R.I.P. until resurrected!
This photo was taken during my last cycling trip for this year, conquering mountain Kosmaj in Serbia. I will be writing a whole post about the trip and adventures I-ve been through in the following days. So this is something of a sneak peAk trailer :)
Ouch, at least that was an easy puncture to find with that gigantic nail. And now we are curious to know about the adventure. How's cycling in Serbia? Is wild camping allowed?
Thank you a lot for the entry!
Yep, kind of a happy accident. :D
Hmm.. cycling in Serbia isn't really good, mostly unsafe... crazy car/truck drivers and almost without bike trails. I haven't had any trouble by now, but take care a bit more and you will enjoy.
Not sure what is a law in Serbia about wild camping, maybe it is forbidden but I did a lot of camping in past decade and never had any problem. Forest rangers are like mythological creatures here. It is rumored that they exist. :D But, expect a warm welcome from locals, especially if you go far in the wild.
That's awesome, it's one of the countries I (mrprofessor) is curious about. Hopefully I'll cycle there soon.