Win some STEEM as I celebrate 500 followers milestone! Favourite Quote-of-the-day Contest!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


Thank you followers! I am giving away some STEEM!

I saw a lot of Steemians celebrated their 500th followers milestone by giving away SBD/STEEM to winners of the contests. Since I love contributing to the community, I will do the same today as I celebrate my 500th followers milestone.

Thank you followers and bots and halfbot-halfhuman for following me in my journey in Steemit. I almost gave up many times but due to tremendous support from communities here, I stay on. Life is tough when you have a child with a complication (not to mention daily unpredictable challenges), but life is also full of beauty and wonders worth your time and effort here. Therefore, every minute, every second, counts! Try not to waste your life worrying too much as worrying doesn't help to solve the worries.

If you follow me long enough, you will notice I love quotes. Besides God and family, quotes of life play a major role to further propel me forward before I lie down flat and beaten down. Without further ado...


Rules to enter the contest:

  1. Comment below at this post ONE favourite quote of life, and in 100-200 words tell me WHY (not too long as I have limited time due to alot to juggle at home, thank you for understanding 😉).
  2. Upvote and resteem this post (to show support and thank you very much from my heart, I will check one by one to be fair to my real real followers).
  3. Follow me (as only my followers will qualify to get STEEM from me).
  4. Follow the comments thread below and reply to other quotes from another Steemians which you like (optional).


Winners and Prize:

  1. One week after this post, I will re-read all the quotes again. The No.1 quote that resonate deeply in me that helps me on that day will win 5 STEEM.
  2. There will be 5 more other winners (lucky draw by my son) who will win 1 STEEM each.
  3. Dateline to submit comment is: 1 April 2018, 6p.m. (MYT - Malaysia Time).


Wait no more! Comment your favourite quote of the day (don't forget to tell me why) and give yourself a chance to win some STEEM. And watch out for my account for winners announcement one week from now.

For example

My favourite Quote of the Day: If there is a will, there is a way

I love this quote as it reminded me not to give up. There are so many challenges upfront and at times all come once at the same time they make me feel powerless and out-of-control. In that state, I often feel stucked and my brain stops operating, then I lose my will and my zeal. The quote reminds to stay calm and breathe. Gradually I gain back my will to be strong again. There, I continue to stand and walk this journey calls life.

What is your favourite quote of the day? And why? (in 100-200 words)



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The STEEM Engine



Cool competition ! "Give without remembering and always receive without forgetting !" Has always been a quote which I strongly live by. This is not an entry ya ...

Although not entry, thank you for the quote. I shall give away my 10STEEM soon without remembering and receive all the beautiful quotes without forgetting them.

Thank you for your blockchain entry. 😉

Hahahaha.... tomorrow you will hear it again. Dont be late lah. My last one for the year.

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it.", the great Yogi Berra.
I'm not entering but thought it would be appropriate to give you a quote in the spirit of cooperation.
Congrats on your 500 followers.

Thank you for the support! @sultnpapper

Powerful quote.I really love quotes.

Congrats on 500!!! Awesome Job! Great way to celebrate with your followers! I have lots of quotes I love, but my favorite today would be:

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."
Maya Angelou

We are all learning new and enjoyable things in our lives everyday. Especially in today's world where all the information you ever need is in the palm of your hands. I use this information that I learn on a daily basis and when I learn something new is when I know it's time to "do better." Our decisions we make every day have a lasting impact on this world and knowing those impacts can make true change come about.

Resteemed! :)

I really like this one, gotta hang it up somewhere ;0)

Thank you for the congrats.

I love it when you can see yourself from good to better to best then better than best, finally bestest among the best!

Your entry is accepted. Lucky number 24.

"when in doubt, flat out." - Rally legend Colin McRae.

Cast away any uncertainty and putting your foot down is sometimes the best way to grab the bull by it's horn and plow ahead in life.

Not an entry, by the way, just a share :)

First time I heard of this quote. Definitely enlightening. Thank you for always supporting and somemore commenting but not an entry. Sharing is always a form of love and support. Your comment is imprinted in the blockchain forever.

We can be our own bosses of ourself, we can get that ferrari, lamborghini, whatever we want, where we wanna go, eat or drink whatever we like, how is this possible?
When you channel our time, resources, with hardwork, consistency,dilligent
dilligent breeds success
When all this self improvement are in place, yeaah, you are a boss of your own, you will earn out of your effort and be that boss of all bosses.

I laughed really hard at the irony behind this quote, but no matter how much I learn about the selfishness and malice in this world, I strive to keep my heart free of cynicism.

Self improvement, hard work and generosity are laudable, but we mustn't be naïve.

Worth sharing!

This is a powerful quote to the journey to be your own boss. Thank you for sharing.

But before I can successfully accept your entry, you have to resteem this post first. And be my follower. They are the requirement for this contest. 🙂

Thank you for your time and effort.

Entry #6 and yay to your boss of all bosses journey.☺

Hi Jade! Congratulations! You are a super inspiration as a Mum! Here is my entry!

"Alone we are strong, together we are stronger" - Anonymous
I think it is a slight adaptation from Walter Payton's quote.

Being in the corporate world, it is always about teamwork, team spirit and team building and getting people to work together for the greater good of the company. Since being on Steemit, I am still super new as this is my 3rd month but I am really overwhelmed to have met so many people who embodied the spirit of community giving selflessly and without personal agendas, wanting the blockchain to grow and more importantly people to grow with STEEMIT in the best way possible. This last few weeks especially has been awesome for me from @aaronleang, @joannewong, @elizacheng & @zord168 with the eating, teaching and most of all encouraging me to get my act together! :) Watching @maverickfoo & @bitrocker2020 share and teach Steemit openly and tirelessly to anyone who wants to learn. @yasmineep organising Women in Business Making an Impact inspiring more women to continue on their entrepreneurial journey where a bunch of us Steemian women got together and really connected. @littlenewthings whose passion for growing Team Malaysia and the discord channel to help everyone is infectious, @keciah who supports all the mamas here and welcomed me with open arms! @happycrazycon who cared to share signature banners with me when I didn't know where to find them and so many awesome contests paid from their own pockets to encourage great content when newbies like me hit writers block!

Team Malaysia embodies this quote to the core!

Definitely we are stronger together. we will grow and grow with all these awesome people. 😊

Entry #18 is in.

Quote "Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome." - unknown

@iamjadeline i really love this quote, as it reminds me never give up! There are a lots of challenges in life! i am starting my own business and along the time there are people come and people go. although i do feel sad but have to accept the truth and move on then we will find the right people. i hope this motivate you strong mummy! women can achieve anything they want , you can do it. stay strong!

I definitely love this quote @janicechua. I see that you are Sarawakian. I grew up at Sibu, Sarawak when i was young till 19 years old so I consider Sibu as my hometown and myself a Sarawakian too. 🙂

Yes, let us not give up since we have successfully walked a journey. And stay strong together.

Entry #28 for you. 😉

Wow thank you!i still love my hometown even though less chance to go back now.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference." - Reinhold Niebuhr.

This quote is a prayer actually but I think whether one believes in God, one can surely benefit from it. Many times in my life when faced with insurmountable challenges, I would fall back on this quote.

Those who know me will know that I don't give up on problems easily. I would find ways to overcome them to change the situation for the better.

But there are times when a problem can't seem to be solved, I would step back, reflect & pray for wisdom. And allow myself to be guided either to make changes or accept it as is and make the best out of the situation.

Definitely is a reminder for me to accept unpredictable challenge with peace and to be bold to solve problems. Thank you for sharing this piece of wisdom here.

Entry #17 is in. 😉

@iamjadeline Thanks for accepting my entry.

great post! :^D

you've got a great accomplishments in steemit! keep up the good work! I sincerely congratulate you for that. I hope you learn more things about how to be success on you journey with steemit, soon you'll be more popular and you'll be a more of a great whale in this platform.

So here's my quote in life...

" Equality in our life never exist, War is part of human life, there's a Victor and a Looser. A Complete Competition. "

I'm saying this about myself because I imprinted it in my life to be more open and to be transparent which saying things about yourself directly that you wouldn't say in real life, so you got the power to express it a lot to other people how your feelings felt.

This sometimes gives me depression but it's a part of life because you will face difficult times that may affect your life, many people will judge you, but if we can persevere it with a strength we can win this battle, it's a one-way cure for our depression, that's why this quote really helps me in my life.

This is my honest opinion about myself to earn and gain friends, and to be success in life. we must to be open first and be transparent to people, being unique, we have a difference in our lives, different opinions, different colors, different genes, different family, a different environment they grow up, different draw, a different government so many things are different, because the question is, are you letting yourself be the victim or to be the winner?

Thank you for your congrats and uplifting words.

First time I heard about this quote and it definitely keeps us going in life. And to choose the winner.

Entry #7 is in!

At some point, everything is going to go south. You can either accept that, or get to work.

-Mark Watney (The Martian)

I use this quote a lot with my students. When they are conducting projects, I tell them that they can either accept that they will fail if they do nothing or they can start getting to work. Once they solve one problem, they can get on to the next and the next. Before they know it, they would have completed something that they have never thought possible.

Despite this not being said by anyone real, i find it inspiring especially when I am faced with the toughest situation. No matter how impossible things may be, getting to working it out definitely beats sitting around doing nothing. If you haven't watched the movie, the movie basically sums it all up pretty well.

Oh I haven't watch the movie. But it is an awesome quote. indeed by doing nothing, you go to nowhere too. Your students are lucky to have such an inspiring teachers.

Your entry #8 is in.