The Questions Contest #36 | What's your favorite word? | Reply and win SBD & Smartcash!
Every day I ask one question to the steemit community
Reply & give your opinion to win prices!
1. Every day there will be a question to be answered. You can check the rules and prices of the contest in this link
2. To participate you just need to upvote the post and leave your reply in the comments section. Resteem will be greatly appreciated :)
3. The contest runs Monday to Friday. Every day a new question will be on discussion which I hope you enjoy replying.
4. That's it! One week after the winners will be announced in each new post, ie Monday i'll announce past Monday winners.
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My favourite word is : GOD
He controls all I do.
God is good
All the time!
truly He is the almighty
Yes he is
There is two things in this world: God and other things. -chijiokecj
Yes, God is the first in everything and anything we do
Master of all
God is LOVE
He is the beginning and the end
God can do All things
He is supreme
My favorite word is( HOPE)
When there is life there is hope .... I really love this type of contest please @thepassenger let the good work countinue
I don't understand wots happening. Its unable to upvote
Thoughtful saying, HOPE!
My favorite word is LOVE the greatest gift of all gifts.
Nice one bro
I just upvoted you
Hope I really the word
Thanks for the voted word i think if the word dose not make sense you wont write voted... Thanks for that
When there is hope there is faith
cool... not accepting the vote
Nice saying . One of My Favorites too. It's a Good Motivational Writing
Thanks for your comment you're great
been trying to upvote and it isnt going thru
"Sequoia" - besides being the name of a gorgeously massive tree, this little word contains all five vowels in only seven letters. Can any other word do that!?!!? I THINK NOT!
My favourite word is POSSIBLE. Once its registered in your head, you don't give up
My favorite word: upvote 😀
This one is easy for me. My favourite word is 'Ikigai'- which is Japanese and translates roughly as 'reason for being' or 'thing which gets you out of bed in the morning'. I love words that cannot be translated directly from one language to another. I have my own slow-fashion label and actually use words like this to name all my products because I love the idea of a feeling or emotion being represented by one untranslatable word.
My favorite word is Information
My favourite word is LIFE because without it I can't be here.
My favorite word is God
My favorite word is CHANGE because it is constant!