Hey, in this episode of "Redacted Tonight," I go through every different way the 2016 primaries and general election were rigged or flawed. I then ask the question that EVERYONE should be asking - How many of these problems have we fixed?? The answer is almost none of them. Please take a look.

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Hey Lee,

Is there any main stream media personality (in recent history ) whom you would deem to have integrity in reporting ? In my experience Jon Stewart has been correct on most issues ( as humanly possible) .

Interested to hear your view on this.

Upvoted !!

Not in the mainstream media, no. Stewart did a lot of important things and had to fight hard to get the Daily Show to focus on more substantive issues when her first got there. So I think he's important. But that being said, I think Chris Hedges had it right when he pointed out that the Comedy Central news shows - specifically Stewart (a few years ago) - focus on the foibles of the leaders. They only very rarely get to the heart of what drives our system that has become a corporate state. And I think it's pretty likely that if they did that regularly, they would not be on a mainstream channel very long.

@leecamp - thanks for reply.

I was introduced to Stewart back in 2007-2008 and like you said what he did was important and within the scope of a comedy central show , did shift the focus towards the right direction.

Having said that , looking back after 10 years maybe he could have been bit more critical of Obama , criticize him from left and not let the Overton window slip away. Example of that is Obamacare , he had him on the show and could have atleast pushed him for a single payer position rather the discussion was geared towards the website issues/republicans pushback etc.

As of now , I had hopes for Colbert but he has gone in a complete pro establishment position and seems to be only interested in maintaining a semblance of balance towards the Bernie wing.

You should post the link to Chris Hedges piece as a separate post , I am sure people will appreciate the same.

Michael Hudson is excellent too!

when you're left, you're right. great analysis and great journalism...again. if you don't post something worthless like a dog teaching a cat how to windsurf i'm going to start thinking that there is actually hope for people realizing the futility of the duopoly and starting to pursue their actual interests through the voting box. your lack of distraction ('but russia') in reporting and lack of capitulation to a mainstream narrative is not only refreshing, it is contagious. keep rocking the real news. if everyone that loves what you do passes it on, you will go down in history for bringing sanity back en vogue. whoa whoa whoa whoooa.

This means a lot, Jason. I'm in it for the long haul. No distractions. No quitting. We've at a pivotal point in the history of humanity, and if we don't go the right way now, we'll be just that - history.

The US is great at thinking/making up problems to suit their needs. It's like they have the attention span of a goldfish in problem making.

I love this post . Its great.
I will waiting for your next post.

I think that the fact that the very best people that either the DNC or the GOP could get to run were both such despicable people is proof that it's too late for a political solution. There is no fixing this by political means. What needs to be fixed is the culture... and a return to values that are consistent with freedom and liberty. I'd say a need for compassion is also in the mix... but at a certain point, as things continue to careen into chaos - compassion is a virtue that very few people will be able to afford.

I really enjoyed the lightning round segments that John did during the DNC / primaries. Great stuff as usual, keep up the good work. Satire like this really helps me wrap up the week :-)

We use paper ballots in France. And we open lots of polling stations. The counting doesn't even take an hour at the end of the day. Plus you get to meet some neighbours, have an interesting conversation, and perhaps even share a few drinks.

Good luck with those mid-term elections.

We had computers too, but when they found out that you could "read" the vote from up to 20 meters we went back to paper...

I can't understand (or i rather do) why election systems are not block chain run? :D Maybe a citizen initiative exit poll that's block chain based is in order?

Lee have you ever looked into Allen J Cannon lawsuit where the constitution is supposed to have given us over 6000 house representatives but they capped it at 450 illegally. H.A Had an amazing interview and I’m just wondering why this story is not more wide spread among the independent media. Basically he is suing the entire federal government.