Short form and Creativity Writing(SCW); Comment Reward 2

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Contest for the week: Interaction.


Still in the spirit of encouraging, motivating and supporting certain aspect on steemit blogging, I am bringing to you the contest for this week.

This contest is still about rewarding comments. This is for the sole purpose to encourage interaction on the steemit platform. And also learning from one another.


Do we have a judge?

Yes, we have a judge for this week contest. Our judge is a private person and would want to remain anonymous. I choose to respect his privacy.

I will like to also appreciate all my supporters. So far, this contest has been a success with you supporting me in your own little way. I tend to appreciate the tiniest of gift. As little as a smile, it makes so much difference cutting into the depth of my soul. Thank you.

@donkeypong, you are a great support to me on steemit. You are the reason the contest came into play. Thank you so much for always supporting my course on steemit.

Now to the contest;


"How would you judge if a post is quality?" Lets us know what your idea of a quailty post is

Who wins:

There will be 2 winners for 10sbd each.

How to participate:

Participation is easy. It is an interactive section. All you need to do is leave a comment about the topic. Give your opinion about the topic. Let us know what you regard as quality.

Winners will be selected, based on most interactive, accuracy of comment content and content subtance.

Entry is open till the day of payout.

All Image

Thank you for participating
Thank you for stopping by and reading.




This contest is close now. Winners will be announce shortly. I want to say a big thank you to all the participant. You all had some intelligent and quality to say about the topic. I am whaoed......

For me, a quality post is that post which have the following features:
i) the topic is interest arousing-- The moment would-be readers see it, they are eager to click and read.

ii) the content is well organised--The catchy thing about the topic should not be made last paraph, many readers may not have the patience to get there

iii)images to illustrate your points--This should fit the material under consideration, not just any image

iv) the images should be well referenced

v)the source material should be referenced- If not original, remember to give credit to whom or where you got it from

vi)the post should teach-- Readers should learn something from the post, this can be summed up in the concluding remark or made a moral lesson, help tips etc

vii)Build on it---If the topic has existed somewhere, which is very possible, do not just plagiarize or read and change the words to yours, find out the area the former post didnt discuss and talk about it or give a recent findings on that topic

viii)Let it not be too short and concise, let it have some kind of meat, however it shouldnt be too lengthy to bore readers

ix)Use the appropriate tag. If its a motivational post, let the word 'motivation' be one of the tags. If you are not register with a channel, no point spamming the tag in your post besides the channel you registered with mustnt be in all your post. If its not educational, why use 'steemiteducation'? if its not related to food, household use or agriculture, why tag it ' homesteading?'

x)i think you dont need to ask anyone to follow you and you will follow back--If the post is good, the person will look for you and find you.

These are my definition of quality post, thanks for the oppertunuty to err my view. I adore you

A properly presented, well articulated, easy to understand, meaningful and credible content in a post is what quality means to me.

The key word here is meaningful. If it is well articulated, grammatically correct and easy to comprehend with explanations for any technical jargon used then it's easier to make out what the post has to offer to me. If the post is authoritative, logical, with all the required credible references then it looks trustworthy and hence qualitative to me. If the post has good formatting and appealing to my eyes, it is inviting to me and is easier to read through. This imparts a good reputation to the content creator and hence the content as well, so it become more meaningful to me.

How do I judge a quality post?
I would rather not keep mute as you are asking for my own view of a quality post. Quality is defined by the level of excellence projected.
Quality posts are not necessarily determined by length as a post can be lengthy but not qualitative. This does not rule out the fact that if a post must be qualitative, it has to be full.
I believe a qualitative post must have a lot of images and illustrations to better buttress the writer's points.
To me, I believe a post is qualitative if it answers all or most of the possible questions readers might have in mind under the chosen topic.

Quality of a post should be judged by how well it serves the intended purpose of the post. It should achieve this in a manner that is captivating and original. It should add something to the readers life through information, thought provocation or inginiting an emotion. At times a simple photo may send you back to a beautiful vacation memory or conjur up emotions of peace and joy. At times information that is helpful may be shared and enrich the readers life. A philosophical post may promote a new view on life and pose interesting concepts. Thus it is quite difficult to discern quality when the platform is a hodgepodge of varied perspectives. On such a platform, the title should be informative about the post in general and the post should have brevity built into it with dense context which should be accurate and without fluff. Quality demands brevity.
How many hearts and minds will it touch? That is important. A highly technical paper published on a fringe topic must be avoided. A quality post should appeal to a large audience.

  1. Good informative title.
  2. Original content
  3. Appeal to a broad audience
  4. Be concise
  5. Leave a mark in peoples life even if it is a simple joke that makes some one smile.
  6. Positivity is our Times is lacking and a quality post should promote it.

I so love this. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I love this topic ....."How would you judge if a post is quality?" Getting people to click on your link or to go through your blog and to leave a comment and upvote on your post, i think by providing a great incentive, it can be done easily, you can create this incentive using one of these two things:

  1. Monetary Incentives: These include coupons and contests. It will attract viewers to visit your blog often, since they know money is included..
  2. Enticing Content: This is harder. The content needs to be incredibly relevant to your followers.
    A good post must always keep the conversation focused on the topic. The jokes, knowledge and stories shared need to be related to the topic and the tag of the post. Every post should also provide a small nudge that pushes readers to think more about how the post can make their life better.
    Optimizing your posts by writing enticing and sensitive hooks, nobody likes redundancy, people are tired of reading the same things over and over. A quality post can be judge by seeing sensitive and new ideas in any post you.
    A quality post must not be in copy and paste form, and if you must to download pictures from any site, you have to state it in the post for readers to see.
    Copying all the article list from existing articles on net, what is new about it. Instead, if you are confident about the selections, make a list of those plugins which you are using or used and you can blindly suggest to your readers. Needless to say, personal touch with professional writing is also a Key factor in judging a quality post.


Judging a quality post, writer's need to write positive and impressive content in the post in order to get good results from the readers. Cheetah and steemcleaner are very stick about duplicate content. Give much importance on your post and unique content.

A quality post ought to be comprehensive to its audience, since its primary aim is to pass information. Otherwise that purpose wont be met.

Posts that are able to spark imaginations, enable the reader suggest the state of mind of a writter are exclusively a reader's choice.
Formatting is also a factor, a proper use of markdowns helps to put the post in order.

I believe a quality post is one,
that provides the readers some fun,
A post is qualitative,
if it is creative,
or one which gives something to the reader,
a post which acts as a teacher,
which helps somebody,
which don't just wastes time,
which was not written JUST to earn some coins,
which either can entertain,
or can educate.
A post is of quality if written from the soul,
where the reader's satisfaction, is the ultimate goal.

You are amazing girl. Your reponse is a quality post itself. Thank you.

superb is the word for you win...

THanks geeta :)

I am. Geet.. Only Geet... no... A.. Dear

OH so asnani is your sirname!! I got it 😃Thanks geet

Sahi pakde hain...naany of all asses:) haha

I love your line:

which don't just wastes time

It sums up the essence of quality for me 😊

Hehe thanks 😬

Quality can be said to be the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something. Also, quality is a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.

Without much ado, Quality in terms of Steemit Community regarding a post is when a post by a user has justified the following conditions


All images used in the post must be properly reference which means crediting the rightful owner and conforming to the rules of copyright. Also, the recommended aspect ratio for thumbnail images is 16x9. The first image in the post is regarded as thumbnail image and it is automatically switched to be the thumbnail image

Words quantification

Except for certain conditions pertaining to poetry like limericks, the minimum amount of words in a quality post is to be 500words and the maximum is 64,000words.

Plagiarism, Spam, and Abuse

A quality post should avoid plagiarism, spam and abuse. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Steemit promotes Originality , so therefore content from other source should not be fully adopted and where partially or phrasally adopted, it must be properly referenced. Spam and abuse in the community.


Tags are a way to categorize your content, and they serve as a template for easy access to post or articles. It is therefore mandated that tags used in post must be closely related to the content of the article. For example, when talking or discussing a person's life, related tags include autobiography, non-fiction, story, blog and so on.
When using this tags, they must all be in small letter casing and tags used are usually not more than five(5).

How would you judge if a post is quality?" Lets us know what your idea of a quailty post is

The only reason to have judge a quality post is the amount and degree of quality of such post. Quality is quite different from quantity.
On steemit , a quality post is regarded as an informative and original post that have also passed some certain criterions.
Informative in the aspect that, the post must be passing some amount of useful information to the readers and by doing so , the post must be original. This simply means, a copy and past from other sources have been avoided.
Plagiarism is frankly disallowed on steemit community and certain punishements are awarded.
A good post with quality images must be properly referenced. All images used in the post must be crediting giving the original owner its credit.
An enticing topic with a captivating paragraph followed by synchronized body content with adequately arranged and properly uploaded images and videos alongside referencing can be tagged "QUALITY POST"