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RE: Engagement Contest #1 "Tell me something I don't know"

in #contest7 years ago

Did you know that there are only 2 mammals that have a bone in their penis? One is a dog and the other is a walrus!! Dogs can fracture their Os penis and it can create an issue if there are urinary crystals. Oh anatomy.. how it amazes me!!


Did you know most cats have barbs on their penis and they come out when they have sex? Yup.
Non-human mammals. Felines, especially domestic cats, are well known for having penile spines. Upon withdrawal of a cat's penis, the spines rake the walls of the female's vagina, which may serve as a trigger for ovulation.

hmmm - i thought it was the ovulation that generated the pheremones that incited sex - so what compels the male to do it if ovulation is a by product....oh the wiley kitty!

Horniness? It doesn't seem to discriminate across the species. Haha.

Did you know that dolphins are the only other mammal on the planet that have sex JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT? Every other species only has sex to procreate. Humans and dolphins are the only known species to fuck for fun!

That is a fact I did not know about
😂😂I am trying to imagine dolphins having sex just for fun 😂😂

The barbs do stimulate the female cat.. that’s how they come out of heat and the only way they will come out of heat besides spaying or ovariohysterectomy. Thanks @sammyb!

I never knew that. Thanks!

I didn't know about the dogs having a bone (no pun intended). I did know about the walrus one, though. The Inuit People used to make clubs from walrus penis bone called "Oosik". Great entry!

Walrus penis... not a turn on. :-P

The male blue whales have the biggest penises on earth.

Nice info which i dont know.If suppose there is any break in the bone there is any operation for itl