Sea Corals Talk

in #coral6 years ago


Who does not love the deep blue water of the sea? When the transparent bluish water absorbs the sky in the horizon, it is bound to add to anyone's mind. Beauty is not limited to the surface of the ocean, but the beauty of the world of salt water remains in the depths of the world, which is an important part of the coral and reefs. Most people are aware of the reefs and many species of fish and aquatic animals surrounding it.What are the mysteries in the mysterious world, and what made the vast wall? How did the strange world of seawater rise? It is written with numerous answers to this writing.

What is coral?

Coral or coral is an organism associated with sea anemones and they all have the same general structure, called 'polyps'. Polyp is like a tin canal, which opens not only on one side - the mouth on the open side and the surrounding canister surrounding it.The toxins contain 'nematocyst' toxic cells, which helps to capture coral polyps near small marine creatures close to it. Coral polyps contain genital and digestive tissues. Although the corals are similar to the sea level, it is different from the sea level. Because it produces mineral skeleton of minerals.
imageCoral polyps; Image Source:

A different food source of corals residing in shallow warm water is 'zooxanthellae', a single-cellar called zooxanthellae. These algae create their own food in the process of photosynthesis and part of the food produced from solar power is used by the corals which they consume as food.

They get nutrients from Coral as a reward. On the other hand, with the relation of aloe vera, the corals of shallow creatures grow very rapidly and produce numerous structural objects, which we call the atoll. For most of the coral color, this zoology is responsible for the seaweed.
Polyps structure; Image Source:

Corals Type

Rocky corals

Most of the monolithic atolls are made of this type of coral, each of these coral polyps is placed in a cup made of calcium carbonate. Rocky Corals are the most important atolls, but organpipe corals, precious red corals, and blue corals are rocky structural structures.
The solid corals are divided into two factions.

1. Zooxanthellate

They are reef-building or hermatypic corals. They are dependent on nutrition for Zuccentheli aloe vera. These shallow water coral reefs have a major role in creating. They are usually found in less than 50 meters of clean water, since sunlight is needed to create food through photosynthetic photosynthesis.

2. Azoxenthalate (azooxanthellate)

In the corals at deep water or ahermatypic there is no presence of jawzantheli aloe vera. So they get their nutrients from 'plankton' only in the sea. These corals make a very large, structural structure in a separate or grouped area. Most of these corals are found in the wallless environment of coastal areas. For example, Morton Bay in Queensland

Relatively flexible coral

There are many corals that make their structural structures, such as seafans and sea rods, rubber coils and black corals, with more elastic material or small hard rod parts.

The genotype of coral animals is quite complex. Some of these groups are closely related to each other. All the corals other than the fire coral (such as the name for the powerful toxic hull) in the fire include anthozoans. These corals are divided into two main categories.

1. Hexacorals

The actual rocky coral, black coral and C-anamon are included in this variation. They often have smooth cores of multiples of six numbers.

2. Octocorals

Such corals include soft corals, sea fans, sea pens, organpipe corals and blue corals. They have 8 kernels, each of them having small sections like small branches. These prawns are within the Cnidaria episode, whose member Jellyfish.

Fire Coral

Although the aquatic organisms living in this group of Millepora mass are characterized by coral, they are not actual coral. Rather it is more compatible with Hydro or other Hydrogens. They have nematocytes called thorny cells. As a result, when the fire comes in contact with the coral, the toxic substances enter the body through these. As a result, acute painful pain is felt.
imageFire Coral; Image Source:


There are several reproductive methods of coral or corals. They can be both male and female, and can lead to sexual or sexual reproduction. Genius is important in expanding their colonial shape. On the other hand, sexual promiscuity can lead to genetic diversity and can form a new colony away from the origin of origin.

Asexual reproduction

In the process of sexual intercourse, such type of polyps or colonies are formed, which are similar to each other. Their reproduction consists of budding or fragmentation process.

Budding breeding

In this process, coral polyps reach a certain size and get divided. This creates genetically similar new polyps. Corals do this in their lifelong lifetime.

Refutation process

Sometimes a part of a colony breaks down and creates a new settlement. This process is called the refrain process, which is not an accident, such as a hurricane or an object used for fishing.

Sexual reproduction

In this case, the ovaries are fertilized by sperm (usually coming from different colonies), later on they become free larvae. There are two types of sexual process; Probal; External and internal. Lorvents are determined on appropriate substances depending on the type of species and the type of nutrition, and polyps within a few days to several weeks. Although some corals have done it in just a few hours!
Reproductive process of coral; Image Source:

Most of the rocky corals spread their eggs, and the nourishment process occurs outside of their body. Eggs and sperm emitted from colonies or colonies. These are often combined or coated with adhesive material. These stacks come into the sea surface.

The incidence of spreading eggs and sperm is done once a year. In some places it happens together for all the corals located there. Generally, the incidence of genital-growth and circulation is usually at night. These are very visible events in the eyes. Some corals keep their eggs inside the polyps and release the sperm in the water.When the sperm starts to sink, the euphemist polyps take it for nourishment and internal internal fertilization. These types of corals take part in breeding several times a year, according to Chanda Chakra.