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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #22: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #contest7 years ago

Ahoy whoever finds this message

I 'ave been shipwrecked!!! I be th' first mate o' th' "Black Pearl" I bet ye 'ave heard a bit o' th' amazin' adventures we 'ave had. Now, it ain't jus' a plain ole ship since most o' th' crew 'ave a bit o' monster personality in them. Fer me, I 'ave always been th' family disgrace, eyes that go in th' opposite direction, long, dirty black nails, crooked teeth, these qualities made me generally unwanted fer a job. So when I was called aboard th' Black Peark, I was o'erjoyed. But now we be wrecked.

We were sailin' t' th' Island o' Ammedin, t' get some arabian hidden loot. Thar was a storm that left us shipwrecked on a large Island, good thin' be thar's a lot o' grub 'n friendly natives, bad news be no one knows how t' build a ship. Th' Island has forests 'n lots o' beautifully carved natural caves 'n thar's a rich tradition o' mummies (nah th' kind ye came from her belly). So if ye find this, try t' look fer us.
Now I shall cast this message in a bottle.

Yers in trouble
Jack Sparrow


Lol!!!! Amazing. You deserve to win!!!!

"Hohoho, we comin' t' getcha capn." Lolest! I like it.