Meme me, your best conspiracy fact! Or just tell me your favorite false flag - COMPETITION!

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


It is getting more dead than a door nail on here.

I know a recipe post on here may get you $30, bwahhhhhhh no thank you. I know badly written articles by the "connected" few also still earn money, stop voting for them folks, if they never vote for you, just saying!.

If you want to build a steemit middle class, you have to build it "yourself!".......

If you know me, you know I hate rules.

If you do not know me, hey I hate rules. so the only rule to this is? the best 3 entries in the comment section, by the time this post ends, win. And as it is my contest, I am choosing the winners.

so what are the prizes? Thanks for asking.

  • 10 steem first prize.

  • 5 steem second prize.

  • nothing for everyone else.

The dude in the photo was a photoshop conman, a bit like Teresa May, the Bush and Clinton's, and that ugly chick in Germany named Merky.

I see little point in dragging this out to a few thousand words, as this post is all about "YOU" So what have you got? Any comment backed up by a article, freshly written, will also stand a better chance of winning, why? Because.

What you waiting for? Have a superb weekend.

Image source


The holohoax, followed by 911


Oh dear, I laughed so hard there, I hear ya. That 6 million figure, that is written in a silly little book, that gets regurgitated over and over again.

Sadly for them, they the few, I now live in Poland, 20 minutes away from a "work camp" that was not a "death camp" So they can go do one with themselves regards to the self delusion's.

I will let them tell the tale

then add some more truth.


and 911? lets get some Mossad and Israel input shall we, by deception do war and all that jazz.

I rest my, our case! :)

They love that 6 million figure!

It is written in their silly little book, so they bang on about it all the time, so they can keep killing and silencing everyone else.

5 steem sent, I shared it 3 ways.

so brilliant...


I haven't put this up on my blog as yet, but will eventually. You get it first, right here:)

I sent you some steem, I paid the top prizes to 3 people, though liked your meme so much I made it 4 people as a bonus.

Geez, thanks @shepz1.... That is very kind of you, but really you shouldn't have!

Easy come, easy go bro.

Oh the mobsters that run banks, oh so true now, not before, not 20 years ago, though now? YES.

You might as well run a contest might get you a bit more feedback to help feel as if your time has more value on the platform than it actually does. Ooooppppssss did I just say that??? Now you're in even 'more' trouble with the steemit police you old fool AngryMan.

Shame on you.

Oh no, not the "steemit police" perish the thought, now where is my flimsy cheap and nasty Chinese made fly swatter at?

I'll try to remember entering your challenge, after my 'old man' nap...See ya later.

Laters, you old lovable fart you.

in the bin...

I was going to go with this story - - - - -

Organizers of the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ event said they wanted to put pressure

But then I thought nope, don't care, people are idiots. Protest fossil fuels and pollution by making the cars stop and pour all the pollution out in one spot. not to mention that I doubt that the so called 6000 protesters walked to the bridges they were blocking, highly unlikely they walked home after it. Most of them likely had plastic water bottles, plastic shoes and plastic hearts to go along with their plastic souls. If those 6000 protestors were really upset about it all they would walk to the parliament building from their home wearing handmade flaxen clothing and having nothing on their person or being carried or supported by anything made from or derived from fossil fuels.

The government should gather all the protestors and send them to an Island with nothing made from or derived from the use of fossil fuels. Give them each a pig a goat and a cow and some non gmo seeds and the flaxen clothes on their backs. There are a lot of Islands in the Aleutian chain that are currently not being used. The first people to be put on the island should be the "Organizers of the ‘Extinction Rebellion’"

But I do not think it was a false flag, I think it was just a bunch of idiots that have no concept of current life, or of life before fossil fuels, or of life in general.

Want to see the most moronic photo ever?


They just do not get it do they.

LOL nope.

You picked up on "that one" Honestly I thought nobody did, superb my friend, simply superb.

they wanted to put pressure on Britain’s government to take greater action to slow climate change and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2025.

Well of course! Must get the government to do something, because it's obviously beyond us and, well, we need more restrictions and control.

Exactly, lets just lobby the people we do not trust or respect, to get them to make more laws we no longer trust, well that is never going to end well is it.

Okay @shepz1 my friend...Here is my article written especially for youand your challenge:

Thanks for joining in my friend, it must have been a very productive "nap" :-)

Oh was a very refreshing nap. Woke up clear as a bell :>)

5 steem sent, I shared it 3 ways.

Thanks Shepz...I'll try to invest it wisely...Perhaps some Fish 'n' Chips for dinner...???

LOL and a cup of tea?

Yeah...A 'Spot' of tea...too...

Then you "must have" a cucumber sandwich too. lol.

Yo @shepz1, you're as bitter as a skunks bum-hole today, lol.
How about this for a conspiracy....
In 2001 the UK officially entered into a state of lawful rebellion using all the correct protocols of the constitution, it even involved a group of Lords handing a petition to the Queen. As the old hag chose to ignore her own laws We, the people that is, invoked Article 61 of the original Magna Carta. This clause was an agreement that stated that if the gov fucked up we could revoke their powers.

scroll petition.jpg

Since this happened the crown and all its agent have been removed and any laws thereafter do not have to be adhered to... Only one problem with this though(And I know from personal experience).... The gov don't give 2 fucks about the law and put you in jail if you try to follow this route. God save our gracious Queen, my arse!

Magna Carta's 800th Anniversary Is Celebrated. The Queen and Prime Minister attend commemorations - 800 years after the treaty was first agreed in 1215. The Queen, members of her family and the Prime Minister are attending events to mark the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta.14 Jun 2015

Yo @shepz1, you're as bitter as a skunks bum-hole today,

LOL that made me laugh, thank you, and thank you for the entry, superb my friend superb.

You're welcome buddy. I was part of Lawful Rebellion when the boxer, Ollie Pinnock got arrested, it was a bit of a pivotal point for us all as he was the first to be locked up(IMO he was locked up for contempt of court, rather than non-payment but the result was still the same). Great group of rebels and still proud to be a member, although I'm not as active as I once was.

5 steem sent, I shared it between 3 instead of two.

Very good of you and great idea for a contest. Actually ran one like this myself a long while ago. Great minds think alike I guess ;)

You are exquisite.