Why is there so much negativity?

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

Famous celebrities have sold their soul to demonic beings, to become famous and rich. It works! I have helped a rapper avoid the deal. It is about energy vampires(demons).

The more negativity we are feed by the media, the easier it is for the demonic beings to suck our energy. Think about it. Most people watch movies were psychopaths kill each other. When is the last time you saw a film or a TV show without someone got killed? Why is that appealing to so many people? Children play shooter games and probably "kill" 100 virtual people a day. When you or your children listen to music, is it about drugs, sex, hate, anger, killing etc. or positivity and love?

Look around. Satanic symbolism everywhere:

This is an official EU poster:
eu poster 006.jpg

Notice the Satanic stars, the Tower of Babel and the Bible reference(Many tongues, 1 voice):

The EU Parliamentimages.duckduckgo.com.jpeg

On top of that, we got the Satanic Pope calling for a 1 World Religion("Humanitarianism"/Luciferianism):

I'm not even a Christian, but this stuff is real! Wake up people and face the darkness! When you are awake, the darkness loses control over you. It is when you fear the darkness, and pretend it is not there, it has power over you. It sounds counter intuitive, but it works. Darkness is only there, if no one shines a light(Truth). Truth will set you free!

It is important to be awake to what is going on, but at the same time look for the positive things in life. Notice how the darkness is losing. It is all about balance. Don't focus too much about the darkness and get depressed. Focus on being awake and look for things that make you happy.

I know more about the darkness than most people. I'm very optimistic about the future. We are winning! Don't fear the dark. That's what the darkness fears the most.