Occult Mathematics (via the Dos Equis a.k.a. the XX a.k.a the "88", merkaba, the number "9", etc.)

Ever wonder why Marty Mcfly had to reach "88" miles per hour in the movie "Back to the Future I , II, and III" while getting the Delorean to travel back and forth in "time" so to speak and that the "flux capacitor" was the shape that it was in the first place? I myself do not think that this was arbitrary at all. After all, everything in a movie is for the most part very much intentional, even the subtle nuances one can observe in the back ground or a specific number or symbol "hidden in plain sight" so to speak (in which "Back to the Future" is indeed littered with "hidden in plain sight" symbolism / numbers as well as perhaps some 9/11 predictive programming and for those who have the discernment and "eyes" to see so to speak may be able to pick up on this much easier than others). Yes, there are indeed examples of "bloopers" and the continuity being inconsistent in movies and television from time to time, however they maybe, yet those are far and few between. Perhaps my most recent findings below may be the "why" or at the very least help us all to understand more the meanings and reasons why we are shown specific bits of information, especially via the "entertainment industry", i.e. movies, television programs, music, etc. coupled with "hidden in plain sight" mathematics (numbers), i.e. like the number 33 for example and various geometric symbols / shapes, i.e. such as the XX. Below are my findings while simply playing around with the "Tetractys / Tetraktys", the doubling PA-ttern of 1-2-4-8-7-5 and the 3-6-9, i.e. Vortex Based Mathematics and the "Dos Equis" / double X / MA-sonic "Square and Compass" symbol.
Now before I really dive in deep here let me start off by quickly explaining some terms for those interested to simply re-search and look up for ones own self and to help better understand my process / mode of operation:
1.) "Solfeggio" number groups, i.e. (1-4-7 / 2-5-8 / 3-6-9)

2.) "Digital root" of a number which can be found simply by summing a number down to a single digit, leaving only one number left and no matter how large a number is, this can always be done. When doing so, very interesting to say the least PA-tterns start appearing, especially the doubling PA-ttern of 1-2-4-8-7-5 and the interchangeable and oscillating 3, 6 and 9!
3.) Geometric shapes / symbols to know such as:

Now that all of this is squared away so to speak, let me show you my findings regarding all the above mentioned. Also I must elaborate and stress that all of this can be found in our base numbers 1-9 and just simply using arithmetic and subtraction and applying these numerical PA-tterns to the geometrical figures mentioned above one can, such as yourself, apply this on your very own and come to the same conclusions that I have myself have found. In fact I encourage one to solely try this for themselves and not just merely take my word for it. Question everything, including me I say!
Okay so remember those "Solfeggio" number groups I mentioned above and the "Dos Equis" / "Double X" / MA-sonic "Square and Compass" / "88" / double tetrahedron / Merkaba" geometry also mentioned above? Well believe it or not, they can all be found in our base numbers like this:

Now I know some of you are wondering how I even got to this point in the first place and was able to produce this even to begin with. Well when one begins to understand the quality of each number in our base number system 0-9 and simply adding each number next to one another like this, one will simply find / dis-cover that numbers start to produce very orderly numerical PA-tterns hidden within themselves and geometrical symbols as well.
Here is just one example for the first set :

Now once understanding this concept of applying numerical PA-tterns (i.e. "Solfeggio" number groups, the doubling PA-ttern of 1-2-4-8-7-5, etc.) to various geometrical symbols (i.e. the Tetractys / Tetraktys, the XX, the double tetrahedron, etc.) one may see and dis-cover the amazing "magic" and occult information and knowledge that the individual and collective importance numbers possess especially when coupled right along with geometrical symbols. Now also perhaps this is what "Back to the Future" was subtly trying to express as well? Perhaps these findings can be applied to various applications such as electro-magnetic current / energy, how it travels within "space", hydroelectricity, computer circuitry and applications, DNA and the very nature of the uni-verse / multi-verse itself and so on. Perhaps the sky is the limit? Maybe even "time travel" as well fits into all of this occult information? Who really fully knows at this point, but I myself feel that this is perhaps one of the ideas that the movie "Back to the Future" was trying to express to those who are in the "know" so to speak. Think of this as an alchemical process of sorts, but instead of "transmuting various base metals into gold", one is simply using addition and subtraction to understand the underlying root of how numbers interact not only with one another qualitatively via occult / hidden numerical PA-tterns, but also by simply being placed within various geometric symbols, one can further find / dis-cover various occult / hidden knowledge via geometrical PA-tterns as well.
Here below I will not only demonstrate to you how you can apply this same logic not only with the XX symbol, but can be also applied to other such various geometric symbols such as the double tetrahedron / merkaba symbol and the Tetraktys as well. In which if you break it down, they essentially contain the same principles. Here let me show you via my findings below:

...thus creating this right below...

And once understanding this concept, one can play with these findings in various / multitude of ways by adding or subtracting opposing numbers when combining these geometric symbols and numbers together like this: (Note: I have only begun to scratch the surface so to speak with this alchemical practice / process. I suggest everyone interested to do so, feel free to try for yourselves for I am only one person tackling the infinite possibilities numbers and geometry posses)

Below are more examples of this process that I myself have found. Keep in mind that there are most likely much much more to this that I myself have not even found yet:

Now notice how in one of the images above I have found the total sum of each group, i.e. the total sum being the "306", "315", and "296". Now another thing that I would like to show you / demonstrate here is that these numbers can also be applied in another way to find some very interesting to say the least numerical PA-tterns and knowledge especially concerning the "X" symbol. By simply using addition again, one can take all three of these numbers and stack them in any order on top of one another and simply add in all directions possible and put the sum numbers in there respective order via order of operations when adding each number together in all directions (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) and keep continuing this process with the numbers together as a group in their respective order or mode of operation, thus producing the next number for both opposing sides. And remember again to use the "digital root" method as described above! Below is just one example:

This can also be done with all variations of numbers and when doing so, no matter how big of a number, the number 9 itself eventually takes over and the result is again an"X"symbol. Interesting enough every number eventually ends up becoming 9 with using this specific process! Below are examples with some of the numbers in our base number system that I myself have found / dis-covered:

Hopefully this all will make some sense or will eventually make sense to most of you. Next I will show you how you can apply this same concept to the geometrical symbol the "Tetractys / Tetraktys"...but I will do that in my next post. So stay tuned! I can assure you that you do not want to miss out on what I have found! Namaste and much love and light to ALL! :)
and just like the movie "Back to the Future"...

i'm a bit tired for mah brainz to take in all of that and reply in depth. for now, i suggest watching this video about 'back to the future' and the encoding within it: https://steemit.com/life/@ura-soul/does-the-movie-series-back-to-the-future-accurately-predict-the-wtc-911-attacks-years-before-they-occurred-it-sure-looks-like-it
I fully agree brother. This "World" is indeed a stage / game of sorts. Interesting that once one gains the ability to pierce the veil and become capable of deciphering the code of mathematics and geometry and the occult knowledge contained within, one begins to "see" and "know" the "World" for what it really may be. 9/11 and other various "false" flag attacks I feel were very much indeed rituals on various levels, especially pertaining to mathematics, geometry, and cosmological knowledge. Take the "Twin" towers being replaced with a black cube and their correlation with the 3 large py-RA-mids in Giza corresponding with "Orion's Belt" and the 3-4-5 ratio for instance and the "One World Trade Tower" itself with its triangle pointing up and another pointing down in an "as above, so below" hermetic approach. Also I feel that once one begins to understand all of this, one then can pick apart "entertainment" such as movies, television, music industries for what they really truly are..."predictive programming" for the ignorant majority to put it mildly. Very interesting indeed isn't it brother?
the entities involved are following traditions of ritual magic, yes - which they perceive to bring them their 'power' (power OVER) on earth. this black magic, though is not being fully understood even by them since if they understood it, they would not do it.
if you haven't already seen it - i recommend mark passio's presentation on the occult aspects of 911: https://www.ureka.org/videos/watch/8839/mark-passio-on-the-occult-aspects-of-911-09-12-2012
Love the work of Mark Passio! Along with Marty Leeds, Marko Rodin and Randy Powell, Max Igan, Greg Carlwood from The Higher Side Chats (T.H.C.) and Kev Baker just to name a few. So many great minds out there and yet we will never see them on the fake "mainstream news" or hear about them in our Rockefeller / Vanderbilt / Carnegie / Gates public institutions of indoctrination and standardization. Now I wonder why that may be? ;)
yeah, some of those guys are great. I am part way through a 911 documentary here that will also add to the whole understanding of what went on - but i need a team to speed up the whole process as i am running a social network, writing a book and a music album at the same time. lol.
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floyyd mayweather doesnt get it he maybe does subconsciously but he probly thought it was a jewish thing and just wanted to stay true to illuminati or something..i just doubt that hes into numerology and sycnhromysticism
dude this is liek marko rodins stuff
this is some complex stuff for steemit!
lots of math peeople here tho i believe cuz of the programmers
dude u should post the Alan att book cutting through the matrix!!!!!!

And u kno abut Keylontic Science right?
This stuff was lliterlly banned from facebook and would get taken down due to "copyright claims" on what are supposed to be anciient alien symbol codes part of our collective genetic code u cant copyright it lol
Yes Marko Rodin did discover "Vortex Based Mathematics" along with others such as Nikola Tesla and perhaps even the likes of Ed Leedskalnin as well, at least the understanding of electro magnetic current / frequencies and I do very much respect and appreciate the work of both Marko Rodin and Randy Powell. However, almost every single piece / image here on this specific post are solely my own creations and my own discoveries that I made on my very own via a compass / straight edge and adobe illustrator. Pretty much everything you see on this blog are my creations / discoveries, for the numbers and geometries showed me everything. I simply was there to connect the dots. However, Marko's work is truly amazing to say the least as well and again very much respect both his work and his mind as well as Randy Powell and Marty Leeds. :)
DUde i am following you now, u are very smart
u will find huge following if u KEEP POSTING
just dont stop posting sacred geometry math all this stuff
get into keylontic science we will blast it out to the cosmos!!
When the time is right
we will have discernment
you have to comment on my posts so i can remember you!!
i will upvote u man!!!
I do apologize and please forgive me for my late response. I am just seeing your comment now. Thank you so much my friend. I appreciate your kind words. I am working and made some more discoveries recently that I will be posting here as soon as possible. May take a week or so to get everything in order. Namaste my friend. I will follow you back. :)
Reading this post was like watching Daryn Arynofsky's movie, "Pi".