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RE: Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 19

in #contest7 years ago

I've been thinking about the possibility of starting a crypto funded school utilising the democratic educational model (think Sudbury School model).

No real idea where to start but to make an impact on the future we need to support young people. We have to get them out of the 'modern'education system.

We must give them the means to rescue themselves.

What better way is there than block chain technology to build and encourage a truly democratic learning environment?


Could we call it Dschool?

That's an awesome idea @joeyarnoldvn !
Just got back from a walk and I'm still processing things and a bit overwhelmed with all the information I've been going through.. But I noticed you post a number of comments here, being very helpful and trying to assist others.. And I glimpsed through your entry real quick, I haven't read it yet.. But.. So far I get a really interesting and positive impression about you. I take it you're an infowarrior? You seem to be very intelligent.

I'm not really a fan of Alex Jones anymore, but one think I definitely think he got right was the name of his "Infowars".. That's a powerful word! And.. I think this is an information war, so information finding will be a critical part of that war. Looking forward to learning more about you shortly as I read your entry!

I try my best to get news from different people and places. I like @Cernovich for example. I like the Drudge. I like Crowder. I like @Stefan.Molyneux. I like Milo. I like to listen to WND. There is probably a list of 30 or more people or websites or channels that I listen to and watch and follow and everything. Maybe more than that. I try my best to to share whatever I like and whatever I feel can to help other people. I do my best to run around to figure out what is most important for as many people as possible. You can call me an Info Warrior if you want but that does not mean I am a zombie, bot, Russian, or whatever. I try my best to come to my own conclusions and my own thoughts and opinions about as many things as I can concerning everything or anything. I try to be as open minded as possible.

I didn't mean to imply Info Warrior in a negative light, I think Info Warriors are good, I don't like Alex Jones though nor do I fall on the left or right of the political spectrum. I'm closer to Stefan, but. I'm disappointed he is supporting Trump. It's weird to say too, cause Stefan introduced me to Anarchism and he once liked one of my status updates on Facebook and I freaked out like a fangirl, lol.. But.. Yeah.. I don't support any presidents and I doubt I ever will so it was unfortunate to see him and other liberty minded people supporting another in the long line of occult rulers.

@Stefan.Molyneux does NOT support Trump any more than you may or may not support say Trump and/or Alex Jones and/or others. However, Stefan presents numbers, statistics, logic, reason, evidence, talks about what people said, did, and everything. Stefan tries to stay as objective as possible. Going towards anarchism is too theoretical, generally, currently, as we live in a world of technocracy, corporatism, monopolism, plutocracy, and all sorts of things involving corrupt people, corporations, organizations, groups, religions, countries, and everything. It is very big and complex and ongoing. Yes, individualism can be better than collectivism. If we want more anarchism, more autonomy, freedoms, smaller governments, less taxes, more choices for individuals, for small businesses, we have to get there somehow, step by step. We have to expose the bad people in government, and try to vote them out, and vote out bad bills laws, and call, share, make videos, articles, etc.

Again, Stefan does not support Trump and Stefan says that in his videos many times and you can HEAR Stefan say that many many many many many times since 2016 and others say this too and I hear the pattern of what they say and they make contrasts between what trump is doing with other people. Big things are happening in this world and I was in Vietnam for 5 years and I came back to the USA in 2017 because of what is happening in the USA for the first time in maybe a century or longer...... big great global revolutions are happening and we are all part of or can be part of the big great things as we live in the info wars and everything and we all can make a difference one oatmeal at time like you say and it is good you have the information finding contests and everything which does help and I do not blindfully support Trump or Alex or anybody any more than YOU but I really want to emphasize on big great things that I may sometimes agree with when I see them..... in 2017 in the USA, jobs went up, taxes down, regulations down, etc etc...... and that continues in 2018 even more so..... and so many big things are happening......

And we all can want anarchy, but we need to be more practical in getting there.... because if we are not practical and united, then how can we change governments towards anarchy and away from cancer?

Stefan.Molyneux does NOT support Trump any more than you may or may not support say Trump and/or Alex Jones and/or others.

I'm not sure I agree. Stefan himself has a video on YouTube titled.. "Stefan Molyneux Why I Support Donald Trump" and he's also created a whole website dedicated to defending him. And fawns over him often. I've never seen him speak out against Trump like Trump and ALL presidents deserve in regards to the thousands of innocent people who are being killed overseas, BUT.. To be fair.. I admit I haven't listened to him much for a while. So.. Who knows. I generally appreciate his logic, I think he's a great thinker for the most part, but.. I'm skeptical of most big names in the alternative movements, nothing personal to any of them.. The secret society stuff is deep.

big great global revolutions are happening and we are all part of or can be part of the big great things as we live in the info wars and everything and we all can make a difference one oatmeal at time like you say and it is good you have the information finding contests and everything which does help and I do not blindfully support Trump or Alex or anybody

Glad to hear that! And I agree. I think big things are happening, the powers that shouldn't be can only keep some of this stuff secret so long thanks to the internet and how we can share information now. But.. They are powerful and smart, so.. It might be too late already, but.. I still have hope. I think what we do matters and is important. Which is one reason I vibe with you, even if we're on different pages a lil bit.. I get a good vibe from you and I genuinely think you're trying to help people which I admire.

And we all can want anarchy, but we need to be more practical in getting there.... because if we are not practical and united, then how can we change governments towards anarchy and away from cancer?

I say start with stopping our support of the system as much as we reasonably can and speak out about it and help educate others as well as much as we reasonably can. If you think like Stefan seems to hint at in his video where he claims to support Trump, he thinks we need to sort of work within the system to achieve that, and.. I think that's sort of where we part territory.. I think we need to build something new, not necessarily try to fight or change the old.. But just build something new. Make their old ways obsolete. Hopefully anyways. :)

Do you want Americans to have a physical war with the United States government in order to "Build something new" or how do we "Make their old ways obsolete?"

No I don't advocate war, only self defense. I don't pretend to have the solutions.. But i see numerous anarchist communities sprouting up trying their own forms of government, or lack of government shall I say. I think something like that is a step in the right direction.. build our own communities.. And if they are popular enough, other people will join. :) Eventually they'll leave the old one behind and it'll become obsolete. "Hopefully".

Thanks for the interesting comment @unschoolingaspie
By the way I like your name.. I was pretty much unschooled and I think I might have a bit of aspie in me as well.

I like your idea in regards to some kind of school on here, though I think there's a couple others who have already had similar ideas? I forgot their names..I think one is steemitschool? I'm not sure.. But maybe your idea would still be different and unique enough to create it's own thing? I definitely applaud your idea! I also dunno how you would go about it, but if you think of a way and need some help.. Lemme know and I'll see if there's any way I can help. :) It's an important issue!

Thanks so much for the compliment and the feedback.

There are a few Sudbury schools appearing around the UK so maybe I'll reach out to them with my idea.

And yes, me and my children are Aspies and I am unschooling them! What a ride! 😁

I'll look for steemitschool and I've followed you so I'll let you know if the idea grows!


You're welcome! Good idea! And ah. I see. If I ever have a kid or kids I will most likely unschool as well! I think we should basically get to choose what we want to learn when we want to learn it and not be forced to fit into a cookie cutter mold.

Cool! I'll give you a follow as well cause you seem interesting. Good luck with your efforts! And lemme know if maybe I can help in some way.