A Dictionary of the Sovereign People- Chapter 2-6 We The People

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Chapter 2………………….We The People

We The People

Words and Phrases following the Revolution, and strictly Applicable to the People of the United States of America from Magna Charta (1215) following the CIVIL WAR, and just preceding the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, June 16, 1866.

“The Best Kings English”; the Best example of the use of the Kings English can be found in the Original Script version of the Original Constitution of the United States of America, (1788) and or its “Literal Print” previously referenced in Rule 1.

“People”; [Proper Noun, First Letter Capitalized] From the Revolution of 1776, and throughout the Sovereign States, the word “People”, as used in the Preamble and throughout the Constitution of and

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for the United States of America (1788), and the Federalist Papers, is synonymous with the phrase “Citizen of the State”, who, in their collective Capacity, formed the Political Sovereignty of the United States of America; and as an Individual Private Citizen, enjoy His/Her Private, Prerogatives and Sovereignty; Chisholm vs. Georgia 2 Dall 419 (1793) citing the word “People” 81 times; also see Martin vs. Hunter 14 U.S. 304 (1816); and, Lansing vs. Smith 4 Wendell 9,20 (1829); Dred Scott vs. Sanford 60 U.S. 393 (1856). The word “People” appears no less than 620 times in the Federalists Papers; 39 times in the Constitution of California 1849; and 3 times in the original Constitution of the United States of America (1788). These People and Their Posterity, not Their government, have the Exclusive Prerogative Right and Sovereign Power to determine the Qualifications of Their Peers; See authorities from Article 9 of Confederation; Steiner v. Darby & c.. Attached in the body of tabbed exhibits;

“American” Proper Noun; In the United States of America, A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals or copper colored race found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America. Noah (1828); the change is directly associated to the new Sovereign over America commonly called, “Europeans”; “Europe” Proper Noun; [Bochart supposes this word to be composed of white face, the land of White People, as distinguished from the Ethiopians, black-faced people, or tawny inhabitants of Asia and Africa.] Noah (1828); The word “Europe” and “European”, meaning “White”, was used no less than 54 times in the Federalists Papers; the Word White only once in the Articles of Confederation; the word White appears Three times in the 1849 California Constitution. Prior to the Civil Rights Acts, and pre banking, the word “White” can be found in all the State Constitutions, all the naturalization laws, all the Elector qualifications, all the State and Federal election requirements, and in more case law than can be easily counted here.

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“State” In the United States of America, (Found 50 times in the original US Constitution) a Union of the European People as Federalists, Princes, Freeholders, Domiciled on Their Demesne Manor (Crown Land) as State Citizens, recognizing and enforcing Unalienable Rights and disciplined in the principal of doing justice to Others. Publius; also see Chisholm v. Georgia referenced in Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (1914) vol 2 p. 3120;

“Citizen”; according to the many authorities and their writings, this word is of ancient origin. It has been used throughout mans history to describe a group of single minded individuals who have banned together in a particular geography, being a village, town, city, or larger, and to therein establish a protective shield against intruders. This generally accepted word would also be the prefix to that specific geography like, “citizen of Rome”, &ccccccccccccccc…… But in all the authorities citing this word has never in its entire existence been directly associated with, or used in connection with the word “Sovereign”, until, the Revolution ending on July 4, of 1776. The American People of European descent, by their own Power, acquired the Sovereignty over the American Nation and its States. At that point in time, each of Them became a “Citizen of the State” by Their own Hand. And ever since have been plagued by unscrupulous spiritually dead criminally minded people to destroy our Constitution and our People!!!

This phrase “Citizen of the State”, is the foundation upon which this Nation is Secure. It represents the specific, Highest Title of the Sovereign in this Nation. This phrase, “Citizen of the State”, is the fountain from which the Sovereign “Posterity” flows. Without this phrase, “Citizen of the State”, there is no “Sovereignty”; Without this phrase “Citizen of the State” there is No “People, no “Federal State”, No “Unalienable Rights”, and most certainly no “Land of the Free”, or “Home of the Brave”; just a bunch of “denizens”, “subjects”, Banc “chattel”, and 14th so-called amendment “citizens of the UNITED STATES” screaming for their government created, granted privileged “CIVIL RIGHTS”.

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In order to fix, the application, definition, and true meaning of the phrase “citizen of the UNITED STATES”, pay close attention to the following paragraph: “It will be observed, that under this Confederation, each State had the right to decide for itself, and in its own tribunals, whom it would acknowledge as a free inhabitant of another State. The term free inhabitant, in the generality of its terms, would certainly include one of the African race who had been manumitted. But no example, we think, can be found of his admission to all the privileges of citizenship in any State of the Union after these Articles were formed, and while they continued in force. And, notwithstanding the generality of the words ‘free inhabitants,’ it is very clear that, according to their accepted meaning in that day, they did not include the African race, whether free or not: for the fifth section of the ninth article [Articles of Confederation] provides that Congress should have the power ‘to agree upon the number of land forces to be raised, and to make requisitions from each State for its quota in proportion to the number of white inhabitants in such State, which requisition should be binding.” Dred Scott vs. Sanford 60 U.S. 393,@ p. 418 (1856). In order to see how the African Race was treated by men of Wisdom in the United States of America, look at the founding Constitution, and Article 9, of the Sovereign “Republic of Liberia” (January 5, 1839). Publius;

This phrase “Citizen of the State” is directly opposed to the phrase“citizen of the United States; It is a principal or Our Republican form of government that the Phrase “Citizen of the State” should be well understood by the very People who hold the Sovereignty of this Nation and Each State. There are many citations on this phrase, but, it would be well to ponder a point in our history where the phrase “Citizen of the State” was expressly distinguished from the phrase “citizen of the United States”, by Thomas Jefferson in the first two naturalization Acts:

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In accordance with the Limited Power vested by the People in the United States of America in Congress Assembled, by and through Article I Section 8, Powers Granted to Congress: Clause 4 states; “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,…..throughout the United States.” Not in the United States;

Which it did by the following wording:

In the United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790).

“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least,……..”

If you recite the Constitution from that specific Article, that vested congress with power to create a rule, it wasn’t, nor has Congress ever been vested with the power to naturalize; in fact the Tenth Article of Amendment, by words so simple, the People prohibits congress from doing any act or exercising any power not explicitly and expressly delegated to it by the Constitution as ratified in 1791.

But, following the establishment of the MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, [hereafter MCDC] on March 3, 1791 [FIRST CONGRESS. SESS II CH 28]; Congress amended the 1st NATURALIZATION LAW by enacting the 2nd NATURALIZATION LAW;

In which Thomas Jefferson states:

United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform rule of Naturalization; and to repeal the act heretofore passed on that subject” (January 29, 1795).

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For carrying into complete effect the power given by the constitution, to establish an uniform rule of naturalization throughout the United States, as apposed to In the United States [DC MC] [and “Only in a State Court having Common Law Jurisdiction”]

“SEC.1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States, [correct capitalization/ lower case “c”] or any of them, [any one of the States] on the following conditions, and not otherwise: —

First. He shall have declared, on oath or affirmation, before the supreme, superior, district, or circuit court of some one of the states, or of the territories northwest or south of the river Ohio, or a circuit or district court of the United States, three years, at least, before his admission, that itwas bona fide, his intention to become a citizen of the United States,………………….“


The Power Delegated to Congress by The People, as Citizens of a State to naturalize, extended only to, AND throughout the States, and, only to any authorized “aliens”, having the specific qualification, such as their “Race”; “their “Allegiance”; their Intent of “Domicile”; the specific Court having American Common Law jurisdiction to take their “oath of Allegiance in English”; and the minimum resident time for qualifying. This is an American Common Law Principal and Un/Inalienable to the People and Their Posterity. See exhibits of authority, attached under tabbed heading [Rights of The People]

CONGRESS, in voicing its power to naturalize in one of its Admiralty/Maritime Courts, just violated Article X of Amendment by delegating and assuming to itself, as an Artificial MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, the Prohibited authority and Unauthorized Power to NATURALIZE. And by this prohibited act, Congress also created an artificial citizen and subject of and under the general jurisdiction of the municipal corporation called the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA; present day

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this MUNICIPAL CORPORATION [MCDC] IS More commonly known, AND , extensively expressed as “THE UNITED STATES”. When congress, by way of the alien private bancing cartel began to test the Sovereignty and Un/Inalienable Rights of the People, it started by re-defining the term ‘UNITED STATES’ in most of its CODES like; “When used in this TITLE,… the term “UNITED STATE” included all places….. subject to the jurisdiction of the United States…” which shall include “Guam”; “American Samoa”; Puerto Rico”; “the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA”; “the Virgin Islands”; and even a pile of guano. See 18 U.S.C. Chap. 1, §§ 5 through 31; &, 26 U.S.C. § 7701(a) (9) & (10), to name a few; also see US Supreme Court decision Hooven v. Evatt 324 U.S.652,671/672 (1944); where it states that “The term “United States” may be used in any one of several senses.”……@ p.671; They even use the specific word “State” to identify DCMC, which could not, even, if they wished to do so, become one of the independent Federal States of this Federal Union under Our Federal Trust Constitution;

When is a Federal/National court vested with American Common Law Jurisdiction; This term, Federal Common Law has been extensively explained and defined in great detail by the Supreme Courts, both State and Federal, and only applies to the Supreme Court of the United States of America, and the Circuit Court of the United States of America..under Article III; And, Where the Lawful Title and or Constitutionally Secured Rights are squarely before a Court, in order for it to proceed it must have Common Law, or At Law jurisdiction. No person can vest a court with full jurisdiction where either Personam, Subject Matter, or Geography is lacking; and, The Supreme Court has jurisdiction in Law where a State is a Party, and the Circuit Court has jurisdiction in Law when Citizens of different States are parties; but neither is vested with the Common Law Power to Naturalize an “Alien” to the position of a “Citizen of the State” simply because these Article III Federal Courts are

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not creatures of any one of the States. See Glidden v. Zdanok 370 US 530 (1962).

The truth of this matter is simply that upon the migration of such individuals qualified to take up the sovereignty with state citizenship, after establishing a “Domicile” in anyone of the U.S. territories not MCDC, they must first create a Republican form of Constitution with Common Law Meets and Bounds [Latitude and Longitude] for that yet to be establish State. And upon its qualification in accordance with Article IV Sec. 4, as being a “Republican Form of Government”, and their allegiance to the “Citizens in the several States” and Their Constitution, all the People so qualified by the provisions of the 1st Naturalization Act, including any pre-qualified Citizen of any one of the already established States of the American Union became, at that moment, “Citizens of the new State” so established with full Sovereignty, Prerogatives, and Unalienable Rights.

Next we come to a word that the Founders shunned because of its relationship to that dreaded monarch that the Revolution was fought for permanent separation. But whether they, the Founding Fathers, like it or not, the Posterity are in fact of Law and Principal, “Princes” by the strict meaning and construction of this League of Federal States United as a Union under God.

A “League”, An alliance or confederacy between princes or states for their mutual aid and defense; or, politically correct would be cited as, “The United Princes of Their American States”;

“Prince” In the United States of America, is, Synonymous with “The Son of God”; “The People” (60 US 393,419); “Their Posterity”- “Descendants; children, children’s children, &c. indefinitely; the race that proceeds from a progenitor. (NW28); A “Citizen of one of the Several States of the American Union”; Dred Scott vs. Sanford 60 U.S. 393, 419

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(1856); A “Freeholder” in His “Demain Manor”; An absolute estate in perpetuity, and the largest possible estate a Man can have, being in fact, Allodial in its Nature; and as equal to the Crown Land, called the “Demesne Manor. NW28; A “Juryman” must be a “Freeholder” NW28; an “Elector“ qualified by the Common Law of these United States of America; a “Militia Man” also qualified by the Common Law of these United States of America, and Citizen of the State, Domiciled in the County; and any other individual who might have allegiance to that particular State; and last but not least, all the Constitutionally qualified State and Federal Legislative, Executive and Judicial Trustees Elected by the constitutionally qualified Elector Citizens of a State, under the Secured Established Principles of the Founding Fathers and God; “Where Rights Secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate Them.” See Miranda vs. Arizona 384 U.S. 436,491 (1966); and People v. De La Guerra 40 Cal 311,341–344 (1870); This Prohibition also includes any so-called Amendment to the Constitution, 11 on.

Next comes the word “Federal” that was and is the defining Principal used to Establish the Common Law identified as a world Unit created by the Founding Fathers, defined by NW28, as follows:

“FED’ERAL”, a. [from L. f dus, a league, allied perhaps to Eng. wed, Sax. …..

Pertaining to a league or contract; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, particularly between nations.
2. Consisting in a compact between parties, particularly and chiefly between states or nations; founded on alliance by contract or mutual agreement; as a federal government, such as that of the United States.
  1. Friendly to the constitution of the United States. [See the Noun]}

FED’ERAL, n. An appellation in America, given to the friends of the constitution of FED’ERALIST, the United States, at its formation

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and adoption, and the political party which favored the administration of President Washington.” NW28

“Federalist” was not a political party, but a “Principal” of Liberty and Sovereignty: An appellation in America, given to the friends of the Constitution of the United States at its formation and adoption, which was not a “DEMOCRACY” or a “REPUBLIC”, but in fact and Principal a “Republican Form” of Government. Article IV§4 US Constitution 1788.

A “Democracy”, vests the right of suffrage to all classes; such was Athens, which did not work, ever; DEMOCRACY was held synonymous with COMMUNISM in the WWII training manual; and enemy of this Union; A “Republic”, such as “ROME” was a system where the peoplehad no rights, but were privileged under the Pope and the consorting Emperors; Neither of these two ALIEN SYSTEMS were ever considered by the Founding Fathers in the establishment of our Federation, but were in fact completely and totally denounced as being neither a pure Republic or a Democracy, but a “Republican Form of government”. See Federalist Papers ….Madison №10&48 p. 309; paragraph 6.

If the preceding definitions of facts are Lawful, and of sound Principal and the Intent of Our Founders, it then follows that in order for any qualified agent, State or Federal, City or County, appointed or otherwise, who takes, or has taken an Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and that agent becomes or aids a member of a non constitutional faction, then it follows, that said agent, by becoming a “Trustee” of the People, who were themselves, by the principals of the Constitution all “Federalists”, had to also be “Federalists” themselves until that alien faction could eliminate or annihilate the People, “Citizens of the State”, and this Federal Union. By becoming a “Democrat” or “Republican”, or any faction not “Federalist”,

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and being on the alien Banc Payroll, constitutes an act in direct violation of that Oath, and “Treasonous” as to the People, Their Posterity and Their Sovereignty!!!!!! Publius

In short, these factions by way of CODES, AMENDMENTS and BANCING, and massive FRAUD and the extermination of the European descendants of the Founding Fathers; the transformation of the People as “Citizen of a State” of these United States of America, into subject chattel citizens of the UNITED STATES, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA; Confounded and seized the Allodial titles to Their Demain Manors converting them into “residential”, commercial, agricultural, taxable, alien PUBLIC PROPERTY; And, by the allowance of an alien constitutionally prohibited faction, have converted their Substance and Coin and Labour into non redeemable, LEGAL TENDER BANC PAPER.

This alien faction (BANCERS AND THEIR OVERLORDS) created all the “CIVIL RIGHT’, “CIVIL CODES”, “CIVIL LIBERTIES”, AND even A “CIVIL/SUBJECT citizen of the MCDC UNITED STATES”; and under the guise of equality, failed to mention or use the words Sovereign, Unalienable, or Prerogatives, or properly Capitalize “Citizen of a State”, in any phrase, executive, legislative, or judicial ruling, to identify the African Race; but in fact, not only identified them as SUBJECT TO MCDC, but created a special rule applicable only to them for any of their government created and granted ‘CIVIL RIGHT VIOLATIONS. See 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and Wadleigh v. Newhall. (1905 CC Cal) 136 F 941. Sounds and looks like “Genocide” and “Treason” to Me. Publius