RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Chapter 3.A: Green Phoenix Rising; Building The One World Disorder
Thanks @thoughts-in-time .. I've been following this since the early 90's (and taking notes/references along the way) In all honesty, I could write another ten posts on this subject and that is kind of the problem .. it's so vast and intricately connected to the greater whole that it's like a maze to try and navigate your way through, that is the intent .. hidden in plain sight! The reports can be fairly incomprehensible and do make for some laborious reading .. the book I listed (although it omits certain information) is probably a good starting point.
As mentioned in the post the Delphi technique is born of the RAND Corporation and yes it is used to create the illusion of choice and democracy .. with (like you say) all roads leading towards the same narrative, equally, once you understand it you can see it being used and I will write another post to show how you can linguistically tie them up in knots, they don't do too well when taken off script.
The level of propaganda that's being perpetrated against the public has prompted me to write these posts and also highlighted that a decision has been made to take this to the next stage. I have studied many of these psychological techniques and I'm concerned at the brazen attitude of this manipulation. Thanks again for the great comment/support my friend.
Just took this from one of my old posts:
Another key projenitor of smart dust technology is the Rand Corporation. The Rand Corporation has previously been called “the think tank that controls America”. Indeed the title character in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr Strangelove was based upon Rand’s military strategist Herman Khan. The Rand Corporation has been at the forefront of Government strategy for at least a generation. Including strategies for Nuclear war, war with China and population control. An interesting aside is the fact that they have also published several papers regarding the use of both Chemtrail and weather manipulation technology.