Logo Design Contest with NEW SPECS - Winner Gets $33 USD!

in #contest5 years ago

We're extending our logo design contest!

We had a lot of great entries, and we want to combine some elements of our top favorites to make a new super logo!

Calling all graphic artists to come out and play! Winner gets $33 USD!

Here are some of the things we really loved and want to see highlighted in a new design:

The interlocking LTP of this design by @ggcarlosr is our favorite way we saw the letters fit together.


The font is a bit boxy and technical. We are a very out of the box organization, and this is a bit bland.

We would also like to see more use of sacred geometry in the winning design, like we saw in this second entry by @remyrequenart:

However, the LTP is hard to recognize.

Thanks for your entries @ggcarlosr and @remyrequenart - because we chose elements of your design for inspiration, you get $5 USD each as an honorable mention! Please send your PayPal addresses to us via email to claim your prize.

We appreciate the entries so far, and our logo design contest is still on!

We want a logo that captures our vibe - we are revolutionaries, adventurers, and truth seekers blazing a new world!

Calling all graphic designers to submit new logos for our design contests, taking into account the suggestions above and our original details:

Here is what we are looking for in a logo design:

  • We want a BRAND NEW logo that prominently features the LTP of Live Truth Productions.
  • We prefer to see the creative use of just the LTP.
  • The letters could be somehow interlocking, or graphically supportive of each other (look up TSM = Team SoloMid for inspiration)
  • The design could but doesn't necessarily have to incorporate some if not all of the following elements:
  • The letters could (but don't have to be) fractals/repetitions of themselves
  • The seed of life/flower of life design
  • Some other sacred geometry
  • Consider that we want to use this as a static/flat logo for business cards and DVD covers, but we also want it to lend itself to animation. Think about the Paramount logo - the static logo is a mountain ringed by stars, but when it is animated for the opening of a movie, it is a wide shot pan through the clouds over the mountains with stars encircling it. This contest is ONLY for the static logo, but we hope to see a design so awesome that it inspires us for how it can be animated.

Rules of this contest:

  • Upvote and resteem our post.
  • Design a logo for LIVE TRUTH PRODUCTIONS, including the elements we specify.
  • Submit your design as a comment on this post (not this post you are reading - THIS POST HERE!!!).
  • If you choose to make a whole post for your entry (which is a great idea!), we will resteem valid entries.
  • Enter as many designs as you wish.
  • Winner will be selected in 1 week*.
  • We will resteem and promote winning entry.
  • Winning entry will receive 33 USD via PayPal transfer upon our receipt of vector (.ai or .pdf) and raster files (.jpeg or .png) on transparent background in full color and black & white.
  • We may be inspired by the submitted designs, and therefore may change our specifications to get the best logo we can. IF so, we will extend this contest by new rounds week by week. IF we choose any element of your design for redesign suggestions, we will give you an honorable mention and reward of 5 USD.
  • Live Truth Productions becomes owner of the design.

*Winner will be chosen because we love the design and actually want to use it as the logo for LIVE TRUTH PRODUCTIONS. If we don't like any of the designs or can't use it for our project, no one wins. If we love what you've done, we may choose to work with you on future designs and projects.

Contact Live Truth Productions
For more on who we are & what we're about, click here.










