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RE: 👩🏼🎨 Some more artwork for a competitor in IFC ☺️
Oh I’m so happy you like it! That’s good to hear, I was a little worried that it’s taking me so long! You can send me the next picture I’ll work on it as soon as I can ;)
Was well worth however long it took! We aren't in a rush, better to take your time in my opinion.
Here's the next image! Will send payment shortly.
Now.. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want anything extra like any items cause I did already ask once and she just sent me this picture, but I asked one more time and I'm still waiting to hear back. So.. I'm not sure if you want to wait until I hear back from her before you start or not.
But anyways.. This picture is essentially what she wants done. I was thinking it'd be cool if you could find a way to put part of the castle in there somehow..
It's a close up picture so maybe a castle wall behind her? Maybe put her in an art studio? She's an artist of numerous kinds. So.. Being in an art studio with like a guitar in the background and a painting of some sort would be super cool!
Here’s next one :)

Oh and I forgot to ask, what’s her name here on steemit? :)
Amazing work as usual! :) I love the castle in the background through the window and the guitar and painting stuff! You did a great job! I'll send payment shortly and her name on here is...
Thanks :) I changed the colors of the castle a little bit, used more violet that fits this color palette with blue and pink, as if the castle is kind of adjusting to the particular person 😄
You're welcome! And.. Perhaps they are stained glass windows of some sort? But either way I like the idea that the castle changes depending upon the person as well! That's a cool idea too. :)