Hit MEME With Your Best Shot! Meme Contest to Support The Minnow Votes Project!

in #contest7 years ago

Who's ready for a Dmania takeover? Are you with me? Let's do this!

To keep this interesting, and to spread our message as far as possible, i thought I'd put up a different mini-challenge each day to get as many eyeballs as possible. Today, we're going with memes!

IF you don't what I'm talking about, go here and read about our project first!

Yeah, I know, a lot of you may think they're spam, but hear me out.

Both dmania and steepshot provide the ability to launch a single image, with headline and description. In the comments, it's easy to leave a hyperlink to a post you'd like to promote. And it works! I've proven it.

The biggest benefit, in my mind, of these platforms, is that they provide curated views that are not the same as steemit. You're playing to a smaller audience, inside the steemit universe. Kind of like going to Versailles (I did this summer) with a million people with a professional guide. You wear a headset, so that you hear what your guide is saying, tuning out all the others.

On each of these platforms, people tune in to one kind of content and you cna attract new users that have never interacted with you before!

Caution, use this technique sparingly, a couple times a week, most people won't say anything, but a couple of times a day might lose you some regular followers.

Here's what I want. Make a meme, any meme, about bots, or spam, or about great content, etc. If you can, make it funny. Then, in your title tell me what you're doing, The Minnow Votes Project Needs Your Help (details in comments) or something like that.

Next, post your meme to either steepshot, or dmania.

If you haven't yet, you'll have to sign up on Steem Connect. It is safe and reliable. You'll thank me for it.

Finally, put a link to yesterday's post about our project, in the comments!

If you know how, build a hyperlink. It will look much neater. You can even size it, or add italics.

Now, drop a link to your meme here in the comments and vote for your favorite meme, by upvoting the comment here! (please support another player) I'll resteem the meme with the most votes!

Think of it, if even half of the forty people who've agreed to help do this, that's 20 memes! I hope all of you get involved!




This is great! I'll have to withhold my votes to see what else comes up.

So, now you need to post it with the link, and leave me a link here so we can go upvote the meme.

I added the link in a comment on the meme. Did it not work?? And the link to the meme is above the picture in my reply ^^

Here's my meme, first time posting on DMANIA so I accidentally upvoted it thinking the arrow was a share button :( bit embarrassing, considering the point of this project, and the rules (oh dear!) so apologies to all in advance.

Edit: Aha! Learnt something new, you can remove your self vote on the steemit post :-D



Nice one!
(Sorry for the spam-like comment, but it’s pretty hard to leave an intelligent, insightfull comment on a meme, if you ask me)

Thanks, absolutely no offence taken, I'm not at the level where I get a lot of comments so any comment is welcome :) and I agree with your opinion about memes, haven't really figured out their purpose in this world yet, but they're everywhere aren't they, so better to get with the times.

I never use them either. I think the one I made for this purpose was the first one I ever created - lol.

Looks good :D

thanks Debbie :) ... I haven't ever done anything through dmania so it was interesting!!!

LOL, well, I may be slightly better equipped than the average hearing person. My wife was a habilitation training specialist, she had several deaf clients and is fluent in ASL. But, yeah, I can see how that would happen a lot.

It's happened to me quite a bit xD Every time I go to any government office that I have to sign in, I sign in and inform them I'm deaf, be it social security, DHR/DES, whatever. I've learned I have to have someone hearing with me because idiots still call me over the intercom.

"Will the deaf person that can't hear this message come to window b12? Deaf person that can't hear this to window B12, thank you"

What makes matters worse is that a lot of the times, someone eventually does get my attention, and they start talking slow and very exaggerated instead of enunciating properly.

Except this one time at Social Security at the local office, I wait a while longer but there's this one dude that actually uses ASL. They started making sure I get him since I started throwing a fit about the lack of accessibility.

Well, they should be sensitive to that, I think they're supposed to provide it, although I'm sure it doesn't happen unless someone says something.

The local office here has a digital sign in thing, you type in your social security number, hit the option for language needs which includes Spanish and Deaf/Hard of Hearing, then what you're there for. I select "Deaf" and it used to just be those guys that think they have to talk very loud and very slowly, which completely kills lip reading.

I'm capable of being oral, however I prefer to sign on account that lip reading is excessively tiring. Requires too much focus and attention.