
in #conspiracy3 years ago

I keep trying to start this shit and seem to delete it and come back a day later. Gat damn it I am going to write something today.

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Since my mishap with a cold cut there have been much events in the treacherous land of treach. We had a super spreader event from two completely different Thanksgiving dinners that apparently brought all the wonderful covid variants together for a spectacular following two weeks. We nearly lost one son in law, seriously and several relatives including my mother and grandmother had to be scheduled for monoclonol antibody infusions..... which I am told, is the shiznit for dealing with the crud if you can catch it in time. My son in law was not so lucky.... broad spectrum antibiotics, steroids and massive amounts of oxygen delivered various ways and several days in the hospital was his ticket. To make is worse, as I am certain most of you have experienced is he had to go at it alone, and we had to let him do it without our support.

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After my close brush with death the idea of how all this shit has affected people has been weighing heavily on my mind. Many people have died alone, not getting that last goodbye and their families and friends have had to let them go. Gatherings have been discouraged and many funerals never even occurred. I can even begin to fathom what this alone will do to traditions and culture. When we are in the middle of learning the consequences of social media on society, we find ourselves standing on sandy surfaces instead of solid ground as free people. Pitted against each other by divisive systems designed to keep us in redundant conflicts with each other over specific hot topics. Moreover, we now cant even celebrate our accomplishments or pay respects to our loved ones and lay them to rest with the accustomed traditions that most have grown to accept as necessary.

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I fear that many of the science fiction novels and movies from yesteryear are severe understatements to the actual schemes and agendas that are actually unfolding before our eyes. I have been labeled paranoid.... I will take it. One thing I have learned in my life is it is better to be safe than sorry. If you stay ready you don't have to get ready. So in the long run if the masses of tin foiled hats around the world including myelf turn out to be wrong and lunatics..... so be it. We have hurt nobody in the process. Although, if we are right then we have been doing the world a favor since the term Conspiracy Theorist was coined, in all accounts to discredit us.

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The thing is most of us Tin Toppers would agree on, we hope we are wrong.

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