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RE: Change Is Upon Us, It Is Time For The People To Act

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Yeah, you make a good point, one that we all face in today's propagandized world, but all we can do is plant the seed, at every opportunity, and back away. Never force it on them, as that will only reaffirm their false beliefs. Plant the seed and do so every chance you get, and hopefully one day, they will have their awakening moment, as we did, likely due to your gentle persistence. And your seeds will be the first to grow. That is really all we can do, but it is clear that we have made progress over the years. Definitely two steps forward and one step back, but progress nonetheless. Other than that, all we can do is continue to do our best to point out the more down to earth issues that provide examples of the kind of malicious and sinister pursuits, lacking any moral compass, that our leaders currently conduct, such as on the world stage and civilian deaths in countries that violate our own constitution, and hopefully that will allow their mind to make the connection to the "conspiracy theories" that are harder for some to grasp, or least show that they are capable of such atrocities. But those who ignore the verifiable, are almost a lost cause. Stay vigilant my friend!


Could not agree more. Wish I was as eloquent and sharp minded as you are. :)