Awaken... What does it mean to be awake?

in #contest7 years ago

A nice fellow with a quick mind here on steemit @son-of-satire has a contest asking what it means to be awake. I don't normally enter contests. The question itself however, is an interesting one.

What does it mean to be "awake"?

Now there is the obvious definition which is simply not to be in a state of sleep.

That is not what he is seeking. He is looking for that nebulous meaning that is used commonly today. "That person is awake.", "I'm woke", etc. It has a very different meaning than sleep. It is still dancing with that sleep and not sleep meaning but it is a metaphor.

At the shallowest of levels of meaning when it is used it often means to be willing to see the truth, even when it is uncomfortable. It means being willing to ask questions, even about things you believe strongly in. It means to seek the truth. It can lead to someone using a derogatory term such as "truther" to label you. I often wonder how they think that is a bad name... would you rather be called truther, or liar?

There is a danger of it being used in a not very positive way. Sometimes people will use it in an echo chamber type setting where they will consider people that agree with them to be "awake", and those that disagree to be "asleep". I personally view anyone with such shallow interpretations as actually not truly being "awake" in the respect we attempt to describe here.

There is a word that is not used that often in modern speech except perhaps when describing some role playing game character. That word is wisdom. What does it mean for a person to be wise?

I actually think in a way being awake can be just another way of saying the person is wise.

So what is wisdom? It is a far trickier thing to codify than intelligence. It is something we ourselves do not understand well enough to endow our attempts at AI with it. It is something that incredibly intelligent people can be completely bereft of.

This to me sounds like a trait of being "awake" as well. You can and are likely to encounter highly intelligent people that do not seem to be "awake". Why is that? An amount of stubbornness can accompany intelligence. The more intelligent a person is and the more other people have had others reinforce their intelligence ("Wow, you are smart!", "You're a genius", etc.) I have observed it can be more difficult for them to question their own current thoughts and beliefs, while simultaneously making them more prone to dismissing the ideas of others that don't mesh with theirs. This is not wise.

I therefore, currently believe (when I use the word belief it is not in a religious sense, my beliefs are constantly in flux as I get new information, and as I ponder my own mind) that an important step to being truly awake is being able to question and challenge yourself. I do not mean in a low self esteem type way such as saying "I'm stupid", or "I'm usually wrong" or anything like that. I am referring to understanding that everyone is frequently wrong, they will continue to be wrong about things, and that is okay. There are truly only two ways I can think of to learn new things at the moment.

First, we learn when we encounter information and ideas we've never encountered before. Second, and often ignored is that we learn when we are wrong, and we realize we are wrong. If we are unwilling to be wrong then we shut off one of the important avenues of learning.

So it is my current idea that wise people must be not only okay with being wrong, but embrace it when they are. When you can do this being wrong need not be a negative thing, but an opportunity. It is but one of the steps on the infinite path to truth. If you cannot be wrong do you truly think you can find truth?

I don't.

This leads me to debating with myself in my own head, and considering things I do. It leads me to interesting places.

I'd like to think I am awake. I try to be.

I avoid absolutes such as always, and never. I leave that possibility no matter how remote that ANY idea I currently have could be wrong.

This imparts some abilities that I believe those who are not awake lack.

When they would use absolutes and generalizations (things such as racism, and labels are forms of this) it immediately stands out, and the fact it is unflinching and so quick to judge makes it questionable.

So you get less likely to blindly follow appeals to emotion, and appeals to authority. You recognize the fallacy in the appeals to tradition, as appealing to those usually is done in a way indicating why something should not change.

One thing is certain everywhere you look in reality. Change.

Not liking changes, does not make them cease to exist.

For me being "awake" is about learning to process information in a less confining way. It is being willing to embrace the good and the bad, to acknowledge the things you like, and also acknowledge the things that make you uncomfortable rather than trying to mentally filter or ignore them.

That's about it.


IMHO awake only means that you are not sleeping anymore. It does not make you an instant genius or even smarter. Reading comments from so called "awake" people can make you shudder. Awake sheep usually only make more noise than the sleeping ones and are a bit harder to control.

I personally believe all the shades of grey are not Gray. They are just different levels of black and white mixed together.
I also think many folks should be "Awake" but are consumed by grey teachings and fuzzy warm feelings that they have been exposed to.
Honestly there are some absolutes in this life. Even if we try to paint them rainbow or grey they are absolute.
You will die. Some sooner than others
You don't chose your parents, nation of birth, language, gender. These things are absolute and you can say they are not but that doesnt change that facts from the day you were born.
I can go on and on but we have an entire mass of people that are trying to bend the reality to meet their twisted minds.
That is only manipulation of the facts not new facts or new Ideas.
Do you honestly think there is anything new under the sun?
What if we are just a parallel dimension that is a reflection of another dimension. Wouldn't that mean everything we think we know is just an illusion/reflection? Therefore non existent only a figment of our imagination.

Honestly there are some absolutes in this life.

Indeed. I never said there were not. I just said they are rare. People also use references to making something absolute such as everyone, always, never, all, every, noone, etc in many cases (I'll even hazard the majority) where what they are talking about is NOT an absolute, and their attempt to frame it as an absolute makes their statement inaccurate.

I agree 100 percent that there are no absolutes when it comes to the human condition, attitude, mind, thoughts etc.
I thought you were talking about all absolutes.

What if we are just a parallel dimension that is a reflection of another dimension

It's easy to play the what if game. The key is to not let the WHAT IF paralyze you. Observe, and use reason.

WHAT IFs are often just us speculating, forming hypothesis, etc. The danger comes when we push our speculations as FACT and forget they were just something that MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be.

The reason I brought that up is because so much of what I thought I know was based on some one else’s "what if" and has never been proven.
Common sense isn't so common when you spend life being programmed with falsehood. Reason is a good word but it means so much more than what I think in my reprogrammed box.

Just consider what you and I think say compared to someone who was born and raised in N Korea.
Have you watched any of the propaganda videos on youtube from N Korea?

Even though my reality is different from maybe yours we might both be completely wrong based on false perceptions we think we know to be facts.

Maybe only death will expose us to the truth? I am not sure death just might be a new level of what we have now. That being walking blindly though a dimly lit tunnel.
I would think that after the 1000s of years of human existence we would be much further along in knowledge and wisdom to progress all humans and our world.
Surely something is hidden from us that would break us free of the divisions that we have that are so minuscule compared to what we have in common.

I agree. To be awake is to examine our own beliefs with detachment. This helps us develop wisdom. Being anchored to beliefs causes us to get lazy in our thinking and protective of ideologies that may (or not) be real.

my beliefs are constantly in flux as I get new information, and as I ponder my own mind

That's how I go about in the world too. :D

I've met people who are rigid or stubborn in their position. Yeah, they've managed to learn a few tricks or memorise 'facts' which they're able to recycle, but that isn't impressive. Their ego gets in the way of truth and they often end up looking stupid (yay).

When anyone refers to themselves as woke AF, that usually translates as 'herd speak' to me.

Thanks. I really enjoyed reading this (because it confirms what I already think aaarrrrgggh... oh noooo... confirmation bias... heeeellllp!).


Lovely post you are stay in all time,,,,keep continue please brother....already i am sharing.

You can and are likely to encounter highly intelligent people that do not seem to be "awake". Why is that?

last century my uncle was a security guard at a place that was involved in high energy physics (they made nuclear bombs)...he told us the story one time sitting around the dinner table about a recurring problem they had with what he called 'egg heads'

They were VERY absent the point that they were almost sleep walking.

They were thinking about 'physicis stuff' (particles , anti particles, math and interdimensional interaction of muons and ....well you get the idea)....and weren't really paying much attention to every day life..

Were they awake?

Hehe... To really know you'd likely need to encounter them outside of work. For their task they likely were doing exactly what they needed to be doing. Yet, that is just a task. If you want to see it at work then that'd likely require something that disrupted their task and see what they did when they were needed for other things.

I dunno...he said a lot of them 'dressed funny'...(shoes on wrong feet...shirt not buttoned right)
in one cases they had to go looking for the guy..the egghead's wife called...he never arrived at home.
he was found sitting in his car in the parking lot...never left work..staring into space...totally zoned out.
thinking about 'stuff'..

He might have been required to have someone drive him after that...

Heh. I wouldn't likely consider such people awake. Though very possibly having some interesting dreams.

When ever someone says 'wake up' or 'yadda yadda TRUTH'

I typically move on. They generally don't have anything to say that I want to hear or find interesting. Kinda arrogant, it seems to me. Who gave them an 800 number to god?

Yeah, that is true. Yet people say stupid things. Everyone makes mistakes. We all have buttons that can be pushed. One of mine is the use of absolutes. I can latch onto them like a dog with a bone. Now I did use "Everyone" in the 3rd sentence, but while I observe that people use absolutes far more often that they accurately should there are times where it is true. I know of no human that is mistake free, thus I felt okay in using that absolute there. Yet, I can be very stubborn and bullish when it comes to going after absolutes. It is a button for me.

I did not expect so many entries. I'm really glad you took part though. I still have plenty more to read and will over the coming days, but this is an insightful entry and I commend you for it.

I believe the opposite of being awake is being "woke".

There's a famous quote from Star Wars by obi wan that's troubleled me since I heard it:

"Only a Syth deals in absolutes."

It's troubling because the nature of the meaning of the statement applies to the statement itself: it is an absolute statement, the very utterance of which proves that obi wan is himself a syth.

I think being "awake" has something to do with the ability with which one can notice such things in their environment.


Oh hai Plato.