Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 3 (150 steem grand prize)

in #contest7 years ago

Hello there! Welcome to my digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

Despite much progress, our castle is still new and we are still building here so I think it's important for us to start the third challenge quickly as well and I plan on keeping them coming pretty steady for the first week or so at least, hopefully one a day.

And then I'll probably slow down a bit cause it is actually a decent amount of work, but I sort of want to gather momentum in the beginning here and get as many different people participating as I can right in the beginning with this burst of creativity and passion I have going right now. :)

This contest is a relatively new idea and the challenges just officially started a couple days ago and I'm still thinking about lots of different ways to add new things or go about this better. And I was thinking..

And.. I seem to remember that someone else might have even suggested this idea before in the past when I was asking about potential ideas for future challenges, but either way I thought it would be cool if we could have a challenge where people come up with the best idea for a future challenge. :)

In addition to the regular reward, if you win this round, the challenge idea you suggested that we use in the future will be named after you and become a permanent part of the history of this contest however long it lives into the future.

For example, if your name is bob and you came up with a great contest idea that we pick and let's just say your entry idea was a "Cool idea challenge" Then we will call the contest "bob's cool idea challenge", or something like that! Hopefully you get the idea. ._.


The rules are..

You must create your own blog post on your page in regards to the challenge with a title mentioning the specific contest, IE something like.. "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 3 entry" and then link it here on this page in the comments below. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

I will personally much more lean towards the original and unique ideas, BUT.. That doesn't necessarily mean that's who the winner will be.. This is the Information Finding Championship.. Whoever brings the best information as voted upon by myself and the judges in relation to what I request wins the round.

For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. We'll do another round between just those who tied to see who wins.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the four judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post, and I think in general for most of the challenges you will have better odds if you submit sooner rather than later.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the one with the most votes will get a level up and a point to go towards their long term win and the steem/sbd from the challenge (minus the 25% or so for curation)

If you are new and want to know more about how the contest works in general, this link may help that explains the Information Finding Championship in more detail.

Just in case anyone is confused.. To clarify again in regards to the rules.


1. Third challenge starts now and is a challenge for the best contest challenge idea. (see below for acceptable content entries) 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 3 entry" Your blog post name (Stylized Art) 4. Provide a source for the art work, even if it is yourself state it, or if it is "unknown artist". 5. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 6. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. Ideas about future contests here on IFC
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - Joshua Clement on Facebook



Thanks for the resteem nxtblg!!! :) And the upvote. It's super appreciated! I wish I could offer more to the people playing, though I can only do so much.. So.. Thank you, you're making this contest better for the people who are participating. :)

Hey, you gotta start somewhere. Thanks for making the ffort.

Indeed. Well said. And.. You're welcome. :) I'm having a lot of fun setting it up! First day was a lil slow, second day a lil more active, today even more so.. And I have a feeling before too long this is going to be a really active and enjoyable lil competition thingamajig. :D

I would like to participate. I have some ideas, ( i just started running contest ) but i am not quite sure just yet what you "looking for". exactly . It is probably my bad, so i will have to re read this post of yours a few more times :-) With a fresh head in the morning. I hope i can understand it better, i am getting a good "vibe ", would be foolish to miss out ! :-)


Hey! Thanks for showing interest. :) In this specific challenge I'm looking for ideas for future challenges.
You know how we have like.. Photography challenges, or the open mic challenge, or drawing challenges, I mean.. There's a lot of different kinds of challenges here on steemit! So, the idea is to come up with the best idea for one of these challenges.

I hope that clears up any misunderstanding?

I think so, thank You ! :-)

I couldn't understand if I'm allowed to jump straight in Round 3 if I didn't take part in the first 2 rounds.

Hello @steemfluencer, Round 1 and round 2 are still active, feel free to jump into round 3, even if this was round 13 and you missed all the other rounds, It is my understanding that you could still enter.

@steemfluencer Yes you can jump in any time. And also I appreciate your question as this is still new and I hadn't thought about adding certain context and such, perhaps I should mention somewhere in the future posts that anyone can join at any time.

It probably needs the Rules a bit more clarified as at least to me it doesn't look like something I'm 100% aware what exactly I'm expected to do..

Thanks for the feedback. I will in time try to do that. A lot of other people seem to be understanding how it works without any problems, and there are also a few who are confused as well so it's not just you.. Can I personally help you with a specific question or issue?

It's probably the broad possibilities for contest entries that confuse me. Thanks for the offered help. I reread the main post and I think more or less I feel more confident about the IFC in general.

Ah.. Yeah.. There's a LOT of different kinds of challenges here, and.. I'm looking to add more in time. So not sure I can help with that.. I want the challenges to be super diverse and to appeal to as many different kinds of artists and trades and such as I can.

And.. As one of the contestants noticed and pointed out earlier.. There's actually an element here by my intention to try to encourage people to learn more different subjects. Perhaps you could try to look at it as a challenge in and of itself to try to work in some additional areas you perhaps hadn't done before. Whatever the case, I hope to encourage people to branch out more and try to learn lots of different things! :)

Glad to hear you feel more confident about the IFC. Please let me know in the future if you have any questions or if I can help you in some way.

Cool : )

Here's my humble suggestion: shorten the text and make it as simple as possible.

Here's a good example for a contest following the same suggestion:

I dare to share opinion about contests organization, because I'm hosting writing contests.

Thanks for the tips! I'm definitely going to work on fixing things soon, hopefully in the next couple days.. I'm tempted to do it tonight, but.. Probably won't be tonight. And that's cool you're also hosting contests as well! :) What kind of writing contest? I'm also a writer.

the competition is very good. I want to join this competition. but my English is very bad and I ask for help google translate in order to participate in steemit.

Thanks for appreciating!
And.. Feel free to try! :) We will do our best to understand you and work with you.

Ahh I'm behind again! Time to finish the 3rd and get working on the 4th!

Did you do the second challenge, the moon one yet? I don't remember your entry.. And.. Round 5 is coming up soon as well! Probably in around 10 hours or so. I'm actually kind of excited about round 5 the most so far!
Looking forward to seeing more from you kryptocek! I loved your first entry! And I'm not the only one.

Nevermind I found it on your blog page, but I don't think you officially submitted it to the challenge by posting it in the comments of the specific post involved? Or did you? I looked and didn't see it..

Whoops the one thing I forgot to do! On it right now!

Just got it fixed up and entered them both!

I have some catching up to do! Off to find my moon!

Heh, yeah.. It's going to be a fast pace in the beginning here!
TO be straight forward, I almost felt like posting two challenges today!! But.. I decided not to. Heh.
Though.. One of these days I just might do two in a day.. I want this to be a really active ferocious competition with a lot of people and if I hustle to put out a bunch of challenges right away, I think that will help get this ball rolling much better! ._.

im a judge and I like your idea helping new guys out and you got my vote if all ok with Apoly. still need to go over the detail but its a great idea. : ) "is that a competition could be made, to find the best newcomer of the week. Simply by asking anyone under a reputation of what ever you choose, to submit a post, and see which one gets the most votes." sounds like a great idea and would love to know how it will be best worked out! : ) but congratulations : )

Yeah it's okay man, you don't need my permission.. The idea of having judges is to create a separation of power from me.. So, you should pick someone even if I don't like their entry or whatever, but in this case.. I highly support you and I am most likely going to vote for this as well.
In fact.. Even if this entry doesn't win, I already decided I'm going to create a challenge like this anyways because we need a challenge like this.

Thanks Apoly How I think this challenge could work is we reward the winning nominator (Scout) and nominee (talent). The nominator explains why he has picked a particular new account in your post to win. Including a hyper link so we can check out.

Hmm.. Yeah! That's a good idea, the newbie that is picked should get part of the reward as well.. I think for this round the person who wins will split their reward 50/50 with the newbie that they endorse.

I agree with your idea! And as I said, I wanna do this even deliberator doesn't win. This contest idea is too important to not use and not only that, I want to do it soon.. SO lemme check my list of contests here..

It looks like I got up to round 5 ready to go, so I think the newbie challenge will be round 6! I can't wait, seriously.. I think this is one of the best ideas. I really look forward to this challenge both now and into the future!

Superb, thank you, it becomes a win win for everybody on here then.

Well done Deliberator I think the scout can also in the commnets write alittle about the talent they have found giving us a intro. : ) alot have cool stories to tell

Im a judge so lets do this!! guys! : ) going over your suggestions now........

thank you for making a contest for friends in steemit and thank you for sharing your friends

You're welcome.

Postingan yang sangat bermanfaat @apolymask
Upvote ya

I don't understand?

very useful post, upvote posts @mustafakamal94 once @apolymask 🙏🙏🙏😊