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RE: Introducing Today's Special

in #corona5 years ago (edited)

You know the quite disturbing, albeit common experience of sensing vindication. I have been floating in vindication for a long time now. Maybe it's because of this Groundhog Day like deja vu trip? When, what You figured out would happen, happened - over and over again - enought tines to get the general idea how things turn out to be the way they turn out to be. Once I commented on WSW about an article that lamented over the needs of the workers - completely ignoring the fact that 'jobs' will only decrease as the forth industrialization picks up steam like a 2-10-2 with the boiler glowing.

From very early on, I had strong doubts that hard work and misery would bring the desired results towards the end of one's life. My Mom would get quite upset when I bemoaned the fact that a human being cannot just being left to develop on its own terms. It needs to comply with the basic tenets of society. Hard working people never live close to non-working people.
It gets more complicated. When in the Christian doctrine hard work and trials are a sign of the creator's love for that particular being, it will be a challenging task to re-write that whole doctrine to reflect the fact that manpower is no longer needed - unless the robots can't do the job. Like in Chernobyl, or Fukushima. Then, human folk will step in. Fire fighting is another excellent field of human work that makes sense. But the caveat is definitely that work is seen as something to be done to survive. And the less skilled a person is, the less money it will receive, and the less money it receives, the less time it has to live. It should be the other way around. The least skilled person should get the highest pay. The most skilled worker on the other hand does not work at all. Because when somebody is virtuous at doing something, that person is creating beyond, or above any monetary consideration. One is then 'working' as a cover for the need to create. The need to do something. Work fits that need like a fist into an eye socket. It is justification to waste one's life time with truly deeper-meaning-less activities utilizing/exploiting various aspects of a human being.

Taking away the possibility to 'work hard to make a living' will ultimately not only threaten the physical existence. It will destroy the self-image of the Christian that must work hard to earn its keep. Of course this is not limited to Christianity, but most prominent therein.
Twenty years ago I wrote about the possibilities of 3D printing. Ten years I started writing about the consequences and now it's about its effects.

It should be acceptable to proclaim that all the advances in technology ultimately were the commissions of the owner class among science and technology. What we are experiencing is what the owner class envisions. That it will all work much better with 90% of the population going extinct. Self driving cars, auto piloted air craft and yachts - all modes of transportation can now be automated. Agriculture has been steadily employing less workers. - because of robotics/automatization. If I can build a 3D printer, I can also build a produce-printer. Whereas 'printing' is replaced with 'care taking'. That's what I love to spend all my time on. And good, healthy food is always needed. My revolution is the introduction of '3D-caretakeR-produceR' - a produce producer for all sizes.

Luckily, I never felt bored in my life and always found something to do, to watch, or to listen to. That's why punishing me by sending me to my room never worked. I would run up the stairs...


Ironically, a new episode of my Time Well Wasted series was posted just last week on HIVE. In it, the concept of the average Joe not knowing what to do with their time was explored.

Luckily, I never felt bored in my life and always found something to do, to watch, or to listen to.

Self entertaining has never been a problem for me either.

You do have a series on Hive? I am very excited and curious about that for sure. It will take some time to get acquainted to the differing platform, or is it just the same? Some of the Steemit posts did not automatically appear on the Hive? Thank You again for showing the direction to flow to. :-)

There was a blockchain fork about a month ago when the, then, top 20 witnesses felt threatened by the purchase of Steemit Inc. by Justin Sun (of TRON fame) from @ned. You will find your old keys work on your HIVE account plus you will have the amount in HIVE tokens that you had on STEEM at the time of the fork.

Your HIVE account :

I see. Some sort of secession. What I did notice and what is an important part of my publishing, was the absence of options to upload images. It will be necessary to utilize an image host in order to link to it? In my case, I do have online portfolios that I could link to, however, these are not really up to date. Uploading to them requires me to spend time and I am way to drizzly right now. My own panic is riding me and it didn't need any virus or whatever to happen. Now, that I have watched 'The Planet of the Humans' twice, I like to recommend it to You, too. And if it is only as a great basis for an honest discussion about how we continue from here without further authoritarianism.

You should find the link to upload pics at the bottom of the editing box, titled :

Insert images by dragging & dropping, pasting from the clipboard, or by selecting them.

Will try to find 'The Planet of the Humans' to have a watch. ✌️😎

And I am obviously on the confused side! :-) Becauze I took the little floater at the left side as the only option. Some time I will understand that it is important to publish to both platforms - or only to one of them? The bigger question might as well be the one of 'who is more in tune with our inevitable future'? I am eager to discuss the film with You, or anybody else who cares about their 'future' to explore the viewpoints taken in it. My German friend found it depressing, but I have been depressed for decades now, so it's nothing new to me. As a matter of fact, maybe the depressed will now feel less cut out, less ignored as large numbers can't stand the pressure for long. More and more I discover the impression that this is the Universe at work. Humans just erroneously believe that they are mastering the Universe. When they finally accept to be the Universe after all, it will get much easier to go with the flow and evolve towards a consciously further evolved being.

After writing a huge history of the HIVE/STEEM fork, my laptop's mouse touch pad just deleted it all. It sometimes does that when my palm passes over the touchpad, just right, while open and flat. It generally highlights the text in the editor and then deletes it during the pass of the palm. One tries to see the lesson in such frustrations in life.

Perhaps its tone was too emotional.

Let us just say that the fork was about power and control with both those now behind STEEM, as well as those acting as the driving force behind HIVE. There are no great software differences between the two networks at the moment. Just a lot of code that performed administrative duties of deleting and transfering STEEM/HIVE tokens. It became child like when the HIVE powers that shouldn't be did not airdrop the tokens of a whale account of the Korean Community because they tried to defuse the situation by using their balance of voting power to vote in 10 witnesses of Justin Sun and 10 of the former top 20 witnesses who are affectionately called The V.22.2 Cabal by me. Mr. Sun has since frozen the accounts of The V.22.2 Cabal so that they cannot get their STEEM off the blockchain to exchange it for HIVE.

There is a digital gun fight in DPoS at the moment. Tokens are flying everywhere!

Currently my accounts on both STEEM and HIVE are in the process of powering down. As HIVE tokens become available they are being traded for Manero (XMR). Waiting to see if Mr. Sun comes through with his talk of atomic swaps coming to STEEM before unloading my STEEM.

Found 'Planet of The Humans!

About half way through...

My reaction so far:


That is rather funny as that was also my impression halfway in. :-)

I forgot: for a while now, it is not possible for me to heat up the Café aux Lait, or as they say here Café con Leche, without having it boil over. And it only started a few month ago. I mix the café with the milk and the pot back onto the burner. Then, I will always "just look at that, or do this real quick" only to return to a boiling-over mixture that is smoldering on the hot burner. Quite inconvenient and I have decided to make a sign for the stove that reads: "Never leave the ****ing stove unattended! - Your Sub-Conscience."