The Freewrite House Presents: Author Readings - And a Chance to Win!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


Day 7 brought to you by Marianne

A Shout Out

First, a shoutout to the winners of the five drawings we already have held.

Day 1 @yadah04
Day 2 @whatisnew
Day 3 @scribblingramma
Day 4
Day 5 @ghostsinahatbox

## Congratulations

In case you have skipped the winner announcements - you must go and check them out!! Our freewrite friend has inspector Dash on the case. Believe me. You don't want to miss it!!

Of course, today, you have another chance to win a membership to the Steembasic Income @steembasicincome - the gift that keeps on giving. And don't forget that yesterday's drawing is still open for at least 10 hours. More details about today's contest below.

Author Readings

A while back, when DTube first started, I thought it a great idea to support this alternative to YouTube by issuing a challenge. You see the YouTube version of the video below.

I know, I know. Let's take it all to the blockchain.

The same video is somewhere on DTube, but sadly, at this time, DTube can't be shared like you see this YouTube video showing up in the post - and I can't find it.

That said, watch the video.

If you don't have time to watch - here is the challenge we are going to bring to you soon. Today, we are just telling you how it all works.

  • Write a Freewrite story using a prompt (we will give you for a future challenge).
  • Clean it up as much as you wish.
  • Find a quiet place to record your story.
  • You may use any device that works for you. Personally, I have a phone with a camera and use a small tripod set up on books to record.
  • Upload your video to DTube and YouTube or another video site you use for sharing.
  • Make a post with your video and the written version of your story.
  • Leave a link to your post in the comment section of the challenge just like we do with the daily prompt.

The challenges will have different prizes or rewards which will be announced at the time.

Easy, right?

Here is an example of an author reading I did. There are dogs in the background and misspoken words - we are not asking for perfection. We want it to be fun!

Win, Win, Win

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program.Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership: Leave us a comment

  • Which has something to do with this post
  • Is at least 50 words

We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Here is a free word count tool

At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

6:56 PM Pacific Time 3/22/2018 The contest is now closed.

Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next 7 days - and maybe longer.

And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt



If it were not for my being totally camera shy, I would be all for recording my telling the story of Chozzy and the Strange Family. That is not surprising to see be the first one to do this. I do have to say I find it great that a house is talented enough to make a writing contest even more interesting. Ya may want to tear down a few walls to make room for our videos. "Oh wait, the walls are quite capable of growing on their own."
ps, congrats to the winners. :-)

10 pixiehunter

You are in! You might find a way to overcome that shyness. Maybe have a Chozzy puppet in front of the camera? LOL. And really, just pretend you are speaking to a friend. After a few times, it will seem normal. did that video when I introduced that a while ago in the freewrite prompt. Snook did a few and so did I - but Dtube was so full of problems that we gave up. Maybe now, it will be different.

Lol, not a bad idea. Now I may have to hunt down a monkey puppet, or make one from a stuffed monkey.
Yeah hopefully Dtube fixes the issues since it may surpass youtube in the future. I will have to check those videos out. :-)

"They want what, now?"
"You to write a story, and read it out, record it on video and post it."
"Bloody hell! They want the shirt of my back too? Blimey! They'll be wanting us to produce a film next, act in it, record the soundtrack and provide merchandising, t-shirts, little dolls, and what-not!"
"Don't give them ideas! You know what they're like! But in all seriousness, it is quite good to read your own stories. You've done it yourself."
"Yeah, but nobody watched it."
"Well, no. But perhaps they will this time."
"What? Do you think I should plug it, here?"
"Well why not? What have you got to lose? Except any shred of self respect you have left."
Pats self down, searches pockets, pulls them inside out...
"No, I haven't got any of that, left. I lost that a long time ago..."

This was amazing! I recall reading the story before, I love the reading! I can't wait for more of your readings. Bravo!

Thank you! Yes, we were the only entries in that contest.

I gotta stop reading your posts on here in public...I look like a crazy person trying not to laugh out loud! I'll watch your video later though haha. And I also agree that before we know it, they'll be expecting us to hire actors, or worse do it all ourselves, to tell the stories! LOL

That's right, blame me for you looking like a crazy person.

Whatever I have to do the shift the blame! 😂

LOL! YES, I WILL COMPLY! sounding very much like a Dalek

hey - Are you calling me a nobody????????????????

I watched it and was hoping that you would post it!!!! (mw)

LOL! No, you are not a nobody, you are a house. ;)


You are in the drawing and you are our # 1 always 😉 Thank you so much for making this launch so much fun!!! Inspector Dash, your video, your comments. Thank you from the bottom of our (maybe black?) hearts 🖤

I've had two number ones! Only another 20 to go and I'l have had more than Elvis! :)

This is awesome! I'm pretty sure I'll have fun reading my stories, because I've always loved reading out to others.
I might have mentioned it earlier (and reaaaally don't want to annoy you all if I'm now repeating myself), but even before I joined this awesome freewrite community I had the idea to do what I used to do a long time ago: My little sister would ask me to tell the story of, let's say, the blue bear and the chatty unicorn, and I would do this right on spot without having any clue what this story would be. I did actually a "trial run" a couple of weeks ago, recording me on video, picking a random prompt from a book, and immediately starting to tell a story - so basically a freetell, if you will. I never posted it because I blabbed on for more than 15 minutes and wasn't even close to any end of the story, haha! But I've kept the idea in mind and maybe I'll host a contest sometime - or maybe you'd like to take this idea into the Freewritehouse's kitchen, add a few spices, and serve it to the freewriters? ;)


You are in!! Stay tuned and find out what is cooking in the Freewrite House kitchen. I have a feeling you will find what you are seeking lol

Thanks a lot! I have the same feeling, lol!!

A fantastic idea, here is a reading of a poem I recorded many moons ago, well, for Halloween last year 😉.

I really love recording spoken word poetry and hearing spoken word stories/fiction. I remember seeing a post from @snook ages ago where she was reading a kind of children's story that a friend of hers wrote. So expressive! It is a great way to see a little more of someones personality by hearing there voice and seeing thier inflections etc. Bring on the spoken word challenges!

You are almost in. Can you bring you comment up to 50 words please!!! You are at 35 right now.....

No worries. I have updated it with more of my thoughts and feelings about the subject. I was in such a rush earlier and didn't do the subject justice. I hope ya'll can forgive me ;-)

7 raj808

You are in!! And that was a story @snook wrote and @fireawaymarmot did the illustrations. Snook was the very first to respond when I asked for the author readings the first time around. She is like that!! Always ready to help and not let me hang out there all by myself with my crazy ideas lol

Weee! I see my name there.
Wow, freewrite definitely leveled up and that is great, isn’t it? I have seen heard @snook do the speakwrite, and it was so fun “speakwriting” with her. That was specifically about the pie. I am naturally a camera-shy person, but who knows. This might give me the push to shove that shyness aside. ^_^

12 yadah04

You are in the drawing. Maybe this will inspire you to not be so camera shy. And guess what, the post of speak write just went up!! Have you received you first vote yet from Steem basic income?

Oh what a wonderful idea! Wait... are you still accepting entries @marianne west, or is this round of video entries over? Hmmm... puppets sound like a good strategy for overcoming stage fright @pixiehunter... but @freewritehouse is correct I think, the first time is the hardest. Once you've got your feet wet, it gets easier, and sooner or later you'll find yourself diving in and swimming around and by that time it's hard to stop ;)

13 bennettitalia

You are in the drawing :) And make sure to come back every day. 6 more days of introducing what we all want to do and of chances to win a Steem basic income. So glad you came to play!!

I have never posted anything on YouTube, and I still don' t even know what Dtube is. Hey, I have barely grown accustomed to typing on a computer keyboard! I think I'll get my old portable typewriter out and see if it still works. I feel as if I can't quite keep up with technology today. I used to read aloud to my children for hours, even when they were teenagers. Recently I read aloud to my 20-something daughter some stories my 30-something son posted on Steemit. It was somehow magical. If I ever catch up with technology for a few seconds, I believe I could read aloud something I wrote.

11 scribblingramma

You are in the drawing. We have no choice but to keep up with the technology. The best way to do it is in small baby steps. But believe me, we have to or we are left out of so many things. And I really want to hear you read a story. I think we will do some tutorials how to film, process and upload a video...

Btw, I think you should check out the post which just went up.....

I have been away from my computer for a couple of days, but will take a look now...

What a great couple of videos, I'm not sure I could ever do this. Of course, I never thought I would create 20 plus freewrites. I love your accent Marianne, I miss hearing my Mamma's voice. I may have to look for a tripod, just in case I get brave enough to try reading one of my freewrites. It will have to be on a good hair day. 😂 Thanks again for all you do Marianne, I don't know how you have enough time for all your endeavors.

2 wonderwop

You are in!!! The little tripods for smartphones are under $10 and easy to find. Ha- I don't have time to do all the things I want to do. so, I do something a lot, then, something else for a while :)

Hey, well, "I said to myself," I'm going to try it and I know that although I'm sorry for the videos, I know it will work out well, but something that this initiative is great, so that other users can read my story, if not live it as I live it, because they can see my facial expressions, and really get into the story, this is very good, rather I'll try tomorrow: D

9 fabian98

You are in!! And you have a 9 in your handle - maybe it is your lucky number..... Reading your stories out loud is a lot of fun!!!

A story needs a voice and who better to give it than the author. I was just talking about this, to add a voice, an emotion to the freewrites and it is as if the universe heard it and said, yeah let's do it. Why do I feel that there's going to be another tier to this? But that's the excitement.... what else are we doing? Tell me more, tell me more!!

4 kaerpediem

You are in the drawing. And your feeling is right!! There will be more!! And more and more and more 🤓 Come back every day to find out. we are laying down the plan right now - and knowing this community - new stuff will pop up all the time :)