Win SBDs and More: VDUX Disco Haiku Party

Source: Giphy
Win SBDs and More: VDUX Disco Haiku Party!!!
No dancing necessary to win 2 SBD and author rewards in the VDux Disco Haiku Party! All you need to do is write a haiku. 17 syllables and the truth, as we say here in 'merica.
Read below for more about the contest instructions, how to participate, awards, and how I'll select a winner.
Contest Instructions
Write a haiku about aliens. Extraterrestrials only, not humans from countries other than your own. No political haikus, please. But, you can use previous haikus if you have any!
This must be a one-stanza, traditional 5-7-5 haiku like the ones described here: . Here’s an example:
You can pronounce aliens "AIL-EE-ENS" or "AIL-YENS" (no points off for your dialect) and you may submit multiple haikus. Each one will be considered a separate entry.
(PS thank you @jadams2k18 for Suggesting the Theme. I'll send you .005 SBDs as "Thank You" soon.)
How to Participate
- Reply below with your haiku. Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, July 6, 2018.
- Upvote this post. Deadline: 11:59 pm UTC, July 6, 2018.
That's it! But...
You should also resteem this post to increase the winner's prize and give yourself some free exposure! You can participate without resteeming -- I don't give preference -- but if you do resteem, it only helps you.
Also, post your entry on your own blog! Mention @vdux and I'll give you an upvote and resteem your post.
Winner gets:
- 2 SBD
- Half of this post's author awards
- One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)
One runner-up gets:
- Any SBDs dotated to this contest
- One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse to resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)
How I Will Select the Winner
Within 2 days after the deadline, I will read all entries and choose a winner and runner-up. While I'll take upvotes into consideration, my selection will reflect my personal preference based on the entries you submit.
Thank you to all who participated in my previous haiku contests:
@jenel, @giddyupngo, @chrislyr, @mineopoly, @puppetmaster1111, @calluna, @yidneth, @creatr, @acousticsteveo, @blackant, @rlt47, @viking-ventures, @steemotion, @foxfiction, @lologirl, @creyestxsa94, @yahialababidi, @jadams2k18, @doughtaker, @ladyrai, @impending.doom, @andysantics48, @felixgarciap, @godstimetim, @gamsam, @antorchajohnny, @aniketmore1925, @mameh, @tygertyger, @kaelci, @felicitas, @ayyeenn, @dmilliz, @eprolific, @jvanman, @kimberlylane, @phoenixwren, @liverussian, @herbertholmes, @dizzyjay, @emdesan, @markeverlasting, @shawnsporter, @operahoser, @eaglespirit, @tomset, @millennialnow, @preparedwombat, @apeximomen, @melissakellie, @freedomno1, @moneyinfant, @mermaidvampire, @millennialnow, @mysearchisover, @yahialababidi, @givonwayne, @pinkgeek, @boxcarblue, @ablaze, @hope-k, @rexdickson, @crescendoofpeace, @digitokash, @theunlimited, @theodora87, @mysecondself01, @pocketmouse, @jacksondavies, @ohkaaay, @lazarus-wist, @dbooster, @janesmy081316, @dc420la, @redheadpei, @whitelite, @olymar248, @nenad-ristic, @trudeehunter, @bananamemos, @iswaldsmoak, @josoft, @onefatindian, @pedroelec, @offgridlife, @daisyphotography, @chadrona, @hazem91
@dbooster we need some haiku photos! @mermaidvampire we need some GOODVIBES!!!
Reply below and FEEL THE HAIKU!!!
Extraterrestrial Life
The truth is out there
I will include some dance moves .....
PS Bonus for the Carlton! Did you upvote this constest post?
Complete. Now all I need is more smoke. That alien took my stash man!
Smoke filled the room up
The Aliens and I laughed at
Chimps playing in mud.
Bonding. Nice. Welcome to the haiku contest! Thanks for entering!
Dig it. 😎
Thanks. 8-)
One more from Uranus
Alien phone home
Anal probes of a third kind
Nearly missed my ride
Touchy subject?
Beady eyes, grey skin
Where did this image come from?
A conspiracy
Men in black hide well
Are aliens already here?
VDUX might be one
Good one! If I was an alien, would I ever tell anybody?
Their glares as I laugh:
They come in peace to us from
beyond Uranus
Uranus is a long way to travel!
It's out there somewhere
An extraterrestrial
I want to believe
X-Files forever!!! Such nostalgic haiku!
Believe, then! You never know...
My entry
A young embryo.
I am in need of a host.
You look inviting.
No I don't!