The Daily Convolution 007 - Topic: Blockchain Adepts Don't Go Casino ..Comment & Upvote All Comments!

A Logical Conclusion?
Blockchain people are not idiots
Only idiots go to Casinos
Blockchain people don't go Casino!
Interesting article by some right-wing dude .. "I Spent 5 Years Studying Poor People and Here Are 4 Destructive Money Habits They Had" .. conclusions:
Gambling Habits
Poor spending Habits
Time-wasting Habits
Poor savings Habits

Casino? F*** No!
F*cccck noooo
Day-trade Bitcoin - that's all the gambling fix you need.
Haha very true, even hodlers were on a roller-coaster that looked alot like an addiction curve. LOL
Yes...U can perfect day trade in btc....I think dont want casino....
STEEMing is the only game that I know of that you can expect a sure WIN! Stay home and STEEM, let wifey go with her silly girlfriends. ;-)
She just got back, $ 200 light; guess who has to make up the shortfall. Hate those f'n dirty places. :-) is very neutrium bomb...hahaha....
No sure about the rest of y'all, but I win, but that's because I deserve to. keeekeee .. joking! No, don't be fooled, stay well away from these dens of villany.
Yep, that's my Dad.
I'm dont trust casino...
Fuckkkk casio.....
Blockchain peoples don't trust casino.
Fuck you all casinos!!!
Yes...1000% agree with U...