Get Paid to Rant #7! All Rants Win! Plus 5 SBD Grand Prize
Get Paid to Rant #7!
5SBD reward to the best rant! It's still $50 ya cheap bastards!

- You must really get it off your chest. Have a rant. Tell us what caused it and how you are feeling. Let it out…..GRRRRRRRR
- It can be about anything you feel the need to rant about
- You can only rant once in each weekly rant post
- You must up vote and resteem this post
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Today, my supervisor was telling me about plans to cut back on full time employees... I hear this same story every year. I really don't give a damn any longer. Not to mention they just hired someone. How can you guys be hiring and complaining about too many people on the job? Like really I can't wait to leave when I'm ready.
I read a post last Get paid to rant post and someone was complaining about an employment he did like too. Great rant you've got.
Did you join the rant?
Fuck corporate jobs! My wife has been trapped and ensnared by some rich, greedy llama fuckers who have done nothing but cut pay and multiply work. These jackshits think that by giving some ineffective, "health coverage" that she STILL pays for in the long run is a better deal than that raise she has been deserving and asking about for the last four fucking years!!!!!! She is depressed, overworked, and stressed. These suited airbag sacks of vomit couldn't give two fucks. FUCK YOU CORPORATE SHIT EATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BAHAHAHAH suited airbag sacks of vomit. You made my day.
Wow, @jgvinstl, you are really pissed. Very rough rant.
FML - 2 years and $24k wasted for a fucking associates degree and I end up making less money than when I was a dumb carpenter -
every fucking job posting or interview wants some fucking 20yr old with a BS and 20 years experience -
Half the little bastards I've seen end up getting jobs I interviewed for can't even pick their fucking nose...
It is cold. Life is short. My money is all spent. I have no pets. Me feet hurt.
Life is too damn short and why do we get wise too late?
I will not get wise.
If you say so
Today I want to rant about the fact that I poured bowl of cereal i was really looking forward too only to find that someone drank all the milk and put an empty jug back in the fridge. Who does that!?!?!? Morning ruined.
So Dave & Buster's (a big arcade/restaurant/bar chain in the U.S.) recently sent me an e-mail asking me to take a survey to look at one of their proposed new concepts. The concept: a food truck in the middle of the arcade.
Hmm... there's a crowded arcade with games that are behind on their maintenance (malfunctioning parts, usually buttons or pads), little kids running wild, and the best idea the folks at corporate HQ could come up with was to add a food truck to the middle of all this to try to increase F&B revenue? And indoors at that as well?
There's just so much wrong with the idea...
I don't go to an arcade to eat, and I don't think there are too many arcade-goers who do either. There's a reason why the arcade and dining areas are separate. If I wanted to eat I'd just head over to the restaurant section.
Food truck in the middle of the arcade means more food crumbs and debris scattered over the machines and the floor, more spilled liquids, and a messier place overall. That means higher costs (in time and money) to maintain the place. Are those costs going to then get passed down to the arcade players in the form of more expensive games? No thanks.
What's the over/under on how long until a negligent parent files a lawsuit because their unsupervised little jerk ran around like crazy and rammed into the food truck headfirst?
I could keep on going but I don't want to wear myself out. The idea of a food truck in the middle of the arcade certainly doesn't get any thumbs up from me, and I think offering two thumbs down is still being too generous. Nope, my rating for this "concept" is...
two middle fingers up!
(And what the hell were the concept's creators smoking at the time they thought of this horrendous idea?)
Over the weekend, my local metaphysical shop had a psychic fair. That means steep discounts on tarot readings from one of my favorite readers. As soon as I find out he's available, I hop in my car, bundle my huge preggo butt up (damn...coat won't zip over belly, that's ok turn car heat on full blast, I can do this) and drive on over.
Here's the short version - I'll do a longer one on my blog:
After pre-paying for my reading, and doing a raffle while I wait (about $50 in total, before tip), the shop owner refuses to let me use the bathroom despite the fact that I’m eight months pregnant, a fairly regular customer, and look like I’m smuggling bowling balls under my shirt. It was a true emergency too.
She just looks at me, and shakes her head and says in a cunty tone: Sorry, if I let you use it, I'll have to let everyone else use it too. (Like every patron in the store is suddenly going to rush up to her, insisting that they too should be able to use the bathroom if the pregnant woman got to…)![]
Mind you - I'm waiting in the shop for the reading I just paid for. I've already been waiting 20 minutes at this point...
In the past, the co-owner (guy I was about to see for my reading) and other employees have allowed me to use it in far less urgent situations.
It had just snowed, was extremely cold, and sidewalks were extra slippery – but it was either pee on their floor, or waddle up the half a block to use a public restroom in the pharmacy plaza. I so graciously chose the latter.
Who the fuck does that to a paying customer -never mind a pregnant one (on a 22 degree farenheit day). They also claim to be all about supporting women - like are you fucking kidding me? Turkey jowled clairvoyant C*NT - at least lie and tell me your bathroom doesn't work. Don't look me in the eye, after I've given you my money and tell me I can't use a bathroom because in your demented world people have a fetish for using public restrooms or something. Blessed be my ass.
I went online, to check up on movies, and heard so much about inception. I then went and got the movie, and it turned out to be my worst decision of the year.
Inception was nothing but a big gimmick. I will admit that there were times during the movie where I was entertained, involved, interested and intrigued. Without trying to sound like an elitist though, that is not enough to make me appreciate a movie. Like, if I eat a crappy candy bar, just it being "sweet" and "chocolatey" is not enough for me to rave about Hershey's, and I would especially be disappointed if this particular candy bar was being hyped as one of the most delicious, ground-breaking candy bars of all time.
I laughed out loud frequently during the movie because it is just so over-the-top. It's just funny to me now what big-time film directors can get away with these days and not be called out by the audience for just making up ridiculous shit, because they are untouchable: I loved how Leo's character took like three global trips at the beginning of the movie just because. Like, oh, I need to go find a chemist, so that means we need to have a big expensive on-location scene in Africa. Oh, ok, this part is a dream, so let's go to Paris now for no reason. You know, because it's a big Hollywood blockbuster and we have a huge budget so why not. People love watching that kind of stuff, right?
"Oh, yeah, this guy is a master chemist, obviously. Just look at all the bottles he is surrounded by in his dingy bar. Yeah, this guy is obviously the expert we need for the job. Wow, he even specially made a chemical so it doesn't confuse your inner ear balance. How convenient for the plot."
I'm convinced the whole screenplay was written backwards. Not "Memento" backwards, but "I want the movie to be a mind-bender thriller a-la the Matrix so I'm just going to make a bunch of stuff up first, and then work backwards to tie everything together and have it all make sense, kind of."
Speaking of the Matrix, this movie was The Matrix: 4. Did anyone else realize how similar it is? And the fact that Christopher Nolan spent "nine years" writing it doesn't impress me in the least bit. Look at the time frame. Nine years ago he watched The Matrix and thought "I want to make a movie like that. Computer simulations? No, 'dreams.' Agents? No, 'projections.'" So he whipped up some hack script that just collected dust in his basement for nine years or so until he had made the Batman movies and got enough funding to make this.
I thought the script was terrible. I thought all the characters were absolutely boring stereotypes. None of them were original or interesting in the least bit. Everything was just thrown at you in the most forced way. Nothing seemed like it was developing naturally. Everything served the plot in such a direct way.
I think this movie is just a disgrace to Hollywood, and the director needs to be sued.