Contest: Draw Me an Avatar! Win up to 5 SBD & My Eternal Gratitude
There are a lot of contests and competitions happening on Steemit. I rarely take part, but I do love these fun contests that help the really talented people stand out. With my recent decision to seek out a new profile photo for Steemit, I realized that I can simply HIRE one of the amazing talents here to do draw it for me.
Welcome to the most self-indulgent and narcissistic contest on Steemit! Draw me a new avatar, and get paid in SBD!
Me? Self absorbed? Nah...
The avatar I choose will receive 5 SBD, second favorite will get 2 SBD, and 1 SBD will be reserved for the funniest entry.
How to participate?
- Draw me an avatar! Full character, if possible, not just a face. Ask me in the comments if you have questions.
- Post it in a reply or create a post for it and be sure to link to it in a comment to this post.
- You will get an upvote on your entry (can't promise a percentage, but one will be given)
- In 7 days from today, I will post my selection and send the prizes to the winners.
How do I draw a techslut!?
Well, there are plenty of pictures of me on my Facebook profile. Like, copious amount of them. Or, just try and sketch a Steemian with pink hair, glasses, a cup of coffee and a mobile phone. That's me. :)
Share with anyone you think would be interested!
Well!... Here we go!

You just never stop impressing me, @beekart . <3
I need that yoo1900 voting power :O that it will transform into a fully rendered almost 3d/pixar style character :O haha
Ha! Well, I can't just summon whales! Goats at best!
This is so good!
Boah! Great!
This is what called - high level!
Hi everyone , this is my entry for this contest ,hope you like it :-)
Ilana hope you like it too ,
Can't breathe now. OMG.
Its so nice feeling when i see that you like it
Isn't it fun?! I think I might be hooked on challenges/contests :)
I would be, but I'd have to find more creative topics than, well, me!!!
Ha ha, you could do contests/challenges about you doing various things, like you under the sea or you as a mermaid all sorts :)
Hmm... I am going to be serializing a book on steemit so might have a challenge for people to draw the characters for it as they imagine them. That might work better. I am not THAT narcissistic. Almost, but not quite. :)
Hello and Happy new year for everyone!! here is my entry:
(pd: i have the full resolution img's and the psd. file)
Wow, you're amazing @ferjart . I'm I'm in love with your art <3
Okay, THIS is... WOW! Thank you!!! Upvotes all around! :)
He he i'm glad you like it :D
I love it. And you got yourself a new follower, too. <3
OH Thanks for the support, I am grateful :)
Here is my entry.

I see I didn't pay attention and it is not a full body, but I did use a unicorn. That's because I saw you were wearing a unicorn shirt and I wanted to do it in my style. I almost always have an animal, real or imagined, in my artwork so I HAD to do you with a unicorn. Also I wanted to make it more a general person not look exactly like you, I hope that was also ok. Enjoy and here is the link to the post
Dear Voting Power,
I am sorry for today.
But seriously now - WOW. Picking one just got really hard. Wow.
Whew! This picture came out a little dark, but if you like it, I can re-photograph it and up the colors! Hope you can find the avatar you're looking for. :)
That's amazing! Blown away yet again. Wow. So much talent on steemit!
sooooo @techslut I realise I'm too late, but I really liked where it was going and I was already almost finished when I realised you'd posted the winners already that I was like:
"fuck it. I'm finishing this."
So here is the steemit post:
and here is what it looks like:

I admit, I went a tad overboard and it became more of an Illustration than an avatar drawing LOL
but I got really into it! especially the dragon! I don't draw dragons often.. and then I couldn't help myseeelf! It just kinda... happened. XD hahaha
sooo I guess now you have "an original Jill" for your collection XP
And to think I said I'd never do shit for free anymore.. sigh. ah well. what can you do if you fall in love with it while drawing? I wasn't just gonna abandon it.
hope you enjoy ;)
I am in love with it. Had it been here yesterday, you would have gotten that 5 SBD. So no shit for free - the least I can do is give a chubby upvote. And this also totally merits a FOURTH challenge winner. :)
this was fun! :*
OMG yes!!! My ass is huuuugeeeee!!! :D
Do you have the source file?
:D I had to guess it, but I guessed that you have a magnificent ass :D
Of course I do! How can I email it to you?
ibrudo at the gmails.
And I can only WISH my ass was that spectacular. :D
:D :D :D :D
I do not know if I am late or not, but here is my entry.
Not late and damn impressive!!!
Thank you!
You could use this for the Mistress account.
That's a pretty great idea. I might just do that.
Pulled a late night to get this done, it was fun and I got super distracted with it XD
I hope you like it, I realise that you wanted an avatar but couldn't help but add the unicorn.
ok, wow. I love this one.
Enough so you won't give me a stern look when I blow a ton of money on prizes for this challenge? :P
Yes. I believe artists should be paid for their work.
here's my entry! :)