
in #contest7 years ago

Yes, I said Garple!

I know it's not a real word, but I liked the way it sounded... so I put it here. Garple will now be stuck on the Blockchain forever. For-ev-er!!


I like to just make up words sometimes, which I've done on the Blockchain before.

So let's play a little game with this one. Let's hear some made-up definitions for the word Garple!

The Prize: half of the SBD earnings to this Post, so upvote, comment, resteem, follow, tell your friends, tell your kids, tell you grampies and grammies, tell total strangers! If they're on Steemit and have the best/most fun Definition, then you might be a winner!

Winner winner Chicken Dinner

The Criteria: Post a Definition.

The Scoring: Most upvotes wins!

The Summary: Post your own made-up definition of the word Garple and then get people to upvote the Post AND your comment. I'll try to upvote everyone's equally w/ a good 100% vote (and if you see my profile, that's a pretty strong upvote). I want to make this into a $200 Post if we can make that happen. That would be AWESOME!

Again, the word is Garple!


garple (v.) - to attempt to gargle something, but then to accidentally choke and spit it all over the place.

I went for the Listerine this morning and garpled it all over my cat. We're both still recovering. Send help.

I upvoted this one for the sentence. lol

Hey, I'll take every upvote I can get! Thanks.

The truth is out there, lol.

It was a good definition to but the sentence was such a visual.


The proof is in the pudding! Hope I don't garple on that pudding.

Whaaat! That is so excellent. I'd like to thank my producer, my cat, my overactive gag reflex, and Listerine brand antiseptic mouthwash.

They don’t thank you back. Lol. Except maybe your cat. Well done.

I'm calling 3-1-1 right now! Don't Garple again.

3/10 would not garple again.

Well sometimes you just can’t help garpling and whoever is around is in danger, lol.

Garple- the mysterious mixture of particles found in the drain of your kitchen sink

ex: I did the dishes today and had to scoop out a big handful of garple, ewwww

Gross. Garple is disgusting.

It could be, but you could find some treasure within its depth.

I always dread touching the garple , it's mystery goo

Like Gak only worse.

Lmao, I love that one. Nice.

Garple: is when our planet is located exactly between the Sun and the Moon, which causes a mutation in the ovulation process in the red hens that manages to triple the total production of 1 year in that lunar phase. but only one puts a golden egg.
@dbzfan4awhile xD

I want that special hen with the Golden Egg! It must have been Steemed.

With that egg-laying hen of gold you would become a goblin xD

Well, I'm already short and most Goblins are, steretypically, short... so I have a head-start already.

I discovered you :O

          Image edited by me

Yes, Leprechauns would be able to find me much easier.

And they will give a golden egg to all who participated in the post: D @dbzfan4awhile --> @everyone

Hey now, no making Golden Egg promises that I cannot uphold. 😂

Garple in my mind would be just Garlic pie, plain and simple :)

That sounds... not super-delicious, unless it came with meat filling and perhaps some cheese sauce. Nice, simple definition.


1. A southern dish that uses the commonly unused parts of the pig to make a stew. It is typically cooked in a large pot over a fire. First created approximately 1932.

Very nice, it makes me hungry, lol. So, a garple is the olden-days version of skinless hotdogs?

Yes but you definitely don't want to know what parts are actually in it. You would never eat it again. The key to choking it down is to add lots of

I would still eat it, lol. And yes, the cheesier the better!!

What a fun idea. I suppose I'll have a go:

Garple - a lesser known, back-alley jujitsu move where one escapes a grapple via farting.

I was sparring against this bloke and took him to the ground. While trying to work my way into a kimura, he pulled a wicked garple. It was too intense, I had to disengage.

I laughed out loud at this one! The perfect intangible counterattack!

Hahaha, thank you. My 7 year old son provided the inspiration for this one; it's his last line of defense to make up for our size difference in our living room, tumble around, play times.

Ruthless! You've clearly raised a survivor!

Doesn't that mean the entire generation is made of survivors? I haven't met too many children nowadays that are not just infatuated with noxious Human emissions, lol.

But do they all know how to weaponize them? As a child I'm pretty sure I only farted recreationally ;)

Stomach control perhaps?

I suppose he needs some sort of defensive maneuver. He's like a Pokemon Gas/Poison-Type.

Indeed. That was a fun one.

Ewww and nice at the same time, lol. I’ve had this maneuver used on me before, but usually it’s just because they think it’s funny. Well-done!

It's not jujitsu and there are never attempts for kimuras, but when I wrastle with my 7 year old son in the living room this is usually his strategy and he thinks it's hilarious.

Leave it to the children to make things awkward. My 7-year-old nephew finds farts hilarious... oddly, he even went through a phase where he wanted to go smelling them. Very strange boy, very strange indeed.

Garple - to look at someone in disbelief. The look is usually reserved for people who think very highly of themselves, but are clearly mistaken.

He thinks he sparkles but I just garple at him.

I garpled at the girl dressed up as a unicorn who had clearly had too much to drink. She kept trying to bless everyone with her unicorn 🦄 horn but kept poking them in the eye instead.

You Suck!!
You throw like a girl!
❤️💕 Swoons over Benny❤️❤️

Ha! I like this definition very much... I could soooo use this on some of my friends and family, lol!

Garple: it is a lost town near Narnia @dbzfan4awhile

Do I reach it through the Attic then instead of the Wardrobe?

if you lock yourself in the attic you close your eyes and count up to a thousand

I think I'm falling asleep by that point, lol.

Garple is an ice cream designed by molecular gastronomy, it contains a Swiss cake base with touches of nutmeg.

I love Garple ice cream!

Makes my mouth water just thinking of it! Yumz!!!

Garple is another word for talking with food in your mouth.

Quit garpling you little shit. No one can understand you.

By far my favorite and most realistic.

Have an upvote ;D
As for your example, we have a saying for it in my country that goes a little something like this:
Take that dick out of your mouth.

Now I'm envisioning some little kid talking with a mouthful of food and chewed-up bits showering down on people below.