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RE: Are you more likely to die if you know the Clintons? Thoughts on the Clinton body count conspiracy.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

How likely is it that dozens of ambitious prosecutors in a wide variety of jurisdictions all decided to give serial killers a pass?


If they can't find evidence and the suspect is both wealthy and politically powerful? Extremely likely.

So prosecutors can't find evidence but conspiracy theorists can? Cool.

Yeah. The rules of evidence are very specific about what is admissible. Also, one needs more than suspicion to convict someone.

Same reason it is so hard to convict mafia bosses. If they are clever in how you do it, it's near impossible to get dirt on the real mastermind. Add political power and it gets even tougher.

Oddly, many, many mafia bosses have been convicted.

You might want to consider the possibility that the "Clinton Body Count" conspiracy theory is simply bogus.