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RE: The Deadpost Initiative - Week 12 - Share your most undervalued work + week 11 winners ($20 STEEM prize pool)

in #contest7 years ago

@eaglespirit, your glowing praise of my article blew me away. I am deeply grateful! :c)

I had no idea that suicide in the First Nation was so prolific. In truth I had not heard of the First Nation before meeting you - and now I put two and two together and draw the connection of hardships of agriculture workers in the region (and in many places).

SAD is something that a fair number of people live with even if they don't realize it. Now that I think about it - I sometimes share that I "die" in June and am revived in October. I am enjoying the Winter - doing my best not to think about the approaching Summer 6 months away. ^_^

Eh... not saying that I'm SAD per se. Lots of reasons that people can end up feeling down - and one of the lesser known reasons is a deficiency in testosterone.

Many among us are among the 'walking wounded' of the depressed - but I like to think that many among us needn't be so - and that breaking the taboo surrounding it is the first step.

It is hoped that as I gradually grow to understand depression and suicidal tendencies better, my next version will greater touch the needs of groups who might not have been sufficiently served by my post. :c)

Thank you again (and I'm glad that you found my post helpful). I look forward to crossing paths with you in future. :cP


Thank you for your heartfelt response and time you took to write me a beautiful comment in return. The First Nation is not only agricultural in nature, it stems from years of abuse from other cultures. There is quite a bit of suicide, drug abuse, alcoholism, rape and kidnapping. It is a very sad state within a state type of situation, that no one outside of the reservations (other than fellow NdNs admit). If you ever get a chance to watch a very good movie about a little bit of this, I would suggest watching Wind River. I wish you the best on surviving and wonder if you have tried samE and/or liquid vitamin D drops?
I also had worked for SSA and assisted in the processing of these cases. Blessings to you. Hugs.

Um. Oops! For some reason my mind drifted to the Middle-to-Far-East. I guess that sleep was overtaking me. :c)

I had little idea that your area of the North suffered so badly from such afflictions. One reason that I delayed in responding is that I have yet to get back into the right mindset to process all that in the way that it should (seriously-but-productively) - my attention is scattered - perhaps due to the season.

Will definitely put that movie on my to-watch list... and thank you for the suggestions. :c)

No worries, and I truly appreciate your mood and mindframe. I"m wishing you a happy holidays and that this season brings you peace.

Thank you. ^_^

May your day and festive season also be peaceful and full of joy. Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas. :c)

Same to you always and forever! xx