DocumentZ - Season 1 Episode 1 Prompt

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

DocumentZ - Season 1 Episode 1 Prompt

Photo by Henry Desro on Unsplash resize.jpg

13 June 2019, Denver

Tim Simmons got into the Airport Taxi. It was a new yellow vehicle with pleather back seats that were supposed to impress him. The cab driver was a man in his forties, dark hair streaked with grey and a large nose. To Tim it felt almost of the old movies that were set in New York City.

“You Tim Simmons?”

“Yeah that’s me.”

“I’m taking you out Lakewood side right?”

Tim nodded.

“It’s odd that you never gave the ladies in the call centre an exact address.” The cabby had turned his attention to the front of his vehicle. He pulled away and drove his way out of the vast airport arrival area. They had a good half an hour together, there was plenty time for the cabby to wait for an answer.

Tim grimaced. He wondered if the older man was going to talk all the way there. “I am going to walk the rest of the way… to surprise someone.”

The cab driver glanced at Tim in the rear view mirror and nodded. Thankfully he didn’t follow up with another question. The cab’s radio had been on the entire time and the cab driver turned it up a bit without asking Tim whether he wanted it or not.

They drove down Pẽna Boulevard without further conversation. The radio was playing a mixture of popular charts and local music. Denver looked the same as it had a year ago when he had left. It still have a lively population. There were a few buildings that had been replaced by new ones and the outlying suburbs had expanded, yet it was still home.

They were just passing Montbello when the radio music was suddenly interrupted.

“This just in.” The female voice on the radio seemed disturbed and emotional. “What seemed like a sudden riot in Denver Central has turned into a bloodbath.”

“What the hell?” The cab driver exclaimed.

“Citizens around the Colorado Convention Centre were filmed attacking one another in a frenzy. Unrelated persons have been calling in from all over the city as people have gone rabid and assaulted other civilians. The City Police and Army forces have been dispatched immediately after a group of people were witnessed biting and killing an unarmed man near Coors field.”

“We are headed in that direction right now pal.” The cab driver said. “I think we may have to go around and…”
Tim’s attention was drawn away by several sights. They were now alongside Northfield and properties were burning. There were sirens everywhere. A car driving on the opposite side of the road, away from the City Centre was hooting and driving haphazardly. Tim spotted blood… lots of it covering the inside of one of the side windows.

“Oh fuck!”

The car lurched sideways and Tim tried to catch a glance at what was going on as the taxi span on the road, the tires slipping on something soft and smooth.

The car slammed the side of its nose on a larger vehicle and they came to a bone jarring stop. Tim had braced for the impact, tucking his chin to his chest and gripping the seat. The cab driver had not been so lucky. The man’s head had slammed into his half-open window and had shattered it. The glass had sliced open the side of his face and he sat there, unconscious.

Tim recovered from the shock and looked out of the windows. There were screams, sirens, car horns, and sounds of struggle. There was a crash as more cars slammed into one another.

Tim might be able to help the bleeding man or get away, but his few belongings were in his rug sack in the boot of the taxi.

Through the cracked windows of the taxi he could see running figures, people were screaming. A man had gotten hold of a woman and had bitten down into her shoulder.

He needed to get out...

What the hell was going on?


  • Tim must survive!
  • At least one living person must die!
  • At least one zombie must be confronted and killed by Tim!
  • Use a makeshift weapon kill! Because guns don’t fall out of the sky and Tim does not have one on him!
  • Make Tim move from there, even if just couple hundred yards/metres
  • Have fun!

Side note:

It was established that someone (undefined) that is important to Tim is in Lakewood. It would be an aim of the Season to try get to whomever he was looking for.

Tim's approximate location: 39.774959, -104.856199 (Search this in Google Maps!)


Remember to add these tags to your post: #contest #writing #documentz #writersedge #zombies

Follow the Contestants to see their entries:



Head Writer: @zakludick

Cover Photo credit to: Henry Desro on Unsplash


Thank you for the prompt! I've been having a lot of fun with this project, I love the idea! Really looking forward to seeing the story unfold

Yee haw! So ready. Good luck to other contestants, I look forward to reading your entries. Respect to the guys at writers-edge Dan and WulfenZa. Let's go!orca-image-1514857076686.jpg_1514857076945.jpeg

Thanks Fracas, good hunting!

Thanks buddy! Excited to have you write with us!

Hello @writers-edge, thanks for this, meanwhile should we post our link to the contest here? And i discovered that my name on the list above was not spelt correctly...its @aideedavies but u wrote @aideedavis, you skipped the "e". Thank you.

All fixed up! You can post your entries in the discord channel under document Z entries!